Saber's Obsession

(Author's Note: My Wifi balance has got over, and it's like all the problems are appearing one by one to stop me from writing, well I decided to write chapters offline but the thing is I need the information to be as accurate as the actual lore except some differences which I will be made to fit in the timeline Neo has reincarnated, a completely original one very close to the Fate Stay Night)


Artoria Pov

There was a time in Britain when it was in dire need of a savior, an heir to the throne, a mighty King who would save the Kingdom from the Saxons, their King who was the incarnation of the White Dragon.

My father Uther Pendragon on Merlin's suggestion decided to marry Igraine, my mother, and using Magecraft called conceptual Fertilization he impregnated her with the concept of a Red dragon who protects the Birtain, it resulted in the birth of me, Artoria Pendragon contrary to his expectations I was born a girl rather than a boy he wished for.

I still remember his disappointed look whenever he saw me, my father didn't care much about me, and neither my mother who didn't love my father, my sister Morgan hated me due to the fact father declared her an adopted daughter despite the fact she was her true blood. Even if my father didn't want a girl to be his heir, he had no options.

At the tender age of five, he gave me Merlin to raise me who didn't care for the fact whether I was a boy or a girl, he believed that my gender didn't matter and I was capable of being the savior, the Heir to the throne. He entrusted me to Sir Ector, my adoptive father, my ideal of the Knight Hood.

He told his son Kay, someone whom I grew to consider a brother to me, to treat me as a boy rather than a girl which he did, Ector raised me for 10 years until I drew the Caliburn from the stone. I still remember that day when everyone has gone depressed not believing in the properchy of Merlin.

I stood in front of it ready to draw it, Merlin behind me warned me that the moment I draw the sword I won't be a human any longer, only despair will wait for me, I saw two scenes in front of me, a girl who was living her life happily like a normal girl and another holding a sword covered in blood.

I knew what kind of future was waiting for me, I was never destined to get a good end if I were to choose this thorny path, yet I couldn't stop myself, I was born for this, my father before his death finally choose me as his heir rather than Morgan before heading to his final battle with the Incarnation of White dragon, Vortigren.

The news of his death has long reached us, Britain was in dire need of a new King, so despite everything I held the sword and drew it out of the sword, I wanted my people to be happy, everyone to live happily away from despair and bloodshed, and I was ready to sacrifice my all for it.

My reason for this was that "only a king can save a ruined country headed for death", even If I were never told about it, this was my drive the reason that became one of my causes of demise.

Finally taking over the Kingdom I founded the Knights of the Round Table with me, Merlin, and Kay being the founding members, time started passing, and more and more members joined the Round table, and praises flowered on me, everyone considered me a perfect King.

They didn't care whether all my enemies were killed or how many civilians died in the process, as long as I ruled them, and prospered them, I was their King or so I thought. For people who feared the invasion I was their savior, their King.

I followed my Oath that King is not a human and that cannot protect people with human emotions, it won't be wrong to say I had taken more lives than any Knight to exist whether it was my enemies or the villages I abandoned or people I punished. Even if it pained me to abandon all those villages, I still did it because I knew that sacrifices were needed for the Kingdom that I visioned once.

Full of Happy people, no poverty, and no one dying because of food shortage, I followed that dream, taking all burdens, and all sins on me, I knew if I didn't make sacrifices then my Kingdom will end in despair, I made sacrifices one by one, strengthening the Kingdom and absolutely squashing the enemy forces.

The relationship between me and my sister Morgan had become worse after my father chose me as his heir rather than her, often times I thought she was more worthy to be King than me but I dispelled the thought once I thought she would be incapable of giving her all to protect people considering her personality.

She was declared as my Step-sister despite the fact she was my true sibling, it created hatred in her because of that, oftentimes she would trouble me. Her way of doing things was against my code of Honor and Chivalry and before I knew it, I already started hating her.

That dispelled the final thoughts of her being worthy of the King of Britain in me, I continued ruling taking matters seriously, when my Knights were celebrating after a victory I had a grim look on my face planning to cope with the current situation of my Kingdom, it was to that extent that after becoming a King I had rarely smile.

To me my smile was rooted in the smiles of others whom I wished to protect, others happiness was my happiness, soon time came when the kingdom wanted a new successor to the throne, having no choice I had to marry Guinevere, who I found idolized me a lot but was devasted after finding out my true gender.

My true gender was at this time only known to Ector, Kay, Merlin, and her, even if many people had suspicions about it, the fact that I had stopped growing because of my immortality, no one questioned my small body and feminine face, I had covered my body in steel for most of my life to hide this truth.

For Guinevere I always felt guilty, she had to sacrifice herself for the Kingdom, I only wished that I shall be to sacrifice myself not others, so when I found out about her affair with Launcelot someone whom I considered my Best friend, I was happy that she had found her happiness and ignored what would have been considered treason.

Even so, the matter or heir was troubling, finally, Merlin came up with a solution which was to turn me into a pseudo-male temporarily and impregnate hesitation. I had none, for my Kingdom I was willing to do everything but the plan was spoiled by Morgan who enchanted me and took my sperms, after that, I had extreme anger towards her, and in the end, I decided to let the matter of the heir side for now, I was immortal anyway so it wasn't a big deal to wait till a new suitable heir to the throne arrives.

As time passed, the praises turned into condemnations, people started hating me for my actions, and my Knights started saying that I do not understand human emotions, I knew it was true, maybe I never understood them, but I still continued on my path, many of my knights started leaving the Round Table due to this.

It didn't matter to me, as long as Britain was safe, the hatred of people started increasing with small rebellions and uprisings and I took strict actions against them, soon I defeated Vortigren and Britain experienced a small time of peace.

Soon more and more hate started coming from the masses they didn't want me as a King, the Nobles or the Ministers who earlier used to praise me for my Kingship too changed and started rebelling, I suppressed them by taking strict action stopping them eventually, unfortunately, a new problem raised.

Launcelot's affair with Guinevere was revealed and in the end, he was committed of treason, though he managed to get away with her it resulted in his clash with the remaining Knights in which he killed a few of them, to make matters worse, I wasn't present at the time repelling an assault along Britain's border.

When I get to know the news, I wasn't angry, I understood Guinevere's sacrifice so I wrote a letter to them and gave them my blessings, after that, another bad thing happened as my Avalon was stolen making me vulnerable. I returned to Britain only to see the army that once I led, the people whom once I led, some of my Knights who swore their fealty to me were against me.

It was the biggest rebellion till now, headed by Mordred my daughter, a fact which was revealed to me just before I headed to repel the assault, I was in hurry and once she revealed it, I understood whose child she was, I didn't hate her for that but she wasn't fit to be king so I denied her.

I have thought of sorting our relationship after I finished repelling the assault alas the next time we met as enemies, the war raged as I killed my own people, and finally her. In the end, I was standing above a pile of the bodies of my own soldiers mortally injured.

This wasn't the ending I desired, my ending should have been Britain prospering or dying in peace with my end being ostracized by people, I was ready to be hated by them and then die, but why? Why other people had to die?! I was a failure as a King!

I was in despair, my heart screaming for help to change this, in the end, I heard the voice of the world which gave me a choice to undo everything by participating in the Holy Grail War as a Living servant till I win it and then serve as a Heroic Spirit, without thinking anything else I accepted the offer.

I wanted to undo the tragedy somehow, finally, my consciousness was summoned in the far future, my Master was Kritisugu Emiya and after knowing his goals, I was ready to give my all to make my wish and his noble goal true, soon to find what kind of heinous person he was, his way violated an Honorable fight and seeing Lancer's agony while dying made me ashamed that he was the person who summoned me.

Soon I had another fight, with a person who easily defeated me, his words that said no one cared if I was their king hurt me like a Knife! I wanted to deny it! Even if I was a failure! I was a King! Soon another blow hit me as the Berserker revealed himself to be Launcelot, I was shocked seeing his state.

His twisted face screamed agony when he looked at me and said, "Y-You we-weren't a King", his words hit me as all the memories of the past I recalled,' He isn't a true King! ', these words started echoing in my mind, all those people who said I wasn't fit to be a king, their expressions, their anger, I remember everything.

He went on telling me how my people just used me, then I realized it was the truth, I have just been used all along, from my birth till now, I was just being used, even if that was the only purpose of my life it hurt being discarded, I didn't know what to think anymore, I- I just wanted to be recognized, I just wanted to help people.

I did my best for them why?! I sacrificed my everything for them then why?! Why?! WHY?!WHYY?!WHHHY?! WHYYYYYYY?!!!!

What was the purpose of my life? Why I am even doing this? Why I am even living at this point? I looked at the man with despair, my only desire to die, but remembering how I even gave up her salvation for the people who never understood made my heart hurt more.

In midst of darkness like a ray of light I felt a peck on her lips, the small but momentary feeling was enough for me to regain my sanity, I looked at the man in shock and asked, "Wha- What are you?", before I could speak any further he kissed me.

My heart was feeling warmth like never before, it was beating rapidly as his tongue invaded my mouth, I couldn't explain but I felt refreshed, I wanted it more, I closed my eyes enjoying this feeling. Soon he broke the kiss and then told me how he desired me.

I felt happy! He wanted me! Someone wanted me! Even if I was worthless, someone saw worth in my useless self! Why my heart is racing like this?! I don't know but all I want is to serve! The only meaning of my life has been to serve others!

He took me in his arms, and my body shivered to feel his intimate touch, his face looked so handsome that I was enchanted by it, I wanted to be just like this, and when he called my name, the final straw broke, I don't care about the people who betrayed me anymore! I don't care about the country that never understood me despite my doing my best for them.

For the person who desired me, I will give my all, my lips moved and I replied,"If you want I will be your sword, I will kill and destroy every obstacle in your path, I will be your knight only for you, I will be your Queen, please lead me, my King", my body started changing.

I knew what I had just done, I gave up all my morals, all my drive just to follow a person that I just met a while ago, yet I was content, I never felt free before but now I felt light, I knelt before him and pledged my fealty to which he rewarded with me a pat!

How warm his hands are! Yes, this was my purpose! My will! It was always to serve someone but this time is different! I will be doing this out of my own will! No more betrayals, no more pain, no more suffering, I will give me all to serve my Lord!

Soon a few days passed and I found out Lord loved me as a woman as well, I can't take it!! This bliss is too much for my heart to handle, even if we made love his touch was full of care for me! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve him.

I am fine with just being beside him, yet my heart wants more, I just want to be in his embrace forever, how sinful of me! I even ended up asking to stay in his embrace for longer! What's wrong with me?! I am his Knight! His servant! I have no right to demand something!

Still, he didn't care and obliged my request, He-He really loves me as a woman, I snuggled in his chest not wanting to separate from him, he caressed my hair slowly and said," Hey Saber?", I replied with a 'Un', then he turned and hugged me and said," I know how much you have suffered and I don't want you to suffer anymore, so if you have any problem you can ask me.

I am here for you, I will help you and you can lean on me if you ever need help, after all I can't let my cute Artoria be sad right?".

He-He called me cute!!! and his words, Bliss were so much for me to handle that I passed out. A few days have passed since. Several things happened one being that B*tch Medea soiling my Honor of Knight! How dare that stupid woman touch me?!! Only Lord has the authority to do something like that!!

I would have ripped this Pyshco Bitch into pieces if not for her being Lord's Mistress, hmph!

To be continued...


(Author's Note: 😥😥😥😥😥 I am tired of this sh*t!! Firstly my Wifi option goes, then unstable wifi, then no balance and today the whole Webnovel website became unreachable for my PC, after hours of doing several things to fix it, I found it that was due to me putting Mobile Internet into data saving mode, and that was when i was halfway through the chapter, so I wrote later half fully frustrated, I don't know what sh*t I have even written, Just hope you enjoyed this)