The intellectual assessment test

Ye Rushang stood at a corner with Bai Junfeng and Jia Li, she had a soft smile on her face as she stroked the little white tiger.

No one noticed that Ye Rushang was actually in her space, refining pills. This was the example of time waited for no man, or more like Ye Rushang waited for no one.

She had successfully refined a marrow cleansing pill and a spirit martial pill. And had made a total of one hundred and forty pills, which she was arranging the pills, when Bai Junfeng warned her that someone was approaching.

Ye Rushang opened her eyes and saw three group of girls approaching them...

"Is young master planing to enter Yuxun sect.."

A fair skinned miss dressed in purple asked, her face full of smiles she was to be considered the beauty among them, but standing close to Ye Rushang her beauty has been reduced.

"Does little miss plan on entering also..."

Ye Rushang flashed a smile, making all the girls there swoon and sigh. She hadn't even entered the sect yet she was capturing the hearts of flies and bees.

"No no..this miss is going to the black water sect, my elder brother is the one coming to Yuxun sect.."

Ye Rushang smiled slightly, in her previous life this young lady was the first person to attack her before she even entered Yuxun sect, then told her brother to finish the job.

She planned on settling the score with them, as they had placed themselves at her feet's.

"Would young master like to accompany this miss for some purple tea, that is if you're not too busy..."

The purple miss had a bright and seductive pair of eyes making men unable to resist her but sadly to say Ye Rushang was no man and she only smiled slightly.

"I'm afraid my little young miss would be sad if I had tea with you.."

The little young miss Ye Rushang was referring to was Jia Li, who soon felt hateful glares were sent at her.

"I'm sure the young miss won't mind right?.."

Jia Li chuckled softly did they take her for a fool..she was demon after all she could sense all their emotions. And these were not thoughts young girlies like them should posses.

After cultivating for a while Jia Li was at the Yang lord realm, so she was much more powerful that those girls.

"The young master is allergic to tea, so I'm afraid he won't be able to have tea with you, as it would be detrimental to his health, you don't want the young master to be unhealthy right.."

The purple miss immediately shook her head, she was a bit dumb too, she immediately dismiss the idea of having tea with Ye Rushang.

"Since young master is allergic to tea, how about this miss treat young master to lunch whenever she sees young master again..."

Ye Rushang nodded slightly Ye Bai didn't exist anyways.So it wouldn't matter if they saw each other in the nearest future.

The purple miss smiled and ran off with her group to go find her brother. In the busy front gate everyone tried their possible best to form groups and not wonder about aimlessly.


The purple miss name was called Yang Yorui..she was the third miss of the Yang family and her brother was the second master of the Yang family.

"What is is the Rui Rui...something the matter.."

Yang Yorui nodded and pointed at Ye Rushang direction, the second master was stunned he had never seen such a handsome man like him before apart from His highness prince Jin, no one was as handsome as this young man.

"Brother... Rui Rui likes that young master, so brother mustn't hurt him and instead protect the young master okay."

The second master nodded slightly, since Rui Rui likes him he wouldn't touch him. But he too as a man was jealous, why couldn't he be this handsome, then he would get any woman he wanted.

The Second master sent Yang Yourui off, since the gates were about to be opened.



The large gates opened and a large group of people crowded the front of the sect.

A elderly man dressed in the blue walked out of the inner sector.

There were about three hundred people registered for the assessment, and in the end only one hundred or one hundred and fifty people passed each year.

"Good day...everyone the first assessment will begin shortly, feel free to exercise your brains and mind, the intellectual examinations will begin soon, and this year's required score is five hundred and above, ones lower than the above score will be dismissed. So this score will determine if you'll get to stay in Yuxun sect or not..."

Everyone sighed ...five hundred scores and above..this was too hateful..

Ye Rushang smiled calmly this intellectual exam was nothing to her.

Soon everyone gather with in a hall, each person with a invigilator standing by their sides.

When everyone had settled down the elderly man came out again. Speaking loudly.

"The intellectual examination will begin now, if you're caught carrying notes you will be directly evicted from the hall and punished severely, I wish you all good luck.."


Luck was also part of one's skills and luckily for Ye Rushang she had a lot lifetime worth of knowledge.

Since she didn't have a fall out with the Yang family siblings, the butterfly effect had began to happen, such as the question being slightly different from the one in her past life.

They were even two and half hours to finish answering one thousand questions, this was really too hateful.

The hall was dead silent..for one thousand questions, two and half hours wasn't enough.

Ye Rushang shot off like a bullet startling her invigilator, in the span of thirty minutes she had answered three hundred questions and it was even faster than the Ice jade fairy or the inner sect disciple Luo Changming.

But the things was did she really know the questions, or was she just doing a guess work.

There wasn't a question that Ye Rushang didn't know, this was the first time she was happily writing a exam.

Jia Li and Bai Junfeng waited for Ye Rushang outside as non participants were not allow inside the assessment sections.

Dropping the ink brush for a while, Ye Rushang looked around accessing some of the participants, some were either writing seriously or dosing off, some were biting there brushes or scratching their heads.

The hall was filled with an immense pressure and if one wasn't careful they would get sucked into it.

She looked at her questions going over them again, even though she knew they were all correct.

"Can I submit if I'm finished.."

The invigilator looked at Ye Rushang like a fool, even the ice lotus fairy didn't finish the exam in one hour and thirty minutes, yet this young man was already done.

The invigilator didn't know if he should praised the young man intelligence or stupidity.

"If you are done..submit to the uncle at the front.."

The invigilator voice carried a faint spiritual Qi, so the entire hall heard what he said.

It was simply absurd!!

One thousand questions in under one hour and thirty minutes, even the great ice jade fairy wasn't this fast.

Some looked at Ye Rushang with pity, distaste and disgust, they were all waiting for her to fail woefully.

Ye Rushang submitted her questions to the uncle, he also looked at Ye Rushang with pity.

"Young man there's still time, you don't have to hurry and submit.."

The uncle tried giving Ye Rushang the questions but she didn't take them and just smiled, this uncle wasn't this nice to her at all in her past life instead he threw her questions away.

"Uncle are you so sure that I'll fail.."

The uncle looked at the young man not less than fifteen to sixteen years of age, his face had a confident smile, which made the uncle unable to refute.

"It depends.."

The uncle wasn't still convinced and Ye Rushang didnt care, she had already submitted and wasn't going to take the questions back.

"As long as my answers aren't thrown away, switched, tampered with... then I'll definitely score about nine hundred.."

After saying that Ye Rushang left the hall and went back to the place where Jia Li and Bai Junfeng we're standing.

"What took you so long..."

Bai Junfeng asked based on his knowledge it shouldn't take Ye Rushang more than thirty minutes to finish up.

"I got delay a bit.."

Ye Rushang took a chair out of the space ring she bought and sat down on it, there was still an hour and some minutes left before the end of the test.

Why not use it to sleep.

"Wake me up when the exam finishes."