Thou shalt not make a Loli cry

(Author's Note: I hope you enjoy the chapter)


3rd Pov

Kiritsugu was cleaning his gun when he felt something, he felt his connection with Saber getting cut off, Maya beside him saw this and asked," Kiritsugu What happened?", he quickly replied," My connection with Saber got cut, we need to go to the second stronghold". Maya understood it, so after equipping themselves, they got out of the castle, and were about to get in the car when they saw someone standing outside.

Maya aimed at the person ready to shoot if needed, Neo saw this and slowly walked towards them, Maya shot him without any warning but Neo dodged it, Kiritsugu seeing this also tried shooting him but failed as Neo dodged all of them. He then looked at them and said," Say Kiritsugu do you not want Irisviel alive?".

Kiritsugu hearing him stopped and signaled Maya to stop too, he then looked at Neo and said," Who are you? and what did you do Irisiviel?". Neo thought,' To be honest I want to kill you, but since not killing you will make an angel smile I will endure it ', and then said," Elsa bring her here".

As he said Kiritsugu saw a woman who looked similar to Irisviel come out while holding an unconscious Irisviel, he understood that the person was an Ainzbern Homunculus, but didn't understand why their Homunculus would do so. After all, they are on the same side? But then again it was too early to make any conclusions.

He looked at Irisviel and clenched his fists, he didn't like the current situation at all, not even a bit, he could guess that Saber has lost, not that he had lost Saber no more his chances of winning the grail were very less unless he could contract with another servant of course. Now an unknown man came to meet him holding Irisviel hostage, he could guess who the other party was.

' A master, probably the master of that blonde servant or Caster, wait a minute! ', his eyes wide opened as he recalled the similarity of the style of dodging the attacks of Neo which were very similar to that servant, he immediately understood he was dealing with a servant. Neo seeing his face guessed what he was thinking and replied," Don't worry I am not a servant".

Kiritsugu frowned did he misunderstand as for considering that Neo is lying he did after all he had an absolute advantage here but soon understood as his next words stunned him," I am just a True Magician!", said Neo he wants no longer to keep it a secret, the war is almost done, all it is needed to Kill assassin and Rider then cleanse the Holy Grail and get Third True Magic.

After he gets infinite Mana, he won't have to worry about anyone else, at least he can have peace for some time, and then all it will be need to torture his excuse of family, have dates with his waifu and become stronger at an acceptable pace. While he was thinking about the future Kiritsugu was doubting if what he said was true, but then again he beat Gilgamesh which only another powerful servant or a true Magician can do.

Kiritsugu asked," Can you tell me what you want?", yes he needed to know the reason, the fact he didn't kill Irisviel at least meant he wanted something from him, he nervously looked at Irisviel, Neo gave him a creepy smile said," In fact, I want to kill you very much", Kiritsugu's grip on his gun became stronger hearing that and he waited for Neo's next words.

Neo said," Artoria, Medea come out", as he said under the disbelieving eyes of Kiritsugu they appeared beside him, he was shocked by the appearance of Saber by most, she looked very different, and gritting his teeth he asked her," Saber why you betrayed me?".

Saber looked at Kiritsugu and scoffed," Kiritsugu, I just became what you are, abandoned my shitty Honour and morals, and pledged fealty to my king", after saying that she looked at Neo gently. Kiritsugu's eyebrows twitched, Whadafuck? Did she become like him? He felt worse after seeing Saber's betrayal.

Neo yawned and said," I want to kill you, someone who can sacrifice your love just because of a stupid sense of Justice but doing so will make a certain little girl cry and I follow the commandment of Thou shalt not make a Loli cry". He was getting bored and decided to end it, after all talking with Kiritsugu just makes him more and more to kill this guy.

Kiritsugu hearing his words stopped, he couldn't process what is happening at all. Neo smiled and said," Now we shall get inside the castle and talk like civilized people shall we?".


Irisviel looked at Kiritsugu nervously waiting for his response, Kiritsugu sighed and replied," I agree", after thinking a lot he decided to agree to Neo's demands which were surprisingly just saving them and letting them fully take care of Illya. Kiritsugu understood he have already lost the grail and when he found it was corrupted he just gave up on the idea.

Irisviel smiled upon hearing Kiritsugu's decision knowing how much his goal mattered to him, she then looked at Saber who have changed a lot by now, and replied," I am sorry Saber". Saber ignored her causing an awkward atmosphere. Neo coughed and said, "Now let's go Germany, save Illya and end this shit".

Irisviel looked at Neo gratefully and said," Thankyou Sir Neo for saving us", it looked quite weird as he just threatened Kiritsugu not long ago, Neo just nodded to her, and then he said," Let's go now", as he said all of them teleported in front of Ainzbern's castle.

Thankfully for them, they were wearing warm clothes otherwise they would be shivering from the cold, Kiritsugu also felt dissatisfied by the fact he teleported them without any warning while Neo enjoyed the feeling of teleporting. He looked at the Ainzbern Castle, and said," Medea go and get the Illya", Medea nodded and disappeared.

He then walked near their house and with a touch destroyed the Bounded field around the castle alerting the Ainzberns, soon some Homunculus came out and a Homunculus seeing Neo said," Neo? What are you doing here?!". He knew Neo the trash of the Dlsardius family and he also saw him when he came to buy a maid Homunculus from them.

He disdained him, Neo smirked and answered," Yo Jubstach- damn your name is just too difficult to pronounce I will call just call you Jub, also I am here well to destroy you". Jusbtacheit who was seeing this from Homunculus became angry, although he was surprised that the Crippled Neo could walk, he ignored it and looked at Kiritsugu and said," Kiritsugu what's the meaning of this?!".

Medea appeared beside them with an unconscious small girl seeing which Irisvivel and Kiritsugu, quickly came beside her, Kiritsugu took Illya in his arms and looked at her happily. Seeing him ignoring him and the fact he took Illya made Jusbtacheit red from anger," Kiritsugu! Are you thinking of betraying me?!".

Neo unimpressed said," Saber I don't want to hear this old man's rants any longer, please finish him", Saber nodded and replied," Yes My king!", she came forward and holding her Excalibur she said."Ex-"

"-Calibur!", as she finished a black beam shot the Ainzbern castle and vaporized it, poor Justacheit just turn into ashes before he could understand what the heck is going on. Thus before the surprised eyes of Irisviel and Kiritsugu, the whole Ainzbern castle was vaporized into nothing. Kiritsugu and Irisviel glanced at Saber in fear realizing how strong her attack really is!

Saber after finishing off them quickly came back beside Neo and looked at him like asking for his praise, Neo chuckled and said," Good job saber", he rubbed and patted her head and Saber just leaned closer to feel the sensation of his pat. Irisviel and Saber looked at this scene stunned and speechlessly.

The Saber that vaporized whole Anizberns, now like a puppy enjoyed Neo's pat, this scene was indeed shocking! Maya who was in the background too was shocked.

(Author's Note: I almost forgot about her lol)


Illya looked at Neo with Sparkling eyes and said," Thank you Big Brother for saving me!", her cut voice coupled with her face did a number on Neo, he took her in a hug and said," Now I can't let anything to happen a sweet girl like you right?". Illya hearing that nodded and smiled," Mou! big brother is such a Kind person!".

Hearing her Kiritsugu's face twitched and he felt jealous of Illya hugging Neo, Irisviel seeing them just smiled and looking at Kiritsugu's face said," Kiritsugu are you feeling jealous?", Kiritsugu like a Tsundere said," I do not!", he then looked at Illya seriously feeling his heart being stung.

Neo left Illya and looking at them said," Now Kiritsugu take care of Illya otherwise, hehe", he looked at him creepily making Kiritsugu feel chills, for Elsa and Medea thought Neo has a soft spot for little girls while Saber thought her master was very kind, he gave her hope and opened her eyes and now he even helped his enemies just because of this girl!

Neo then said," Now Illaya and Irisviel lay down on the bed and I will turn you both into humans", both of them did as he said and after 20 minutes both of them turned into humans, Kiritsugu looked at him gratefully and bowing he said," Thank you for helping my daughter and wife Sir Neo!".

Neo just waved his hands and then glancing at ever-silent Maya he said," Also take care of Maya, take responsibility for what you did to her", Irisviel hearing that had an angry expression and asked Kiristugu," Kiritsugu what does he mean?", Kiritsugu became nervous hearing her, she didn't know about their affair!

Illaya also believing in Neo's words looked at Kiritsugu suspiciously and said," Bad Daddy!", it made Kiritsugu helpless seeing her daughter calling that and Neo enjoyed it,' At least this family Drama livened up my mood, man If I should enjoy this moment, after all, I know how fucked up this verse is '.

So after enjoying Kiritsugu's suffering and how his wife nagged him, he decided to finish off Rider and Assassin, as to win the Holy Grail War, but before that, he didn't forget to take Avalon from Irisviel, and they happily gave it to them.

To be continued...