The dragon array test

Soon everyone had gathered in the assessment arena, as the kind elder once again came out and listed the rules inside the Dragon Cave.

" Killing each other is not allowed in the dragon cave. If you have any enmity with someone, you can settle it in our life and death ring. Each person can only carry one weapon into the dragon cave, as everything will depend on their strength. Two bottles of spirit replenishing pills will be given to each of you. It's crucial that you use it wisely."

The inner mountain elder walked back, as rows of people came out carrying bottles of spirit replenishing pills.

And another row of people carrying earth lever weapons, as everyone hurriedly began fishing for suitable weapons.

Ye Rushang wasn’t bothered, as she leaned against the wall and watched people fight like cats and dogs for earth grade weapons.

She didn't need the spirit replenishing pill but she took it anyway. And so a regular earth grade sword.

Finally the portals were opened and everyone stepped inside. Some were hesitant, while others hurriedly rushed inside.

Ye Rushang, Nalan Hexi and Shen Dazhuang were the last to enter. Like a vacuum they were sucked inside.


A faint light appeared signaling that everyone had entered before turning off.

As soon as they got into the dragon cave everyone got scattered into different sections of the dragon cave.

It was a forest. The entire dragon cave was a forest. It was so big that no one had ever seen its end.

Ye Rushang tightened her grip on her sword as she walked vigilantly. From her past experience this forest was filled with many surprises.

It is always necessary to be vigilant. Even your own partner could turn against you.

She walked for a long time, but didn’t see no magical beast throughout the long walk not even a rank three rabbit.


A lightning paw swept down, destroying the bushes around. Ye Rushang jumped back feeling goosebumps as she rolled to the other side.

A seventh rank lightning wolf. The strength of a seventh rank was that of a nine-step Yang Lord. This was a large difference from Ye Rushang who was just at the beginning of the gold Qi realm.

However Ye Rushang had experience, so she knew exactly what to do in this situation.

"When a lightning wolf attacks you, you dodge and attack its right hind leg..."

Ye Rushang slashed her sword at its hind leg. Only a thin slice of flesh was torn off.


The lightning wolf was infuriated. How dare this meager human try to cut off its leg?

In an instant, it raised its sharp claws and struck at Ye Rushang with astonishing speed, but Ye Rushang narrowly escaped leaving a few cut marks on her skin.

She increased her speed and slashed its other hind leg. She didn't try to cut it off this time; instead, she cut off the veins and nerves.

Growl!! The wolf whined in pain as it glared at Ye Rushang with malice. Its hind legs had been completely destroyed.

"You can't run away now...."

At this moment Ye Rushang was at the bottom of this list. Killing this lightning wolf would increase her scores immensely.

The lightning wolf knew it wouldn't win this battle, as its hind legs had already been battered, so it turned to run away. But its speed was much slower now making it easier for Ye Rushang to catch up with it.

"This is where you die..."

Ye Rushang plunged the sword right into its throat.


The big wolf landed on the ground, gasping for air. It kept struggling, as it looked at Ye Rushang ferociously.

"You can't kill me now...just give up..."

The lightning wolf finally stopped struggling and closed its eyes, its body turning cold.

Ye Rushang who was at two hundred rose up to one hundred. That lightning wolf was a full one hundred points.

"Not enough..."

Ye Rushang quickly flew into the forest. If she could kill at least three more seventh rank magical beasts, she would remain undefeated at the top.

In the eyes of the elders, a gold Qi expert killing a seventh rank magical beast was absurd.

"This young man is a genius...lucky I got him first.."

The kind elder smiled. Presently, Ye Rushang was the only one to have killed a seventh rank magical beast in the dragon cave.

"Elder Zhang should not celebrate too early. For all we know he may enter the purple mountain."

The purple elder said slowly. In his heart even Nalan Hexi couldn't compare to this handsome young man.

"Hehe..we'll see about that..."

Elder Zhang chuckled as he continued staring at the screen.

Ye Rushang was not only looking for magical beasts, she was also looking for spiritual herbs and plants.

Ye Rushang landed on the ground. She was currently in the deeper parts of the forest, where all the higher rank magical beasts stayed.

"This young man...doesn't he know this is where all the higher rank magical beasts stay?"

The fourth elder sighed as he shook his head in pity. This Ye Bai would die for sure.

"If he can kill a seventh rank magical beast, he's not too stupid to know where he is...".

Elder Zhang replied, his face filled with confidence. He was confident that Ye Rushang would come first in the assessment.

Ye Rushang kept her guard up because this was the area where all the higher rank magical creatures were. She could feel it.

"A seven star grass..."

Ye Rushang saw an entire shrub of seven star grass. This was such good luck. In addition to healing injuries, the seven star grass could improve one's rank if refined.

She backed the elders so they couldn’t see what she was doing, as she sneaked the shrub into her space.

The deeper parts always had the most delicious fruits. Ye Rushang had a big smile on her face, since she had found five spiritual herbs.

However it was like she had used up all her luck as she stumbled into a cave filled with black horn spiders. The lowest spider was ranked seventh.

Ye Rushang gulped. Her instincts told her to run far, far away.

Ye Rushang immediately fled. It was the fastest she had ever been since she entered the dragon cave.

Those black horn spiders were petty magical beasts and began chasing Ye Rushang the moment they picked up her scent.

"I'll have to look for a way out...because I can't die in a forest."

Ye Rushang sighed as she killed three black horn spiders and it infuriated them as they became more ferocious with their attacks.

Ye Rushang quickly condensed five fire balls which she used to clear the way. The black horn spiders were extremely afraid of fire.

Although they gave way to Ye Rushang right away, they didn't stop chasing her and the closer they got, the more they got burned.

She had to shake them off as the more she killed them, the angrier they became.

She popped a Qi recovery pill in her mouth and shot off like lightning. What she needed was some kind of water to wash her scent away.

As Ye Rushang looked back fervently, the black horn spiders appeared to have grown in size and speed.

Her heart tingled with alertness.

Ye Rushang seemed to be the adoptive daughter of the goddess of luck as spiritual water appeared out of nowhere.

"This will clear the scent."

Ye Rushang jumped into the water as a multitude of black horn spiders passed over her head. The lowest rank was eighth rank, and no one in the dragon cave was able to even defeat it.

She jumped out of the water after the black horn spiders had left. It was her good fortune she had to thank.

"This water seems spiritual...can I take it into my space?"

Take will help you..

"Bai come you're here?"

Ye Rushang was puzzled by the fact that she heard Bai Junfeng's voice in her mind.

"You carried the necklace with you, I am part of the necklace of course I can talk to you, but it only for a while as the array is too strong..."

Bai Junfeng's voice was breaking as she lost connection.

Ye Rushang smashed the ground, creating a cover, as she took the spiritual water into her space and ran off.

She just slapped the earth and vanished along with the water. The elders were dumbfounded.

"This young man is too mysterious. Sometimes I feel his knowledge is more than mine."

Third elder sighed..what kind of mysterious background did this young man come from?

Right now Ye Rushang who was previously at the bottom..rose up to the top one with a total of one thousand points.

Too amazing...

Ye Rushang ran out of the deep section, and met Nalan Hexi and Shen Dazhaung battling a sixth rank silver snake. It had a grey top showing that it was the queen.

Ye Rushang had no intention of helping them, as she sat on a rock watching them fight.

Nalan Hexi panted as she dodged the tail flying towards her. The only pills they had left were for each of them. Their strengths had plummeted dramatically and they did not have enough spirit replenishing pills.