The intellectual assessment test (1)

Soon people started coming out in one's or two's group, before the final bell.

Ye Rushang was in her space refining a voice changing pill.

When Bai Junfeng informed her that the exam had ended.

She opened her eyes slowly as she popped a pill in her mouth casually.

She placed the chair back in her space ring and walked back to where everyone was standing.

Since she was the first to submit her image was engraved in their memory, making them either sneer at her or show a look of displeasure.

"Just because he's handsome, he feels that he's intelligent too.."

A young woman wearing blue sighed as she looked at Ye Rushang in disdain.

Her voice was loud enough for Ye Rushang who was passing by to hear.

Her footsteps slowly stopped as she turned to the voice, she had cold smile as she stared at the young woman, looking at her like she was trash.

The young lady felt goosebumps when she was Ye Rushang stare at her, she thick skinned up her skin and returned the stare.

"You think this lord will fail..."

Ye Rushang casually stopped in front of the young woman, playing with the white tiger in her arms.

"It depends..we will only know when we see the results.."

The young woman said curtly as she turned her face away from Ye Rushang and scampered into the crowd.

After an hour the result were finally being called, everyone prayed silently with their fingers crossed...

"If you hear your name..calmly stand on the right side...."

The result calling been, from five hundred and above, the process was long and tiring,

Ye Rushang yawed slightly as she closed her eyes, she should have a short nap, it would take a while before it would reach the nine hundred and above.

Seeing Ye Rushang nonchalant and casual attitude made them grit their teeth's in anger.

"Shen Dazhang.. 950 scores.."

Shen Dazhang puffed up his chest as he strolled to the right side, he sent Ye Rushang a provocative glare and found out that she was asleep.

He smiled in disdain and walked away.

"Nalan Hexi... 970 scores..."

What she even beat the famed ice lotus fairy, Nalan Hexi smiled as she walked gracefully to the other side...

She enchanting face and soft smiled made everyone sigh and swoon, she would definitely beat the famed ice lotus fairy.

"Ye Bai...1000 scores!!!."

The announcer checked the tablet again, how did that charming young man get a full score.

All eyes fell on Ye Rushang, who opened her eyes slightly when she heard her name.

She walked casually to the other side, as she hid the white tiger in her sleeves and kept him in her space.

Out of three hundred only two hundred passed the exam, Ye Rushang coming out first.

The elderly

man came out again, his face filled with shock.

"The young lad who scored 1000, where is he..."

Ye Rushang raised her brows and looked at the elderly man, before coming out.

" are the young lad who passed the assessment.."

The elderly man was surprised, this young handsome man, who was barely fifteen-to-sixteen years, what would happen if he grew up.

"Good... this is very unexpected, you set a new record for the next generation to break..."

Ye Rushang smiled slightly that if they could break it.

"Everyone head back..the Yuxun sect has prepare a place for all of you, then next assessment would begin ten days from now.."

Inner section was the actual place the outer and inner disciples resided, it was divided into three mountains the outer mountain, inner mountain and the purple step mountain, the purple step mountain was for the absolute geniuses, and that was were the ice lotus fairy and other geniuses resided.

Then we have the outer sections, there was a powerful array that demarcated the inner from the outer sections, which meant the people on the outer sections couldn't go there even if they wanted too.

The outer section was vast and spacious, with over hundred inn house and courtyard, different stalls and markets, there was also an auction house, which would open once every month providing the inner section disciples to chance is bid on what they needed.

Ye Rushang had so much money, that she didn't know what to do with it.

In the inner section, spirit coin was useless, as they only used spirit points there, the spirit point were gotten from fighting spiritual beast, rare herbs and plants, duels and so on.

What Ye Rushang needed was a large amount of spirit points, before she goes into the inner section, and she had the perfect solution to her problems.

Apothecaries weren't common the world and were extremely rare in sects, the highest a sect would have would be ten and that was the elders and disciples combined.

"Li'er you both carry this pills, Junfeng look for a stall for us.."

The pills Ye Rushang made didn't exist on this continent, making it one of a kind.

There were usually empty stalls, so they picked one and started setting up.

She brought out one bottle of Qi recovery pill, Qi gathering pill, essence pill and marrow cleaning pill.

She had seventy bottles of each pill.

Out of curiosity they finally had one customer.

"What kind of pill is this...."

The old man asked as he looked at the jade bottles containing pills.

"Qi recovery pill, Qi gathering pill, essence pill and marrow cleaning pill..."

The old man was surprised this young man actually had a bottle of essence pill, essence pill was lost to this continent as it was the first and last refined by Emperor ranked apothecary Wei Wuxuan.

"How much for two bottles...."

The essence pill wasn't really a expensive pill as it had similarities to the Qi gathering pill, and it was only elementary level.

"Pay in spirit coin or points..two hundred..."

Ye Rushang said slowly as she gestured Jia Li to give the old man two bottles of essence pill.

The old man happily paid the money and ran away afraid his pills would he stolen.

Soon more and more people gathered at the stalls...who was selling those long lost pills..

Qi recovery pill

Qi gathering pill

Essence pill

Marrow cleaning pill

Those pills that everyone dreamed to get had finally resurfaced.

"Ten bottles each of everything.."

A burly man with a serious expression ordered, his face full of impatience.

"Sorry two bottles par pill.."

The burly man was immediately angered..forgetting that there was over hundred people behind.

"She said two it or get out.."

"Yeah we'll be happy if we're able to even get one bottle, ten you want to buy ten.."

"If you buy ten what about us here.."

Everyone was struggling to get to the front, as chances of buying a bottles were higher there.

The burly gritted his teeth and finally paid for the bottles and walked away..

Soon the seventy bottles had finished..only half the crowd was able to buy.

"Sorry everyone..please come tomorrow if you want to buy more pills.."

Everyone left swore to get there before they even opened the stall

"How much did we make.."

Ye Rushang asked Bai Junfeng as she looked at the empty sacks.

"Fifty six thousand spirt coins and fifty six thousand spirit points.."

Ye Rushang smiled happily it was a good profit it.

They rented a courtyard, at the east close to where the assessments were held.

Ye Rushang stood at a corner with Bai Junfeng and Jia Li, she had a soft smile on her face as she stroked the little white tiger.

No one noticed that Ye Rushang was actually in her space, refining pills. This was the example of time waited for no man, or more like Ye Rushang waited for no one.