The dragon array test(2)

"Thirty-nine sword tribulation.."

This was Shen Dazhaung best move, as the name implied was the Shen family personal killing move created by their ancestors.

Thirty-nine swords shaped in the form of lightening poured down from the sky tremendously.

Ye Rushang frowned as she evaded the sword intent coming her way and flew to higher grounds.

The silver snake was finally vanquished leaving only a crater on the ground.

Shen Dazhaung rank had moved to the second position, while Nalan Hexi was at the third.

Ye Rushang score was still unbeatable, that amount of point, there wasn’t any one presently in Yuxun sect that could beat it.

Ye Rushang landed on the ground after Shen Dazhaung had killed the silver snake.

"Nice firework!...."

Ye Rushang clapped as she walked towards them, she had a small smile on her face, as she eyed the crater on the ground.

" were watching us the whole time and you didn't help.."

Shen Dazhaung wanted to puke blood in annoyance , that last move drained his strength as he had to used his last spirit replenishing pill to refill it.

"If I had helped..I would take the point if I killed it and then you'd blame me for helping. Now you killed it and got the points isn't it a win-win.."

Besides it wasn’t her fight why waste the strength.

Ye Rushang explained as she popped a dragon berry into her mouth.

Dragon berry were fruits grown exclusively in the her space and were rich in spiritual Qi.

"Since were all here why don't we form a team.."

Nalan Hexi suggested, it sounded like a good idea at the moment. And she could leave the work for the men.

"A team huh, alright I don't see why not.."

Ye Rushang nodded and smiled casually, she didn't want to fight anyways so she'll just let them do the work and take the points.

How ironic they were all trying to let each other do the work.

Poor Shen Dazhaung he didn’t know they were planning on leaving the work for him.

"Let's not go deeper into the forest that’s where all the higher rank magical beast reside, and we won't be able to fight them off.."

Shen Dazhaung warned as they walked vigilantly into a cave, it was opposite the forest. it was dark and had a very offensive odor.

Nalan Hexi frowned as the covered her nose in displeasure, even Shen Dazhaung showed slight discomfort.

The cave was moist and damp, occasional drops of water could be heard as they walked deeper into the cave.

Ye Rushang stumbled into this cave also in her past life, and knew very well of the hidden treasures and the hidden danger in it.


Ye Rushang stepped on a green colored rock, she could feel the faint spiritual aura coming from it.

Nalan Hexi mouth formed an "o" in surprise, how could this guy's luck be so good, that he could casually step on a spirit stone.

Ye Rushang picked up the stone with a smile, a green spirit stone would be very essential for her cultivation.

And just like that through out their journey into the cave, Ye Rushang found the total of two green colored spirit stone, four orange spirit stone, two red spirit stone and one blue spirit stone.

Nalan Hexi nearly puke blood, how could his luck be so good, wherever he stepped spirit stones just popped out waiting to be picked. She gazed at the spirit with envy if she could even get one.

It would boost her cultivation level by a margin.

Ye Rushang chuckled and tossed one orange colored spirit stone to Nalan Hexi, how could she not notice the drool coming from Nalan Hexi mouth.

"You're giving me this..."

Nalan Hexi said quietly, she hadn't exact been nice to this young master, could it be that he liked her. Nalan Hexi blushed when she saw Ye Rushang casually smiling face.

"Don't want can give it to me.."

Nalan Hexi quickly nodded her head as she kept the spirit stone in her space bag, she even wished to hid the space ring.

Shen Dazhaung lips twitched violently, these two they didn't even remember him.

"What about me.. Young master Ye..."

Ye Rushang looked at Shen Dazhaung bluntly before tossing a red spirit stone.

Shen Dazhaung felt wronged..women enjoyed a more better privileged than them men.

He still accepted the spirit stone and kept it in his space bag.

Ye Rushang furrowed her brows, her heart on high alert, the had entered the danger zone now.

"Be on guard guard and stay behind me..."

Nalan Hexi wasn't hostile towards Ye Rushang anymore and directly went behind her, even Ye Rushang was momentarily stunned the change of attitude was too fast.


Shen Dazhaung was speechless, where did Nalan Hexi pride and ego go, the word of a handsome man was as powerful as ten divine lord realm experts.

They walked deeper into the cave, the deeper they went the darker it became to the point where Ye Rushang couldn't even see properly.

Ye Rushang paused as she looked Nalan Hexi who was shivering slightly, a faint smile appeared on her face, this expression seemed very familiar to Ye Rushang, was she the little Lolita she saw in that mountain a few years from now.

She very much resembled that little Lolita.


Nalan Hexi immediately shook her head, how could she tell Ye Rushang that she was scared wits.

"Isn't it just a little darkness, I've experienced worst.."

Nalan Hexi said to cover up the fact that she was afraid, seems like her pride and ego had not completely disappeared.

Ye Rushang nodded calmly and continued walking, Nalan Hexi trailing behind, she gripped Ye Rushang robe tightly like she would disappear if she let go.

Ye Rushang paused, Nalan Hexi who was scared directly bumped into her, that warm sandalwood smell drifted into her nostrils, she didn't even feel the pain in her nose. As she was entranced by that heavenly smell.

"Thought you weren't scared..why are you gripping my robe so tight."

Nalan Hexi eyes looked both ways as she racked her brain for an excuse, she could tell this handsome man that she was scared the image she had put up in the beginning would be lost.

"If I let go of elder brother Ye robe..then this little sister wouldn't be able to see and elder brother is the only one who knows the way.."

Shen Dazhaung snorted..would it kill her if she said she was scared.


Ye Rushang raised her brow, this lady was full of excuses.. "why didn't you meet your elder brother Shen then.."

Nalan Hexi went back to her arrogant self and said two words.. "Not handsome.."

Shen Dazhaung stared at Nalan Hexi in annoyance, he knew compared to Ye Bai he wasn't handsome, but did she have to rub it in.

"You wouldn't die if you say you're scared, why abuse the innocent guy..."

Ye Rushang turned around and continue walking getting closer to the cave of the two horned leopards.

The one reason why they couldn't lit any fire or create light, was because the two horned leopards only stayed in dark places any form of light could make them aggressive.

"We're getting closer..nobody say a word.."

Nalan Hexi gulped as she wished they'd come out of this place faster, she didn't want to die in a dark cave.

Ye Rushang tried to make her steps as quiet as possible, if they were able to pass the two horned leopards then it was only a few steps before they reached the treasures.

Ye Rushang stopped as she looked at the cave full of two horned leopards, the lowest was at eighth rank.

It would smash them to smithereens before they'll even take a step.

Nalan Hexi looked over wondering why Ye Rushang had stopped, her eyes nearly rolled back in fear.

There were dozens of two horned leopards, and the lowest was at eighth rank, she herself was just at the gold Qi realm, she would turn to a poodle of blood with only one breath.

Ye Rushang closed her eyes, channeling every motivation in her heart, before walking over the two horned leopards, since she entered the cave then she wouldn't die in it.

Nalan Hexi subconsciously wanted to call Ye Rushang when she remembered Ye Rushang warning.

She took a deep breath and also followed Ye Rushang steps, leaving only Shen Dazhaung. Who followed closely.

One steps...

Two steps...

Three steps...

Four steps...

Five steps...

Nalan Hexi nearly cried tears of joy when she started to see a faint light.

However that faint state of excitement, she accidentally let out a breath.


Ye Rushang furrowed her brows...they were in the middle of dozens of two horned leopards, they would be dead in seconds.

"Run now!!.."

There was no need holding their breaths now, the two horned leopards had already sensed them.