Meeting an old man

(Author's Note: I want Powerstones!!! Give me otherwise I will be forced to do Thanos Snap!)


Neo Pov

I caressed the back of Barthomeloi as she snuggled on my chest, after spending passionate lovemaking with her she has become much closer and much more docile. I looked at her body and smirked, her neck, breasts, and even her back were covered with the hickeys I gave her.

Her ass was red from the spanking I gave her with my handprints on it, normally being too rough for a woman who doesn't like treated roughly would dislike my actions, but with Third True Magic I don't have to worry about such a thing, and top on that I discovered she likes being treated roughed which just made it better.

I caressed her hair and said," Barthomeloi, it's time I should leave", she looked at me and asked sadly," Can't you stay with me a bit longer, Master?", I shook my head and said," Nope, and why you are worried about that? I will be coming tomorrow as well, and then I will introduce you to my wives".

"Your wives? Those incarnated Heroic Spirits?", she asked me, I replied," Yup, Now I have gotta go", I broke from her embrace and quickly wore my clothes, then rubbing her ass lightly I said," Before I go though, let me heal you", I used Magic to heal the pain of her swollen pussy and ass.

She moaned lightly,"~Ahhh~", once I have done healing her I quickly teleported back to my Mansion. As soon as I reached I found a disheartened Artoria, I frowned and asked," What happened with her?", Medea and Elsa seeing me quickly hugged me and inhaled my scent perversely making me sigh.

Artoria jumped on me and hugged me like a koala she rubbed her cheeks against mine," My Lord, you are back!", she looked at me pitifully and continued,"*Sniff* Cooking *Sniff* is so hard!", I looked at her confused, seeing her sad I forwarded my left hand and she quickly put her head below it and started rubbing against it.

I smiled seeing her acting all cute, and Medea and Elsa were doing their things as well, on my left Medea had my shoulders grabbed while on the right Elsa had my right hand between her huge chest as she rubbed her head against my arm, I felt satisfied at my wives acting all cute and wanting my attention.

But then again, I can't stay in this position for hours, so I said," Elsa, Medea, Artoria, can you all let me go now?", they nodded and reluctantly left me and stopped their perverse actions, finally getting my body freed from the three Koalas, I said," Let's go on the dinner table and continue talking".

"Master, about that", said Elsa making me guess something is wrong.


Well, it wasn't that bad, Elsa and Medea had made food for us, even Artoria but hers was more of a poison than food, I looked at D Ranked Poisonous food speechlessly, glancing at her I can see her looking down ashamed, I sighed and started analyzing the food she had made, there is no way that the food she made will be poisonous without any reason.

And soon I found it, some blackish-red particles in the food and going through my memories I remembered what it was, smiling I said," Artoria, I have found the reason why your cooked food is poisonous", she looked at me eagerly and asked," Why My Lord?", even Medea and Elsa looked me curious.

I snapped my finger and Blackish red particles were invisible to the naked eye, she looked at it surprised and said," This is my energy!", I nodded and said," Yup, this is a black primeval cursed energy native to Britain, this energy is usually passed from successor to successor, in your case previously before becoming an alter you didn't possess it but now after becoming an alter your nature leans more towards Morgan who was the successor of this energy hence gaining access to it making your attacks more powerful and deadly".

Medea nodded and said," Now it does makes sense why her cooked food was poisonous, I should have checked it before", she looked at me embarrassed, she could have found the reason but didn't try to, I replied," Fine, no worries Medea, and Artoria you should try to control to not release even a bit of this energy and later on I would teach you to cook myself".

"My Lord?", she looked at me her eyes sparkling and I nodded making her more cheerful while Medea looked at her in jealousy and pouting and asked," Dear, then I can learn from you as well?", I chuckled and said," Sure, you can join us as well", she became less jealous after hearing that.

"Now it's time to eat!", I said quickly shifting their attention, we all sat on our chairs and started eating, once finished Elsa asked me," Master, did you successfully make Barthomeloi your woman?", I nodded and said," Yup", Medea giggled and said," Hm! Like a normal mage can resist the charm of Neo!".

"I agree on that, my Lord is irresistible to every woman", said Artoria seriously, finally after chatting some more time and Elsa went to sleep together, after a bit more chat we all agreed once a week each of them will sleep with me alone and rest of four days we all will sleep together, and while alone with each one of them there will be obvious lovemaking.

Thus I grabbed Elsa's ass and started fondling them, we kissed passionately each other and well let's just say it is gonna be a long night.


Next Day,

After the love-making session with Elsa and having breakfast I again teleported into Clock Tower, just before my office, to be honest after some time Medea, Elsa, and Artoria will come with me as well instead of staying back at the mansion, it's just I want to get a bit proficient in my work,*Sigh* being a husband of three which is now four is tough.

I opened the door to see Barthomeloi waiting for me, she quickly bowed and greeted me humbly," Master, I welcome you", I smirked and grabbed her ass, she moaned in surprise and I said," Waiting for me my dear Bartha?", she looked me surprised at the nickname I used for her, she nodded and said," I missed you, Master".

I cringed a bit for absolutely no other reason than the fact she became like this, I decided to just ignore her overflowing affection for now," Didn't we just separate for what a single night?", I asked her, she put her head on my chest, and looking at me cutely she said," I just want to be with Master all the time, I love you very much".

I kissed her aggressively taking her by surprise, I kneaded her ass with my right hand and breast with my left, fondling them I enjoyed their bounciness, and just like began another love-making session.


A few hours later,

*Palp* *Palp* *Palp* Palp*


Bartha continued moaning as I continued moving my hips, her back facing me as I f*cked her in doggy position, enjoying the tightness of her slippery vaginal walls which squeezed me hard, in this position my cock reached deep inside her, and my every thrust caused ripples across her ass which jiggled alluringly.

*Slap* *Palp* *Slap* *Palp*

"❤~Aghhhh!~❤Masterrrrr!~❤More!!~❤F*ck this b*tch of yours Moreeee!!!!~❤"

I had her hair grabbed while I spanked her ass, it was extremely pleasurable slapping those jiggly pieces of flesh, I grunted in pleasure as her vaginal walls tightened further, thrusting with a huge force, my penis penetrated her cervix reaching deep inside her womb, she moaned loudly as I held this position and creampied her.


Once I have finished cumming, releasing the last drop of my semen deep inside her womb, I looked at her face which was in a mess due to pleasure, it gave me a feeling of superiority to see that I made a beautiful woman in this state, while she moaned and begged for me f*ck her harder.

I slowly took my dick outside of her pussy, as soon as I did the mixture of her fluids and my semen flowed out, I caressed her red ass covered with handprints from my spanking, I was more of an ass person than breast, though only slightly as I liked marking myself on these two areas of my women. I waited for a few minutes for her to recover

"Ma-Master, I- for-got to tell you something", she said while breathing heavily, I frowned and asked," What?", she trembled and sat on the bed dirty from our fluids, she looked at me with unhidden lust and said," Zelretch, the previous Director of the Mage Association wanted to meet you, he will come today".

"Is that so?", I said, I quickly started recalling everything about Zelretch whom many called a prank in my past life, thankfully from some previous questions I asked the system about him I know that he isn't exactly a prank and not as OP people thought to be, he is someone who got 2nd true Magic somehow, against his battle with Bruenstad, at least in most of the timelines, in my timeline though he got the second Magic while testing an attack Magecraft which supposed to cut spatial boundaries.

Yeah, totally different from the Normal Fate version of Zelretch and Tsukihime one, as in my timeline Dead apostles don't exist nor the overpowered version of Tsukihime nor nerfed one of the Fate, to be honest how he got Second True Magic is b*llsh*t as well since Zelretch of another timeline interfered and made him get the Second true magic.

I asked her," When will he come?", she said," He is supposed to come in the afternoon around 3'o clock", I looked at the clock in the room and found it was 2:30 P.M, supposedly thirteen minutes were still left, I quickly cleaned and healed her up, we both got ready to meet another True Magician and as expected he came at 3'O clock.

The door opened as he came in, he looked at me and said," Finally the time we Neo El Dlsardius", I smiled and said," I can say the same for you, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg", he sat on the chair in front of me, his eyes moved towards Barthomeloi and said," I have been seeing you after a long time, Lady Barthomeloi", she replied in a calm voice," Indeed, we have been meeting after five years Sir Zelretch", his eyebrows twitched hearing her.

"It seems to me you changed the Director even not consulting me about it", he said in a strict voice, Barthomeloi didn't back off either and replied in a sharp voice," Sir Zelretch, the director of the Mage association should be someone stronger than me, and who actually does his job, and unlike you Ma-Lord Neo does his job, he is more worthy of being the Lord Director".

He said," Is that so? Fine, I am here to have a private talk so can you leave us alone", I patted my lap signaling Bartha who happily ignoring Zelretch's words sat on my lap and made herself comfortable on my lap, then wrapping her right hand behind my back she looked at Zelretch in provocation and said," As you can see Sir Zelretch, I am not entitled to follow the orders of someone who isn't director anymore".

He looked at us angrily and then glancing at me he said," Sir Neo, what I am going to talk about with you is better left between the True Magicians, a mage like her shouldn't pry on our talks", I calmly said," Sir Zelrewtch, Bartha on top of being my assistant is my woman as well, and thus you don't have to worry about our talk leaking".

She giggled and rubbed her head against my chest while Zelretch looked at us fuming, in fact, I would have naturally not done to anger Zelretch but this version of Zelrecth was like my power level of timeline except Servants is weak as hell, heck even Barthomeloi can beat her, except for being able to see in past and future of other timelines, he can't do much, heck despite being able to travel in a parallel timeline he can't do so due to lack of enough Mana and fear of a method which he barely knows.

So yeah, a super nerfed Zelretch, for some reason my timeline is kinda extremely safer compared to others if you don't include Holy Grail War and servants which aren't weaker than other servants of different timelines.

"Fine, then let me say it, Neo do you understand the consequences of your actions?", he said angrily looking at me, I sigh knowing this old man is going to rant about some unnecessary stuff, and said," Which actions?", he said," Your action of incarnating two heroic spirits in the modern world, by doing so you have created a huge chance of starting a new Age of Fairies due to Incarnating King Arthur, and there is even a slight chance of Age of Gods returning due to you Inracnating Medea a Mage from Age of Gods!!".

The room became silent for a bit before I started laughing angering him further," This is no laughing matter b*star-", he stopped in the middle as he looked at Bartha glaring at her," Zelretch speak any ill of Master and I would make you remember why I am stronger than you", he grunted angrily.

I stopped laughing, looked at him, and said," For that reason, you were here? Did you think I didn't take enough measures to prevent that? To be honest, you are kinda pathetic, unlike the other versions of you in different timelines you are too weak". He looked at me shocked at asked," Do- Do you have Second True Magic as well? Impossible! There can be only one user of True Magic at a time in a timeline! How, How do you know about this?!".

I quickly released a suppressing Aura while Zelretch fell on the floor, he looked at me trembling while I said coldly," Go away Zelretch, don't bother me anymore, I don't want to hear your annoying rants anymore".He looked at me embarrassed and standing up he said," I- I will leave now", and thus without waiting any further he teleported unsurprisingly, well he does have enough Mana to teleport away, if couldn't that either having Second True Magic he might as well have committed suicide.

*Sigh* Why did I get this wimpy old man in my timeline instead of a Badass Zelretch who killed Brunestad, fate is indeed annoying at times.

To be continued...