The inner pavilion...the legendary bronze lightening sword.

Jia Li kicked them out the courtyard one by one leaving only Yi Shengli and Tan Tianjin as his cultivation was higher than hers.

"You'll get your retribution for this Ye Bai...this I promise you.."

Seeing this Tan Tianjin scoffed as he walked out of the courtyard, this Ye bai should protect himself well because if he was still alive after that Life and death match, then he Tan Tianjin would have his head.

Ye Rushang glanced at Yi Shengli, her face held a tinge of annoyance as she frowned slightly.

Yi Shengli harrumphed as he dust his sleeves preparing to leave, hatred oozing from his eyes. He vowed in his heart to make life unbearable for Ye Bai in this inner mountain.

"Where are you going, master says you cannot leave until you've made the doors you damaged..."

Yi Shengli expression twisted horribly as he angrily brought out another token and toss it to Jia Li, before storming off the courtyard. This Ye Bai he extorted money for than those auctioneers.

Seems like Ye Rushang ability to attract enemies was really strong, she has barely been there for a day and she had already made two enemies who hated her to the core.

"Woman..I praise your enemy making skills, i definitely haven't seen this in all my years..."

Little white sniggered as he leaped on Ye Rushang shoulder, if this was strength then she would have been the most powerful woman in the continent.

"Little white are you mocking me, I've never tasted tiger stew before..."

Little white stopped sniggering and eyed Ye rushang cautiously. This woman wouldn't dare, he was the prince of the white tiger clan, she wouldn't dare.

"You wouldn't dare..."

Ye Rushang chuckled, we'll see about that, she got up sluggishly. Throwing little white off her shoulders.

Earning a disgruntled moan from him, this woman who was she nice to in this world. Probably to the only man who could tame her.

"This is the reason why you're alone....."

Little white muttered as he dust the dust particles of his body, fck he was the great prince of the tiger clan, yet this woman throws him as she pleased and even wanted to make soup out of him.


Little white didn't know his words had hurt Ye rushang a little, was it her fault. She spent so much time running that she couldn't stop for love, would love had save her back then. Ye Rushang was also a woman she wasn't made of stone, she had her own pains and sadness.

She walked out of the courtyard deep in thoughts, two hundred years she spent this much time running for her life, could she really have stopped for love, two hundred years of pain and suffering, of loneliness and sadness. Was it really her fault, did life give her what she wanted.

Her naive thoughts back then was just to have a peaceful life and a loving husband, a family she could call her own.

"I told myself that I didn't need anyone, but the truth was no one needed me. I loved myself because life taught me how to love what I've lost..."

She'd lost everything, her home, her family, her place in society reduced to a common stray cat, always hiding till she was caught and then seeking out another hiding spot.

Ye Rushang continued walking down the mountain, not knowing the lukewarm eyes watching from afar, those eyes not leaving till she walked down the mountain.

"My princess I won't let you go, even if the whole world tries to stop us, they'd have to get through me first...."

Feng Haoran vanished, the inner mountain looked like it heaved a sigh when Feng Haoran left, would you blame it.

The ground level was bustling with people here and there, some disciples who came to collect reward points, few stalls and restaurants.

It was a bright and sunny day, the sun shone brilliantly in the clear blue sky. Ye Rushang skin glowed under that beautiful sunlight.

Everyone had heard of Ye Rushang, but not everyone has seen her, so they could only wonder who this handsome young man was,as he walked while stealing hearts.

The inner pavilion was the busiest place in the mountain as people either came here to take missions or collect rewards, as well as buy some few equipments.

Ye Rushang entered the pavilion, it was lively, with people chatting here and there, the pavilion was lavish and there was a kind of spiritual aura here.

Ye Rushang just walked to the gold section, the inner pavilion was divided into six sections, red, yellow, green, blue, gold and black. Each section has pill formula, pills, weapons, Manuals, from the lowest to highest level,the black section was the highest and the prices of items there were heart wrenching.

Ye Rushang wanted to buy a sword, hers was just a ordinary earth level sword so it didn't have much effect on the higher grade ones.

She didn't dare go into the black section and instead entered the gold section.

The prizes on the gold section were crazy expensive, no one dare to enter them, one could buy a sword there for ten million spirits points, so much!

Ye Rushang eyes landed on a plain black sword resting in the corner, her eyes glowed greedily how could she not know that sword, it was the legendary bronze lightning sword that was once used by the bronze master, it was a divine weapon.

Ye Rushang had to thank her luck, as she grabbed the ordinary looking sword quickly, looking at the price tag, it was just two million spirt points, it was this cheap!

Ye Rushang walked happily back to the attendee in the front, everyone gazing at her weirdly, who didn't see Ye Rushang walk into the gold section, the gold! Section and come back down even holding a weapon.

They looked at the plain black sword in her arms, their expression changed from curiosity to riducle.

Was this the cheapest thing,this young man could find.

Ye Rushang ignored them, and placed the sword in front of the attendee, it was a old elder with a smiling expression.

But the entire room's attention was on her, all waiting for her to fail as they watched her intently.

"You want to buy this sword..."

The attendee asked again, he very much knew that this was the legendary bronze lightning sword but the question was did this lad know it too or was it because of its prize.

"Yes...I saw the prize tag, two million spirit points..."

The crowd gasped compared to other weapons in the pavilion it was definitely cheap, but to those outer mountain disciples it was worth their lives

Over the years this ordinary sword had been lying in the shelves of the gold section, but no one picked it it so the prize just kept reducing from thirty million to finally the two million it is today.

The old man nodded and brought out a token, placing it on top of the sword.

Ye Rushang knew what to do and directly transferred two million spirt points into the token. Her heart also bled for a money grubber like Ye Rushang.

"Why don't you try the sword..."

Ye Rushang nodded and picked up the sword, she bit her finger and formed a contract from the first drop of blood.


The seemingly ordinary sword started to vibrate, faint lights emanating from it.


The initial dusty and ordinary black sword was now glowing it a bright black luster, one could tell it was now worth the prize it was bought.

Author’s note: hello dear readers, if we are able to make it to fifty power stones, well dig a little bit into Ye Rushang and Feng Haoran past, as I’ll be releasing two chapters for it. Don’t forget to leave a comment, powerstone and gifts.