The dragon array test (3)

Ye Rushang immediately sped off, they needed an open space if they wanted to escape.

Ye Rushang smiled faintly the escape path was already close, her eyes curved in oblivious excitement when she heard Nalan Hexi muffled cry.

"Elder brother Ye help me!!.."

Nalan Hexi screamed as she held by the leg by a two horned leopard. Fear had already overtaken her senses as she thrashed about the place. Ye Rushang sighed she really wanted to smack this foolish girl.

"Foolish girl didn't I tell you to runaway.."

Nalan Hexi wanted to cry as she desperately looked Ye Rushang with pleading eyes. It wasn’t really her fault not everyone was as fast her.

Ye Rushang sighed as she flew back to get Nalan Hexi, she landed a powerful attack on the two horned leopard holding Nalan Hexi.


It screamed in pain as he let go of Nalan Hexi, Ye Rushang quickly grabbing her and speeding off .

Behind them were dozens of angry two horned leopards , the surge of power was intense.

Ye rushang swallowed the blood that rushed up to her throat as they run further into the light. She could only have a breather when she knew she was safe.


The two horned leopards finally stopped pursuing them and patrolled round the surrounding area waiting for them to come out, as they couldn't go into the light.

Nalan Hexi panted for air as cold sweat fell from her forehead, she had narrowly escaped death today. And the near death experience had terrified her whole being.

Ye Rushang took a Qi recovery pill and passed it to Nalan Hexi and Shen Dazhaung. She placed one inside her mouth and sat down to cultivate, she couldn't tell what kind of danger lurking in this place.

It looked like they were outside the forest region, there were only clear sky's, streams...trees and flowers in this section.


The difference with the forest region and here was indignant, there weren't any magical beast here, only few spiritual beast running around from time to time.

"Everyone spread out...there must be treasures here..."

Ye Rushang signaled as she got from the ground, she had recovery at least thirty percent of her strength.

Ye Rushang walked slowly, like she was taking a stroll in her garden, she had already found two green spirit stones in her leisure stroll, but stopped at an odd looking tree which looked it was copying her movements, where ever she went the tree swayed to that direction.

"What kind of ancient tree are you.."

The tree seemed to have understood Ye Rushang question as it brought out a fruit.

A dragon fruit!!

This was the legendary spiritual dragon tree. Ye Rushang smiled happily this was the best thing right after Junfeng valley.

"Hey little tree do you want to follow me..."

The tree shook it branches excitedly as faint cracks appeared on the ground.

One root...

Two root...

Three root...

So all it's root were out, the spiritual dragon tree shook slightly before walking out of the ground.

Ye Rushang blinked this had dumbfounded her, since when did trees grow legs and walked.

The tree poked a thin part in Ye Rushang forehead as it quickly formed a contract with the first bead of blood.


A fain light appeared...


Ye Rushang could her a little voice in her mind, like that of a little child.


"I can hear you....."

The tree ran around Ye Rushang, like it had been expecting her, it dumbfounded the elders who were watching them through the


Since when did trees walk not less run.

“The young man’s luck was too good, three generations had walked past that tree but it didn’t show any signs of life till today.”

The purple mountain elder sighed, he too had to praise the young’s man luck, if he had someone like this in the purple mountain, then this whole assessment was worth it.

Ye Rushang quickly the hid the spiritual dragon tree in her space, this kind of thing would be coveted by too many people.

"Hey you! Where's that spiritual dragon tree..."

A group of people rushed up to Ye Rushang, surrounding her. They had seen the tree just now, then it suddenly disappeared.

"How would I know..didn't you see it disappeared, maybe it did not want to be captured..."

Ye Rushang spoke calmly..her red robes flowing in the direction of the wind. She looked ethereal and handsome.

"Liar! Ye bai! You did something to that tree, quickly bring it out right now.."

Ye Rushang smiled slightly she paid no heed to their threats. Besides since when did she listen to the words of fools.

"Under whose authority..."

The group of people gave way for an even familiar person. The second master of the Yang family,Yang Chu.

"Young master Ye a pleasure to finally meet you..."

Ye Rushang smiled slightly, killing was prohibited in the dragon cave, but that doesn't mean she couldn't beat the shit out of him.


Ye Rushang was never a blabbermouth and only spoke when necessary, and this wasn't necessary.

"Ye bai just hand over the spiritual dragon tree, considering the relationship you have with Rui'er I won't finish you off..."

Ye Rushang chuckled flicking her sleeves slightly, she looked at them blankly, like they were nothing but ants in her eyes.

“Finish me off!..”

"Which relationship you're sister merely asked me out for tea, and you call that a relationship. Did Young master Yang forget his brain when fighting magical beast."

Yang Shu glared at Ye Rushang angrily, as he brandished his sword, if they weren’t for him then they were against him.

"Ice crystal sword...attack!!.."

A cold aura burst out as they sword flew to the sky. The elders watching the scene we're all in awe, this Ye Bai seemed to attract a lot of enemies.

"This Ye bai seems to attract all the trouble in the dragon cave..."

The second elder said speechlessly, first seventh rank magical beast, then eighth rank, now this.

"He seems to carry both bad and good luck.."

The fourth elder sighed it was both a blessing and a curse.

Ye Rushang easily dodged the sword attack as she attacked with her fire element,her sword was just an ordinary earth grade sword it wouldn't do much damage to the ice crystal sword.

Yet again how did he manage to get the sword inside the dragon cave or he found such a treasure here.

"You're as slippery as a slug, but you can't escape death. No matter how hard you try..."

Yang Chu raised his hand and ordered the ice crystal sword to attack Ye Rushang again.

Ye Rushang chuckled she had escaped death so many times, that death itself could be growing tired of her.



Shen Dazhaung directly went head on with the ice crystal sword.

He stepped back twice giving a distance between him and the sword.

"How dare you try to kill elder brother Ye!!..."

Nalan Hexi roared as she slashed the back of one of Yang shu's minion.


He screamed in pain as he ran behind Yang Chu, he was just at the beginning Gold realm, and Nalan Hexi was at the peak, there were differences in rank.

"Stay out of this little girl, it is Ye bai I want..."

Nalan Hexi scoffed, Elder brother Ye seemed to make enemies without even trying.

"I was already involved...when you tried to hurt Elder brother Ye.."

Nalan Hexi replied as she used her wind element, an made severely slashes on Yang Chu's body.



It didn't hurt him but his clothes looked like that of a beggar, the handsome young man had already been reduced to a lowly Beggar in under two incense sticks. As blood slowly dipped out from those wounds.

"Ye Bai I challenge you to life and death match...."

Yang Chu spat...he was the second master of the Yang family, how could this little imp disgrace him so much.

"Your death will have no meaning..."

Ye Rushang sighed although she very much wanted to kill him, he was directly throwing his life into her hands.

Yang Chu nearly spat out blood, his hatred for Ye bai intensified, he wanted to kill him by all means now, even going against his sister's wishes.

"Do you dare! or are you just some weakling..."

Ye Rushang dust her sleeves, although there were no dust on them as she looked at Yang Chu, seeing as he was giving her his life, she might as well accept his gesture.

"Alright but it will be under my terms.."

Yang Chu smiled mockingly he couldn't wait to kill this annoying brat.

"We'll have the life and death match...six months from now, and during this period you're not allowed to kill or chase after me or any of my person. And also you mustn't send anyone to kill me knowingly or unknowingly..."

Saying this Ye Rushang eyes landed on the minions backing Yang Chu.

Too cold!!

They shivered subconsciously, they wouldn't even dare to kill her personally.

Yang Shu nodded just six months right then he'll be able to kill the nuisance.

"Then it's settled....sign here.."

Ye Rushang brought the contract,this space seemed to have everything.

Yang Chu signed the contract, Ye Rushang also did and Chen Dazhaung and one of Yang Chu's minion signed also as witnesses.

"Boss should we still take the tree..".

Yang Chu shook his head, he had already signed the contract he couldn't renege it.

"Why don't we just finish them off here,no one would notice right.."

Ye Rushang smiled when she heard what they said, they just signed the contract yet they were still thinking of killing her.

"Sometimes it's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid.Than open it and remove all the doubt, it will save you're life one day."

The minion choked as he kept quiet, this young master's mouth was too vile.

"Elder brother Ye let's leave this losers, they are not worth our time.."

Nalan Hexi hooked her hands around Ye Rushang's as she pulled her away. Yang Chu clenched his fists, the desire to kill Ye Rushang became even stronger.

They stayed there for a day before the array reopened, originally it was two hundred people now they were one hundred and twenty people left.

Ye Rushang ranked one with the total of one thousand points.

Shen Dazhaung ranked second with the total of eight hundred points.

Nalan Hexi ranked third with the total of seven hundred.

Author’s note: Hello everyone, just wan to say a bi thank you to everyone who gave this book a chance e’g DaoistFsh6sm and others who gave this book a chance, the chapters 1-13 are all being edited by the editor Emarleetah. They were my first draft so they carry a lot of complications. Anyways please don’t forget to send powerstones, drop comments and gifts. Thank you, you can reach me on discord if you wanna chat North_Star#9188.