Feng Haoran V Nan Xian

Everyone eyes brightened in jealousy and envy,how could this ordinary looking sword be so powerful, although bronze lightning sword belonged to the bronze master there weren't too many records of it.

So they didn't know the sword Ye Rushang held in her hands was The bronze lightning sword used by the bronze master.

Ye Rushang happily walked out as she admired the sword, she had definitely scored big time today. She wondered about the kind of materials used to create the sword.

Ye Rushang attention was on the sword so she did not notice the devilish young man in her front.


Ye Rushang bumped into a strong chest, her eyes turning red as she rubbed her sore nose, she was slightly shocked when she saw the face of the body she bumped into.

Apart from that Feng Haoran, she had never seen a man this handsome, pointed nose, sharp jawline, black eyes that reminded her of the midnight soil.

"You must be Ye Bai...."

Feng Haoran smiled slightly, this woman was full of surprises dressing up as a man to fool everyone.

Stroking the black ring, he thought of one thing, he was never letting this woman go.

Ye Rushang took a step back, giving some distance between them, she had already placed the bronze lightning sword in her space when she bumped into Feng Haoran.

She was wary of everyone, this was one of the reason why she didn't have any friends, she had become cautious of everything.

"And you are....."

Ye Rushang did not know that Feng Haoran purposely entered Yuxun sect just to get closer to her,he even went as far as to change his identity, for a proud person like Feng Haoran to go through all this trouble he definitely would want to reap its benefits.

And that benefits was having Ye Rushang as his own...

"You can call me...Nan Xian.."

Nan Xian, Ye Rushang brows furrowed, she had never heard of a Nan Xian in Yuxun sect before.

Ye Rushang felt extremely cautious around this Nan Xian, because of the fact that she didn't know who he was and she couldn't sense any spiritual aura from him.

"I very much want to be your friend...."

Feng Haoran flashed a smile, a smile that Ye Rushang felt was familiar, like that of Feng Haoran.


Ye Rushang shook her head, Feng Haoran The prince of southern Jing country, would come to a lowly sect like Yuxun sect!. It was definitely impossible.

Who knew The Feng Haoran was standing beside her, chuckling in his heart.

Ye Rushang stroked her chin, friends, she didn't have one of those, should she accept his friendship, Ye Rushang was extremely wary of Nan Xian, she didn’t know his motive for coming to meet her and she also didn’t know why she couldn’t sense his spiritual aura.

Ye Rushang nodded, deciding to the risk and watch him slowly.

"Great...let go for lunch...."

Nan Xian smiled as he began walking, he could mask his appearance but not his personality, he was already at his limit, coming to this third-class sect.

Ye Rushang frowned as she started walking, why did she always met the overbearing ones.

"So I've never heard any Ye Bai from the Ye family before....."

Ye Rushang froze slightly, eying him cautiously, was this why he wanted to be her friend, to find out more about her.

"You would naturally not hear of a concubine's son...."

Ye Rushang answered quietly and slowly, like it was a forbidden topic for her. Even though they were all lies she formulated from her head.

"Oh..that's how it is...."

Feng Haoran remembered the madam of the Ye family mysteriously disappeared in one night, no one knew where she went not even her own husband.

Seemed like both of them had mother issues, just like Ye Rushang's mother, Feng Haoran's mother also disappeared but she was founded later, a lying lifeless body by the southern king's palace lake, holding a note tightly in her hand.

Feng Haoran was the first to discover her, so only he knew the shocking secret hidden inside the note.

His father was not his father, and his mother was his father's woman before she was kidnapped by his presumed father.

Feng Haoran mother was a very beautiful woman, this was why the emperor decided to kidnap her and take her as his concubine.

But the difference between Ye Rushang's mother and Feng Haoran's mother was that, Ye Rushang mother was strong enough to protect herself, while Feng Haoran's mother fell on the shorter end of the stick.

Feng Haoran was already eighty percent sure, that the emperor was not his father, the note just confirmed it, if he wasn't his father then who was his father.

Feng Haoran didn't actually care, if his father loved his mother why didn't he ever come look for her, come look for him?

The two kept walking side by side, leaving people in shock, two handsome young men walking side by side. One tall ,one short, each had a charm of their own, stealing the heart of every single lady present there, those who weren't there, were being told over transmission stones.

Feng Haoran stopped at a restaurant, Ruhua restaurant, the most expensive restaurant in the inner mountain.

Ye Rushang lips twitched slightly, he just had to pick the most expensive restaurant in the mountain, he was one of those picky eater too.


Ye Rushang nodded and walked in, at least the place wasn't that busy. The interior of the restaurant was dragon themed completely different from its name, they only sold seafood and other meat related dishes.

There were at least ten to fifteen people in the restaurant, some who Ye Rushang was familiar with and some who she didn't know at all in both lives.

"You daydream a lot, you'll grow old if you think a lot..."

Feng Haoran deadpanned, as he flicked the non existent dust in his robe, he was a clean freak too.

There was no difference between him and those spoilt and rich princes, except her was more handsome and was a disciple in a sect.

Ye Rushang just ignored him and sat down, he was annoying but at least he was not the bad type of annoying. She could work with that, Ye Rushang consoled herself as she looked at the menu.




Meat buns

Roasted fish.....

Ye Rushang smiled slightly, didn't he say he was paying, why couldn't she order every single thing on the menu.

"Don't even think about, the fact that I'm paying doesn't mean, you'll order the entire menu."

Ye Rushang gritted her teeth, she hated the fact that he had open access to her thoughts and worse he could respond to them.

"What a lousy way for revenge...."

Feng Haoran chuckled, this little girl was trying to empty his pocket, didn't she know that he could see the slyness that flashed through her eyes, a minute ago.

"Shut your mouth for me....."

Ye Rushang sighed as she slumped on the chair, she definitely wasn't in the mode for meat now.

The waiter greeted them before asking them what they wanted.

"Everything on the menu...."

The waiter who was star struck by their beauty jerked by to life and looked at Feng Haoran dumbly, did he hear this young master right.

Everything on the menu.

"Did you hear what I said, because I'm not one to repeat myself...."

Ye Rushang rolled her eyes, did he want to tell her that he didn't know he was fooling himself.


Ye Rushang threw her face away and absentmindedly said..."what did you say previously..."

"I want everything on the menu...."

Feng Haoran said it so fast that he could only bit his lips in regret, wasn't he slapping his own self now.

The waiter was amazed as he looked at Ye Rushang curiously, could it be that they were a couple.

"Ah yes sir...the chef will get straight to your order right now.."

After the waiter had left, Ye Rushang groaned in anger, if she didn't notice the weird looks the waiter was giving them before he left, then she was nuts!

"I can make him forget...."


Ye Rushang looked at Feng Haoran confusedly, with that attitude he just had to ask the waiter to forget and the waiter would happily do it.

"I'd be nuts! If I didn't notice the weird looks that waiter sent at us..."