Darkened Goudere Saber Part 1

3rd Pov

Kiritsugu lit up a Cigarette, exhaling the smoke he spoke," Maya we need to find the Master of this servant and kill him, winning against him in a servant fight is pretty much impossible, also, what about the master of Lancer?".

Maya nodded and replied," He seems to have got into an argument with his fiancee earlier, and as a result, his fiancee has left them, should I kidnap her?".

Kiritsugu with an emotionless face nodded and said," Go and kidnap her also torture her or wound her a bit so getting the things done will be much easier".

Maya nodded, took the equipment, and then after riding on a bike went away, Kiritsugue then sighed and thought,' Then finding that Servant's Master fells upon me 'he wasn't even sure about the class of the servant that defeated the archer or Gilgamesh. His strength indicated he was a Berserker but his calm demeanor and usage of a Territory Creation indicated that he was a Caster.

But then again, it could be that he was working together with Caster which seemed more correct to Kiritsugu, he then walked outside the room, walked towards the garage near their house, went in it, and saw Irisviel lying on the floor on a Magic Circle. His eyes softened and he asked," How are you feeling now?".

Irisviel looked at him and smiled," Kiritsugu I am feeling fine now, just half an hour more and I will be back to my top shape!", she said cheerfully, Saber who was sitting beside her looked at him and asked," Master although it is wrong for me to ask can I know what has happened to Irisviel?".

Both of them froze and sighed Kiritisugu spoke," It's none of your business, just do what are you told", saying that he grumpily left.

Saber sighed and Irisviel said," Don't mind him, Saber, he is not in a good mood today and what you just asked is sort of a sore spot for him but I am reaching the end of my lifespan".

"Oh", is what all said Saber and hung her head down, feeling ashamed for even asking that, and said," I am sorry Master", yes she should have known it better, her master is a Homunculus and their lifespans tend to be extremely short, alas she just knew briefly about Homunculus, after all during her time she was very busy ruling and fending off the enemies to know anything else.

Unknown to her that Irisviel still has 2 more years to live, and she will die shortly due to her being the container of the Holy grail. Irisiviel smiled and said," Don't worry Saber it's not your mistake also, I am kinda in the mood to drink tea soo will you accompany me?".

Saber smiled hearing her and nodded," I will love to accompany you Irisviel".

Hearing Saber calling her by her name Irisviel cheerfully said," Yes! Finally you called me by my name Saber!". Her cheerfulness made gloomy Saber nervous but seeing her smile she decided to accompany her till her last breath.


Neo Pov

I looked at the Screen, it being another one of the magics that Medea can do, she created golems and spread them throughout the city and made them spy on the Holy Grail Masters, now she can see and show others what Golems are seeing, I am so lucky to have a capable Caster!

I looked at her, Medea, who was floating in the air beside me and looking at the screen seriously, she then found me looking at her and blushed," Master is there anything you want to say to me?". I nodded and said," Caster I am lucky to have you as my Servant!", she blushed hearing that I am pretty sure her elves like ears are red by now.

She replied," I- I am also lucky to have you as my Master", oh how cute! Despite currently wearing the cloak she is showing her secret persona in front of me! Apparently whenever she is wearing the cloak and her face is hidden her personality changes into a villainous and creepy woman persona but once she takes it out she changes into a cute and shy girl persona.

This type was mostly shown in Fate Carnival and seeing her real personality despite her wearing her robes means she trusts me and has a deep affection for me. Elsa beside me hearing us gave a creepy and scary look to Medea, who gave her another creepy and scary look. I sighed and said," Stop doing that", they flinched and returned to normal acting like they never did it and I continued," I like both of you and don't want you quarreling and fighting with each other got it? So be good girls".

Both of them nodded seriously, and I patted them making them squeal in bliss, sigh, after that, I focused on the screen and saw, Kiritsugu killing Diarmuid's master Kayneth and her fiancee, like the original the only difference is that Saber and Irisviel weren't present there, it still surprised me that he managed to get rid of them while Lancer isn't fighting but I soon understood the situation.

Kayneth used his command seal to forcefully make Lancer fight Saber and send him to finish her off since she is currently at her weakest, unknown to him Maya kidnapped his fiancee and Kiritsugu forced him to kill Diarmuid but not before he fought with him and managed to shot him with his special bullets thus leaving Diarmuid no choice but to accept his demand.

Just like the original Maya shot them both to death, I am sure Saber, who was far away from Irisviel fighting Lancer, experienced similar emotions to the original. I told Medea to show me Lancer's and Saber's fight and my guess was correct, she was angry seeing Diarmuid stab himself and knew it was connected with Kiritisugu.

I smiled seeing that, I guess it's time to get an Alter Artoria. Fufu, my dream of getting her waifu is nearing. I started laughing ignoring that Medea and Elsa beside me looked at me weirdly.


3rd Pov

Kiritsugu came out of the car and got confronted by an angry Saber," Tell me Kiritsugu was that you?! Lancer stabbed himself in the middle of our fight and shouted it was you!", her eyes were red with anger.

Maya became vigilant seeing that but Kiritsugu signaled her to calm her down, and then took out a cigarette, lit it up, smoked a mouthful of puff, and then said," Yes it was me, I forced Diarmuid's master to do that and then killed him and his fiancee to ignore any further complications".

Hearing his words Saber's eyes became redder and trembling she said," I thought even if our way was different we were trying to achieve the same goal but I was wrong, Your Kiritsugu Emiya is a selfish man! You soiled Diarmuid's honor, and his only wish!".

Irisviel seeing the situation sighed and thought,' Oh Kiritsugu why did you have to say you even killed the Lancer's Master and his fiancee? ', she then came between Kiritsugu and Saber and said," Please Saber doesn't lose control and also Kiritsugu it's the time you should tell her about your exact goals".

Kiritsugu still smoking answered," My only wish is the salvation of Humanity, Justice for all of the Humans, and to achieve that I don't care if I have to become the greatest evil myself". He said and then ignoring them walked beside them into the house, Maya silently followed him.

Saber was quiet till now, and hung her head down, Irisviel sighed seeing this, and patted her back.

Unknown to her this is just the beginning she is going to be completely broken.

To be continued...