Don’t want to be eaten

Ye Rushang chuckled slightly, this Nan Xian wasn't so bad, she could see better days in their friendship.

"Elder brother Ye..."

Nalan Hexi ran towards Ye Rushang and hugged her arm, displaying a image very much unlike the one she portrayed in the purple mountain.

The girls who followed Nalan Hexi were dumbstruck when they saw the two handsome men, Nalan Hexi ran to meet.

"'re here..."

Feng Haoran's face darkened slightly, he couldn't tolerate anyone touching Ye Rushang apart from him, not even a woman.

"I just got here and saw elder brother Ye....."

She then finally noticed Feng Haoran, wasn't he the number rank disciple Nan Xian. He was friends with her elder brother Ye too, it was way too cool.

"Nalan Hexi greets elder brother Nan....."

Feng Haoran nodded absentmindedly, he was jealous. Jealous of the fact that he couldn't even touch Ye Rushang, yet this little girl was touching her as she liked.

The girls who came with Nalan Hexi were all struggling for Feng Haoran and Ye Rushang attention, who could blamed them, seeing two beautiful people in one place was a sight to behold.

"Elder brother Ye these are my friends...Mei Guo, Zi Yunxi and Mo Xiaoyi.."

Th three girls all bowed flashing their most seductive smiles at both Ye Rushang and Feng Haoran.

Feng Haoran didn't even nod as he eyes were getting colder with each passing minute.

The sudden urge to kill bubbled up in his heart, the urge to kill anything and anyone who got look to his woman.

Ye Rushang shivered slightly, the air in the room seemed to have dropped instantly, she looked at Feng Haoran, his face calm and cold. Was he the cause of this sudden change in temperature.

But how was that possible, this number one disciple, didn't even one ounce of spiritual Qi in him, how could he affect the environment so much.


Nalan Hexi coughed awkwardly, why did she feel that they eyes Feng Haoran used to look at her, were not right.

"I'll leave elder brother Ye to have his meal..."

Saying this Nalan Hexi scampered away, her friends following closely behind her, something was not right about that Nan Xian.

After Nalan Hexi and her friends had gone, the murderous air around Feng Haoran, didn't disappear instead, it grew bigger.

What Ye Rushang didn't know was that Feng Haoran was the demon king's reincarnation, and this was among the soul merging process.

"Are you alright..."

Ye Rushang touched his cold, she looked at Feng see his cold and lifeless eyes staring right back at her.

Her instinct told her to turn around and run, however the hand grip on hers tightened.

Feng Haoran clenched his teeth five times before letting of Ye Rushang.

He recovered quickly and flashed a smile at Ye Rushang, like he wasn't the one behaving weirdly just now.

Ye Rushang gazed at him warily, those eyes...she shivered slightly.

The waiter came out later, with other waiters carrying rows of food.

Right now..both Ye Rushang and Feng Haoran weren't in the mood for food...

Feng Haoran just tossed two pouches of coins to the waiter.

And strolled out with Ye Rushang, leaving the waiters dumbfounded, just like that! The waiters praised Feng Haoran for his wealth.

At least it was free food for them, they happily carried the food back inside and share it among themselves.

"What happened back there...."

Ye Rushang gave Feng Haoran some distance, she was still very warily of him.

A coldness flash past Feng Haoran's eyes, if it wasn't that stupid demon's soul trying to merge with his, he wouldn't have to explain himself right now.

"I remembered something and got carried away...."

Feng Haoran lied..this was a secret he couldn't tell her now, until everything was under his control, that would be the right time to tell her.

Ye Rushang only nodded and did not say anything, even when Feng Haoran said his goodbyes, she only nodded.

Feng Haoran appeared at his courtyard deep in thought, he had long found out that he was the demon king reincarnation, however the soul merging phase was taking too long to merge.

"Master...the blooming moon flower helps to merge souls faster.."

Feng Haoran looked at the sky devouring beast, making it shiver slightly. It's master was too scary when he saw angry.

"Blooming moon flower Huh! I remember seeing one in the Woyin pavilion.."

Feng Haoran chuckled slightly, entering the Wuyin pavilion as very easy for him at least, the southern jing palace was a small place in Feng Haoran's eyes.

"Let's go..the sooner the better.."

The sky devouring beast nodded and disappeared along with Feng Haoran.

Ye Rushang went back to her courtyard and began to cultivate.

She had been in the gold core early stage was a while now and was gradually progressing to the second stage.

"Master cultivate with me, I'm very useful..."

Ye Rushang opened her eyes and looked at the dragon tree, it was swaying its branches at it her..

She walked closer to it..there she finally remembered the water she stole from the dragon cave.

Coupled with the spirt water and the dragon tree...Ye Rushang cultivation was bound to increase.

She ate the dragon fruit and sat in between the spirit water and the dragon tree.

Both excluding rich spiritual Qi...she could feel the gain excitement in her she absorb the spiritual Qi.

While Ye Rushang was cultivating...Feng Haoran was busy invading the Wuyin pavilion.

Getting inside was very easy..but finding the blooming moon flower was the hard part.

Inside the pavilion had an array, so it could take you, anywhere..while what you're looking for could be somewhere else.

Feng Haoran collected other treasures apart from the blooming moon flower, treasures that he wanted to give to Ye Rushang.

Right now he could holding a six step whip, spirit orb, and a jade rabbit.

"You stinking human, let me go this minute..."

The jade rabbit felt wronged it would came here to eat yet this stinking human caught him before it could even take a bite.

"Shut might as well save your breath, you'll be eaten soon.."

What this human actually had the designs to eat it, it’s skin was so soft if it was boiled in hot water what would befall it.

"impossible! i refuse to be eaten...”

The rabbit struggled desperately hanging on to life.

Feng Haoren frowned this rabbit was a nuisance.

“Shut up this is not your choice to make..”