The spirit root assessment

Ye Rushang walked into the room, after giving Jia Li a set of instructions on what do while she cultivated, the courtyard was rather new and a little bit dusty.

Sitting down on the little chair she looked at the mirror and sighed she was one beautiful man.

And brought out the serum from the drawer, just one drop and the mask should peel right off.

Even her as a lady she had to admit, the previous owner really had her way around, she had a lot of stuff that benefited her.

After placing the serum off her face, the mask fell off her face and Ye Rushang quickly checked her appearance.

She thought wearing the mask all day would affect her face but luckily with the serum her face looked even better.

Ye Rushang quickly entered the space and began refining more batch of pills.This time she made one hundred batch of each pills.

After finding out that she could sell pills for spirit points, she definitely wouldn't pass it up and would make a name for herself in the outer section.

This meant she has over four hundred bottles of pills in her space. Which she kept and began cultivating, the gold Qi realm was divided into three rank, elementary, intermediate and master rank.

Ye Rushang was currently in the elementary rank. But she felt her cultivation had slowed down a lot compared to after her rebirth.

"No need to cultivate...take it a giving your meridian and dantain time to rest."

Qing long stated as he at close to Ye Rushang. She had achieved a lot these things past few weeks, more than some people their entire lives.

"You have broken through three realms in under some weeks..that's more than some people in their entire lifetime."

Ye Rushang nodded slightly maybe she needed a break, she hadn't had a real fight since her rebirth so this would be a good time to start.

Ye Rushang immediately grabbed a dagger and surveyed the room, the powerful aura ...that entered the room just now, Ye Rushang body immediately went on self defense mode.

"Little girl...I'm not a threat..."

Feng Haoran chuckled as the dagger vanished into thin air. He was amazed by her natural intuition, able to detect him the moment he entered. This was self taught, she must have gained a lot of experience being around powerful people.

"His Highness Prince Jin what's brings you to Yuxun sect."

Ye Rushang was very careful with her words, this guy she couldn't even see his cultivation realm.

"Scared....never seen a man this handsome..."

Ye Rushang scoffed he was also a narcissist. Nothing annoyed her more than narcissists, always talking about their beauty and how no one was better than them.

"Yes...I've never seen a man this handsome but I'm not afraid, because there nothing scary about you..."

Feng Haoran chuckled as he pulled her into his arms, his eyes curving into a crescent moon shape.


This was exactly what he liked, he liked a woman who was just as headstrong as him.

"'s good that you're not scared, because this king would not want to marry a scaredy-cat..."

Ye Rushang pushed Feng Haoran, as she went further away from him. Giving them a distance between each other.

"What...don't like this king, not handsome enough for you..."

Feng Haoran chuckled this girl was very captivating, her not wanting him made him want her more.

Two years he give her just two years, more or less, if she kept testing his patience he would marry her off.

For some reason whenever he was around her, his soul felt calm and peaceful like he he had found the missing pieces of his soul.

"Two years...I give you two years, then this king will come back and court you..."

He wouldn’t let her go even if the world try’s to tear them apart.

After saying that Feng Haoran vanished, leaving Ye Rushang standing there annoyed.

Two years! Come back and court her.., he didn't have any other thing to do.

Ten days passed by in a flash, Ye Rushang just kept refining pills and selling them. They had become the most famous stall in all of Yuxun sect.

And the name Ye Bai had spread around the sect, finally reaching the ears of the ice lotus fairy.

”what you mean to tell me, that this Ye Bai got full marks in the intellectual assessment test...”

The female was shocked and soon her entire expression shown jealousy, his scores were higher than hers, he had broken the record which she so desperately tried to keep.

The woman who was in her early twenties screamed, as she looked at the outer disciple in annoyance.

“And he also set up a pill store in the outer section which is booming...”

The outer disciple trembling in fear, he was just doing his job, he too didn’t know this Ye Bai.

The female crushed the teacup in her hands silently, this Ye Bai would bring trouble for her, it was better to directly end him for the betterment of everyone.

”Tell Su Loutin, I said he should send some friends to visit this Ye Bai...and take good care of him..”

The female chuckled, today marked the end of this Ye Bai in Yuxun sect.

The outer disciple nodded and left to go relay the information to Su Luotin.

Ye Rushang and Jia Li we're walking towards the assessment hall, unbeknownst of the danger that was coming their way.

It wasn’t until when they were blocked by six people.

Ye Rushang smiled, they had finally been noticed.

"Are you Ye Bai..."

A tall slim man..asked as he stare at the handsome youth. His face having a roguish expression.

"It's depends on who's asking..."

This people...Ye Rushang just happened to have scores with them and they directly came to her.

This was extremely funny, they brought themselves to the lion's den.

"Since you're Ye bai..then die!!" The tall slim man shouted as he stretched his hands towards Ye Rushang.

"Ice blade!.."

Multiple ice shards appeared on the sky, all facing Ye Rushang, the man was at a lease 5th step yang lord, much more powerful than herself by a large realm.

However Ye Rushang had two hundred years of experience, so those ice blades were nothing to her.

"This is where you die.."


Thirty ice shards rushed towards Ye Rushang with extreme speed. Crashing down on her like rain.



Dust particles filled everywhere, as the men rushed up to where Ye Rushang was standing.

The loud noise caused a commotion as people soon gathered to watch the fight.

”Isn’t that Ye Bai, how did he fall out with the bosses in the sect so soon..”

”Who cares I think this Ye Bai is too full of himself, he just passed the intellectual assessment test with full marks and acts like he a heavenly genius..”

Wasn’t he a genius, no one in Yuxun sect had ever gotten full marks, of course he would attract the eyes of both bees and flies.

"He's not you think your ice blades smashed him to death.."

The man shook his head, he used this skill so they could see the body, yet the spot where the ice blades landed was empty.

"You expect those things to kill me..."

Ye Rushang chuckled her blood red robe flying elegant, no peck of dust or particles could be seen in the blood red robe.

"Let's attack at once...he wouldn't be able to escape from it.."

Ye Rushang she would give them that chance.

"Jia Li why don't you go play with them..."

Jia Li happily stepped forward, she had been itching for a fight since she promoted. She could finally be her real self.

She vanished from the spot and reappeared right in front of the man who released the ice blades at Ye Rushang. A heavy punch landing right to his abdomen.

The man was a fifth step yang lord while Jia Li was a third step yang lord, but Jia Li was a demon and the strength of a demon was greater than that of a human.

He staggered backwards exactly five steps, as he clutched his abdomen, he glared at Jia Li as he resisted the urge to puke blood.


Jia Li landed another heavy punch...right in the same place.


He directly puked blood as he landed on the ground, forming a human shaped hole.

The other men quietly step back as they watched their leader being beaten up like a kite.

"Should we help him..."

"Only if you want to die.."

They rushed towards the leader and vanished right after..

"Seems like you've made an enemy...."

Bai Junfeng chuckled she just got here and she already had an enemy.

"I have lots of enemy in this Yuxun sect.hurry up we're already late for the assessment..."

The dragon array test was right after spirit root assessment, you surviving in the array would determine if you will get into the sect or not.

"I'll be in the dragon array test for about a month, during that period you guys will sell the pills, I left in the courtyard once a week for four week okay."

Both Jia Li and Bai Junfeng nodded as they watched Ye Rushang enter inside the assessment hall.

The assistant hall was an open space with seven elders surrounding it.

A single pedestal and a crystal ball laid in the center of the hall.

The assessment finally began and the lowest was a yellow spirit root, soon it had reached Ye Rushang section.

"Nalan Hexi!.."

Nalan Hexi got up gracefully as she walked into the assessment hall. She didn't even feel nervous, entering Yuxun sect was definite for her.

"Step on the pedestal and place your hands on the crystal ball and channel your energy into it ."

Nalan Hexi nodded and did what she was told.

A faint light shone across the room..


"Blue spirit root!...what a genius, apart from the ice lotus fairy all our blue spirit root disciples have all graduated..."

The inner mountain elder couldn't contain his joy as he clasped his hands excitedly.

"If she does well in the dragon array test, she will be coming to the purple mountain and be with other geniuses.."

Purple elder stroked his beard in delight, another genius to contend with the ice lotus fairy.

Nalan Hexi walked out of the assessment, her mouth had a triumphant smile as she glared at Ye bai.

"Ye Bai...."

Ye Rushang completely ignored Nalan Hexi and entered the assessment hall.

She saw that kind elder from earlier waving at her.

"Ye bai step on the pedestal and channel your spiritual energy into it..."

Ye Rushang nodded and stepped on the pedestal, her eyes held a complicated gaze after passing the dragon array test, this was the first step in turning her life around.

And she must not lose it..

The elders expression changed, why was the crystal ball not glowing.

Was there some kind of mistake somewhere, the crystal ball not glowing made the elders confused.

"Ye bai did you channel your spiritual energy into the it..."

The outer mountain elder asked, they all felt the spiritual energy going into the crystal ball.

"Could it be the legendary black spirit root, from what I heard the black spirit cannot be sensed from a crystal ball...."

The elders whispered to theirselves, this has never happened in the history of Yuxun sect before.

Ye Rushang stepped down from the pedestal in confusion, she clearly felt she had a spirit root, why was still whenever she touched the crystal ball it went cold.


The crystal ball emitted a faint color before exploding...


The elder were dumbfounded, they had never seen a crystal ball explode before, no matter the spiritual energy channeled into it.

"Did you see the faint color.."

The fourth elder asked, he saw something like blueish before the crystal ball exploded.

The elders shook their heads the dust was too much for anyone to see.

”Blue...he has a blue spirit root..”

The purple mountain elder said slowly, another genius, and he was better than the Nalan Hexi, who also had a blue spirit root.

"But This has never happened before right?..."

Ye Rushang asked the elders, who nodded their heads in return.

This did not happen in her past life.

"If you get a good score in the dragon array test, you can directly enter the inner mountain.."

The kind elder smiled, that kind of genius whose spiritual energy could burst crystal balls, was to be snatched while it was still on the market.

Ye Rushang nodded and left the assessment hall, she had a determined smile on her face, just the dragon array test remaining.