Akage swiped through the pictures until it stopped on Shiro wearing her dress for their date, a picture he had no knowledge of. Pictures of Shiro, sleeping, waking up, eating, dancing, and reading in different corners of the house, different positions. She smiled.
“Did something happen?” Shiro asked and flipped the manga page.
“Nothing. Why do you ask?”
“You’re smiling.”
Akage touched her mouth and grinned. She got off the couch and sat on the floor, covering the page he was reading with her long fingers.
“Let’s play a game.” Akage smiled slyly.
Uninterested and cautious with the familiarity of that gaze, he was defensive. “I don’t know how to play any game.”
“Don’t worry, it’s a very simple game.”
What have I gotten myself into? Shiro thought with a nervous chuckle.
Shiro stared at the container on the table, the pieces of paper strips and the coloured pens on the table. He picked up the pen.