Darkened Goudere Saber Part 2

Neo Pov

I smirked, it was time to start my plan, I looked at Emiya's house, he has two residences one is this one in the city, and the other is a castle outside of the city. Currently, only Saber and Irisviel are present in this House, Maya and Kiritsugu are in the castle probably planning how to deal with the remaining Servants and how to search for my second identity's Master.

Medea who is by my side asked," Master should I use my Rule Breaker on Saber?", it seems she find out about my desire of getting the Saber, I shook my head and smiled," Not required I have an even better Idea".

We then teleported outside their house, I dispelled the Magic hiding our presence and soon Saber and Irisviel came outside, she looked at me while holding her sword and asked," Why are you here Master of Caster? Do you want to fight when we are in the residential area?!", she gripped her sword tighter.

I snapped my fingers and our surroundings changed, all of us appeared in the middle of the Jungle, which was nearby Kiritisugu's Castel. She looked at the surroundings and then at Medea beside me, she then stood in front of Irisviel, I chuckled and said," Elsa take care of her". Elsa who was waiting for us came out nodded and attacked Irisviel.

Her status was boosted by Medea's magic so parameters wise she was as strong as a Middle-Class Servant easily, They were still confused by such a fast turn of effects, I denied the Saber's Magical resistance and told Medea,' Medea do it now ', as I told her she quickly activated her Territory creation and since we pre-planned it the effect was quite strong so it weakened the Saber a lot.

Feeling a sudden sense of weakness, Saber wasn't able to stop Elsa, and she successfully grabbed Irisviel and ran away. Saber as soon as she regained her senses quickly tried to chase her but a beam of light shot her, she evaded it but as soon as she did multiple Beams of light shot her.

They were one of Medea's magic called Machia Hecatic Graea, Medea shot them at Saber, simultaneously using her Strength Enchantment magic at Elsa by using High-Speed Divine words, the fact that she was able to multiple magics was an incredible thing.

Saber was unable to dodge all of them and some of them struck her, due to her magic Resistance being denied she got wounded and fell to the ground. Coughing blood she tremblingly stood up, held her sword, and said, "EX-!", Neo denied it causing her body to paralyze.

Neo signaled Medea to stop her attacks and slowly walked towards the Saber, she looked at him with anger and determination still on her face she spoke," You mages are like this, always using dirty-handed tricks, never fighting with Honour".

Neo stopped and smirking said," Oh? Let me ask one thing, Saber, does it matters if I use tricks? Play dirty since all that matters in a fight is winning! In this world, only the winner gets the glory, losers just die".

Saber stood up weakly and with determination said," To fight with Honour, to fight for justice, to fight for people's smile is what matters! This is the way of a Knight!".

Neo's smile disappeared and arriving near her at a very fast speed he slapped her, causing her to roll in the air and then crash into some trees. She coughed out some blood, her forehead was bleeding. The King of Knights was reduced to such a state is indeed surprising but it isn't her mistake, Neo planned all of it carefully, he is also a True Mage and with the help of Medea another True Magician Tier person, he was able to reduce her in this state pretty easily.

Naive Saber easily followed his plan, he then appeared beside her and said," You say fight for people?! Pft-Hahaha, you say fight for people? Hahaha That's so funny! Tell me King Arthur weren't you betrayed by the very people you protected?!".

Saber became stunned hearing him calling out her True identity, but she was too wounded to just say anything and barely managed to say," I wasn't betrayed".

"Hahahaha, that's so funny! Do you say you weren't betrayed?! Your Knights betrayed you! Your best friend Lancelot eloped with your wife and ran away! If that wasn't enough your Child rebelled against you, your other knights betrayed you! Your ministers wanted nothing more than your wealth! Your people wanted nothing more than money! To be honest no one even cared that you were their King!".

His word's managed to make a dent in Saber's determination, and she clenched her fists trembling as tears threatened to come out of her eyes, Neo seeing this quickly snapped his fingers summoning Lancelot who at the moment saw Saber went almost crazy but using the restriction Medea made on him, he managed to control him.

He then ordered," Take out your Helmet Lancelot", his words made Saber's eyes wide open she looked in disbelief as Lancelot took out his helmet, seeing the face of the Berseker tears started dripping down Saber's cheek she said," Wh-Why? Why Lancelot?", she couldn't believe the current state of Lancelot, the knight once she knew, the enforcer of Justice and Charisma, none can be seen at him.

He looked like a Mad Beast growling at seeing her, he said, "Y-You we-weren't a King", his words broke her heart as she lost all the will to fight any longer, she understood now how naive she was, she believed Lancelot to be her Best friend yet, he was in this state, even when he eloped with her wife, she forgave him.

Believing that it was her own mistake, her hollow eyes looked at Neo as if begging him to end her misery by killing her, Neo chuckled and slowly lowered his body, he held her chin and said," See Saber, no one thought you as their king, your people just wanted to use you, some loved you but you never ruled over them, you protected them but never guided them".

He then went near her ears and said," You Artoria, were never a true King, just a dummy trying to be a King", his words broke her more as all her dreams and ideals were shattered, she finally understood why Knights said that the king never understood them, she never guided them, heck she wasn't even a King! She was just a failure trying to be what was imposed on her.

By now she has lost all the will and reason to live and maybe the will to even win the war, she felt betrayed, her people betrayed her, and her knights betrayed her! Yet she never took them into account as she believed she was a bad king but now being told she wasn't even a King! It was like all her life was a lie!

Neo then gave her a peck on the lips, and the hollow eyes Saber's gained back their color, she felt her body being healed, she looked at him with shock and blushed, "Wha-What are you?", Neo again kissed her not letting her speak any more.

Then after 5 minutes broke her kiss and looked at blushing Saber who was gasping for air," Saber be mine", he told her bluntly.

Saber's eyes widened and she asked him in disbelief," Why would you want me? I am just a failure, I was never a King, I was just-", before she could speak anymore Neo said," You were just a Knight", he smiled and continued," You did what a Knight does, you fought for a people till very end hence your life wasn't a complete waste, you weren't a King, your friends, your people betrayed you they didn't deserve you, and even after all of this you fought for them like a Knight".

He slowly caressed her cheek and said," Be my Sword Artoria, Be the weapons that will Kill and destroy every obstacle in my path, I will get your revenge, I will make you a True Leader, Be my Queen, my wife, My sword".

His words like devil's whispers reached her ears, enticing her, for a broken Saber it still looked like God's grace more than anything, she said," Why would you want this trash body of mine?", Neo almost puked blood hearing that and veins appeared on his face,' You say trash body?! This is the body that I am and millions of Otaku have been simping for! Yet you say your body is trash! ', he then calmed himself and said angrily," Never say you are trash! You are my greatest treasure".

(Gilgamesh: Hey Author! I will sue you for copyright! These were my lines! No, my Saber!'

Author: Shut up! Begone!

Gilgamesh: You dare! Wait no don't delete me! Ahhhh!

Author:*Smirks* That's why you never should fight an Author, anyway guys let's continued!)

He took her in a princess carry and with a soft gaze, he asked," So what is your answer? Artoria?", hearing him call her name shook her heart. She looked at him and said," If you want I will be your sword, I will kill and destroy every obstacle in your path, I will be your knight only for you, I will be your Queen, please lead me, my King".

As she said that a black Aura surrounded her, and soon her outfit, her hair, and eye color changed, with her skin becoming a bit paler. The current Artoria has long discarded the ideals that made her well So much like Artoria, from now onwards she is a weapon for Neo, to Kill everything that opposes him, and he is her king that she has sworn herself to, her body and heart belongs to this man from now onwards.

Neo slowly made her stand and then taking her sword she kneeled and said," From Now onwards! I Artoria Pendragon pledge my fealty to my King!". She looked at him with such an obsession that even scared Neo for a moment but the next moment he felt happy with her Devotion and obsession.

He patted her head and said," I accept your fealty, now rise my Knight", she stood up leaning closer to his hand to feel his pat, she thought,' It's so comfortable ', now that she have let her ideals and goals, she felt freed and swearing her fealty to Neo she felt complete like this was what she born for this! To serve her King!

Medea who was silently looking at this till now snorted gaining her attention and with a smirk said," Hehe, Remember Saber I am your senior from now onwards", Saber didn't mind that, all she cared about her Master and his praise now, she didn't give attention to a Psycho Bitch.

Medea's eyebrows twitched seeing this and she said," You are thinking bad about me!", her words stunned Neo as he thought,' Don't tell me, wait let me try it, Medea you are an old hag! ', he waited for a bit but Medea just continued glaring at Saber, after seeing no response from her sighed in relief.

(Author's Note: You should say thanks to me for giving you Women Instinct Nullification!)

Neo then came beside her and said," Medea stop, Saber is from now onwards is with us, also let's check on Elsa", he said and walked with them to where Elsa should be and we soon found her, she looked at them, and saw Saber following us and looking different she gasped in surprise.

After explaining everything to her she nodded and accepted it quite easily, they then focused on an unconscious Irisiviel and Elsa coldly asked," Master what should we do with her?", Medea nodded and asked," Master should we make her bait for Kiritsugu and kill them the same way as they killed Lancer and his Masters?".

I shook my head, and said," Well I don't care about them, but thankfully for them, I like a certain Loli, so instead of killing them I am going to help them".

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys give me Power Stones! If I get enough then I will update this Novel regularly)