Taking Care of Rider

(Author's Note: Sorry for not releasing the chapter yesterday, but I can't release a chapter every day, hope you understand)


Neo Pov

I analyzed the Avalon, supposedly the strongest defense Artifact in the whole fate verse, that even 5 true Magics cannot pierce through, as I am now, I cannot penetrate through the defenses it gives, thankfully the True Magic I got from the gacha, Denial of Nothingness has huge growth potential and after breaking through the Conceptual Tier I would be able to Deny it's defenses.

I held the sheath in my hand and turned my gaze on Saber who was looking at the Sheath, coming near her I said," Saber take it", her body trembled as she kneeled before me and said," My King! I think that Avalon will be more useful to you than me! Please take it for yourself!", I sighed and rubbed her head, she blushed and I replied," Listen, Saber, firstly this artifact will only work when you are near, also I do not need it, take it, after all, you are my Sword right? It will make you stronger so My sword will be stronger".

She moved her head a bit up and looked at me, taking the Avalon that I handed over to her, she said," Thank you, My king! I will use it to be a better Sword for you and Kill all your opponents!". She then absorbed it in her body as a Conceptual Weapon.

I used appraisal on her.


Name: Artoria/Altria Pendragon.

Species: Humanoid Dragon Heroic Spirit{Semi-Divine}

Affiliation: Neo El Dlsardius, Knight of Camelot, Britain.

Love/Affection: 98

Loyalty:100>*&*&&(Wow, she is ready to burn down the whole world if you order her)

Perks: Extremely Loyal, Extremely Protective, Best Waifu.

Strength: A++

Endurance: A++>EX

Agility: A+

Mana: A++

Luck: A+

Class Skills(Saber):

Magic Resistance: A

Riding: B

Personal Skills:

Charisma: B

Instinct: A

Mana Burst: A

Noble Phantasm

Avalon(Barrier Type): Ex

Excalibur(Anti-Fortress): A++

Invisible Air(Anti-Unit): C

I looked at the change in her loyalty satisfied, also now my appraisal has become stronger I can see a few more things, I then looked at her Noble Phantasm, Avalon Deserves to be an EX Rank Noble Phantasm as it can even Block Divine Attacks and True Magics Easily, well it will be appropriate to say it isolates the user, but well let's leave on that.

Next, I looked at Excalibur, the strongest Holy Sword in the whole Fate verse, it has 13 Restraints of Round Table limiting the power user can draw at once, now that she is stronger she can draw more power by releasing the restraints, and not blowing herself. Fully Satisfied I stopped my Appraisal, and looking at three of them who were silent till now I spoke," Girls, it's time that we finish this war, we have pretty much won the war".

They nodded and we decided to meet Waver and his servant.


3rd Pov

"Rider?! Stop playing games! We need to make a plan on how to deal with other servants!", shouted Waver at Rider who was busy playing his game, Rider hearing his rants cleaned his ears and said," C'mon Kid, it's not like Holy grail war is going somewhere else, not to mention we still don't know about Caster and Berserker, just wait for other servants and Masters to fight them and then we will fight afterall a king only fights someone similar to his status!".

Waver's face became red, and taking out the wire of the TV he said," Rider! We need to get serious!", Rider yawned much to Waver's displeasure but before they could speak any longer, they felt a huge surge of Mana nearby, they both got serious and Waver said," Rider it must be a servant! We should go now! Lest they attack the House", Rider nodded and he took Waver, walked out of Window and jumped on the road.

They didn't want to cause any problems for the Kind Grandpa and Granny that were in the house, so they decided to approach the danger before it approaches them, it was dawn and the sun was rising, they felt the Mana Surge going further, and summoning Gordius Wheel they both mounted it following the Mana Surge.

After a few minutes, they reached the mountains and saw a Black figure running very fast following it, after reaching an open area it stopped and Iskandar also stopped in front of her, Waver tried balancing himself and felt better, by now he already some experience in this, he then looked at the Black Figure and then his eyes wide opened as he said in shock, "Sa-Saber?!!".

The rider looked at Saber and his eyes narrowed, then laughing he said," Haha! Saber you seem to be better than you previously were!", Waver's mouth opened widely and he looked speechless at Rider and asked," Oye! Iskandar that isn't a laughing matter! Tell me what happened with her?!".

Iskandar with a smile on his face replied," Alterfication, a case in which a servant becomes discards his ideals and thoughts which makes him or her unique, in such cases the personality of the servant changes 180", his words made Waver shocked and then looking at Saber he said, "Does that means?".

Iskandar nodded and then looking at Saber he said," She isn't the same as last time we saw her", Waver again asked," Wait?! How did she end up like that?", Iskandar was about to reply when the loud feminine voice of Saber reached their ears," Now that you the time I gave you to speak to each other for one last time, I think it's time we start fighting".

Looking at Saber, Iskandar gave her a big smile and spoke," You now look like a True-Ah!", as he was speaking Saber attacked him firing a beam of Redish Dark Red which Saber, fortunately, managed to dodge, shouting he said," Why don't you let me finish my?-!!", he couldn't continue speaking as he had to dodge an attack again.

Saber was just casually firing the beams, otherwise, Iskandar and Waver would have been incinerated into ashes, Saber started walking towards them slowly and said," The time that I gave you has ended!", as she completed her sentence, she ran at an astonishing speed towards them.

It even surprised Rider but as a Qualified King he didn't lose his calm and quickly getting out of way, he said," Via Expugnatio!", using one of his strongest attacks as a way to increase his speed he managed to evade the successive attacks of Saber.

Saber stopped making Waver who was about to vomit breathe in relief, she looked at them coldly sending chills down their spines, She was about to charge again and this time she was serious, but a voice stopped her," Saber Please Stop", and thus under the disbelieving eyes of Waver and Iskandar she stopped, a man appeared out of the thin area, Saber quickly moved and stood beside him while holding her sword lightly.

Iskandar sighed in relief, while Waver with eyes and mouth wide open looked at the walking Man, "Neo?!", Iskandar's eyes perked hearing his Master call the name of the man front in of them.

(Author's Note: Guys, you might have noticed a plot hole, like when Iskandar was going to say you look like a True king now to Saber, but knowing that the event of the meeting of three Kings didn't happen he shouldn't have known about her deeply right? Well Iskandar after the fight at the dock, came to meet Saber for an alliance where she found out the true nature of Saber and berated her for her false Kingship, in the end, their alliance was unsuccessful, now I might not mention some un important events since it increases word count unnecessarily, so please don't take it as plothole and use your imagination for what possibly could have occurred)

Neo smiling said," Hi Waver, long time no see", Waver who by now has gone almost crazy due to the events shouted," What do you mean by Casually greeting me?!!", Saber became angry hearing him, feeling his rudeness in the tone of his voice she looked at him angrily and released her full Aura, making Waver's face pale and said to him while pointing her Sword at him," Listen! Insect! Don't you dare talk like that towards my King!".

Waver's sanity returned feeling the sense of Death, and even Rider's sweat dropped seeing the crazy look on Saber's face, Waver's leg started shaking and he was about to pee, but thankfully for him, Neo went towards Saber, and patted her head and said," Now, Now Saber don't be that angry".

Her angry and cold expression instantly melted and she leaned her head towards Neo's hand enjoying his head pat, seeing this Iskandar and Waver were left speechless, the scary Saber they saw a moment ago looked like a puppy enjoying her Master's pats! While Waver was about to go unconscious Iskandar noticed Saber's words ' My King '.

He looked at Neo and understood Saber's transformation was related to her and then looking at Saber he said," So you pledged your loyalty to him? Why did you do that? Instead of pledging it to a Human Magus, you should have done it to me!", Waver hearing his courageous words directly fainted, poor guy's heart can't take any more shocks.

Saber again became angry hearing him and wanted to blast the guy directly with her Excalibur, she moved pretty quickly ready to unleash the Excalibur but in middle, her attack stopped as she felt being hugged from behind, she blushed embarrassedly as Neo's hands locked her tummy and waist, "M-My king!", Neo hugged her tighter and moving near her ears he said, "Saber calm down okay? Let's us finish all the discussion before we fight", he then bit lightly on her ear.

Saber's mind short-circuited, as blushing heavily she unsummoned her sword, and losing all her strength leaned on Neo's chest, Iskandar looked at the scene like he has eaten dog shit, Neo then supported her a bit making her regain clarity in her mind, she again summoned her sword but her blush didn't fade away.

Neo looked at Iskandar smilingly and said," Now, Shall we discuss?".


Waver couldn't believe that his friend was a True Magician but the proof of him creating a replica of Iskandar's Sword which didn't fade away and confirmation from Iskandar himself he believed it and looked at Neo with admiration and respect.

Neo looking at him smiled and said," Waver don't worry I won't do anything to you, still, I want to win the war, or I need to defeat Iskandar, also when we return to England, I will make you my assistant". Waver's eyes shined hearing the last part of his sentence! Being assistant to a true Magician means a lot, his position will easily surpass the Head of the Ancient Magus Family.

He looked gratefully at Neo who thought,' Haha, Bakra Fash Gaya 'Neo would train him for a bit and then leave all the paperwork to him while enjoying his status, cuddling with his waifu, and quietly training his Skills and Magic.

If Waver knew the truth he would have cursed Neo thousands of times, unfortunately, he didn't. After Waver's excitement cooled down he looked at Rider sadly and said," Doesn't that means?", Rider sighed and rubbing his head looked at him and said," Listen to Waver! We knew how it was gonna end, and also as your King, I order you! Spread my name and make yourself a Successful Magus!".

Waver's eyes became teary and he hugged Iskandar, after a few minutes they were Ready to fight and Iskandar looking at Saber said," Saber I will go all this Time! Ionioi Hetairoi!". Soon the surroundings started changing, and a massive army appeared behind Rider.

Waver looked at this amazed and said," So this your Noble Phantasm! Army of the King!", Rider seeing his expression proudly laughed and then Summoning his chariot he mounted ready to fight, Waver too came near the chariot wanting to mount but Rider stopped him, Waver asked," What are you doing?! I want to experience this together!".

Rider sighing said," Listen Waver, Saber is very strong and we don't have any chance of winning, not to mention unlike previously she won't hesitate to attack without caring about you, so stay here, and see your King's final battle!", his expression said he won't take No for an answer.

Waver with wet eyes asked, "But!", Rider shouted," Waver! My dearest general my final order is that survive! Keep living as long as you can!", Waver nodded, and giving him a smile Iskandar dashed towards Saber.

He shouted," Attack!", as he said his whole army started attacking, Neo looked at him and was extremely bored,' Man that drama was extremely boring, if not for Waver being my friend I would have killed his servant without waiting unnecessarily ', he then looked at Saber and said," Go Saber and Win this battle".

Saber nodded and said," I will! My king!", she dashed towards Iskandar and shot multiple beams at his army decimating them, Iskandar increased the speed of his chariot, Saber quickly fired a very large beam, completely obliterating half of the huge army, Iskandar's Reality Marble started breaking and he directly used his Via Expugnatio, he charged at an astonishing speed at Saber.

Saber ran towards him swung her sword, and both of their attacks collided producing a very powerful Shockwave that made tens of meters wide crack appear on the ground, the shockwave was felt by Neo and Waver, Saber got the upper hand and cut the Chariot into half, Iskandar jumped avoiding her sword and quickly balanced himself.

Saber after that quickly attacked, Iskandar with his sword and managed to deflect the first few attacks of the Saber who was at a clear advantage, finally, Saber managed to cut his hand and then pierced his chest, ending the battle.

Iskandar coughed blood as his reality Marble completely disappeared and laughing a bit he said," Than-you S-Saber it was a gre-great battle", Waver ran towards Iskandar crying and under his eyes, and he dissipated into small particles of light.

After calming himself he looked at Saber who said," He was a Great King", she then returned to Neo's side, and Waver rubbed his red eyes, he didn't blame Neo or Saber afterall he knew how it was gonna end and it was inevitable.

Neo asked him," Are you Okay?", Waver nodded and then he caught the replica of Iskandar's sword that Neo suddenly threw at him, he looked at it and said," Thank you Neo", Neo nodded Afterall employees need to have an efficient reward for their work and in future, he is gonna dump a lot of work at him.

If Waver knew his intentions one might wonder how will he react, Neo suddenly heard Medea's voice,' Master the Holy Grail has appeared ', he nodded upon hearing that, after all even without a container for Holy Grail, Medea can easily summon it if the requirements are met.

He now became serious, as he needed to cleanse the Grail before using it, also after that he will use the Magical energy to acquire the third True Magic by using it with Greater Grail.

To be continued...