Train Zeppelin Part 3

(Author's Note: So guys, um there are two Major plot holes that I have left in this fic. The first one is what happened to Lancelot, and the second is that I forgot to include the Liaris Fresse Perfect version he exchanged for the protagonist's aura, I am not gonna lie, I feel embarrassed and kinda shitty.

Ok, let's solve them real quick now. Firstly Neo simply let Lancelot return to the Throne of Heroes after some time feeling no need for him to be his servant, as in grand order of things he wasn't too strong, and he had no plans to make him stronger.

Now, with Liaris Fresse, what should I do? Should I make it so that Neo exchanged it for some gacha points at a point in time, or, should I make re-edit my chapters, and include the skill in all the statuses, it will be definitely quite problematic for me, but still suggest me on what to do.)


3rd Pov

Trisha and Waver had a short chat, where she told him they know about his past involvement in the Fourth Holy Grail War, which changed him. She reminded him that even if he was to re-summon that servant in the next Holy Grail War he won't be retaining the memories of the previous war, after that she left him alone. Meanwhile, Gray who had entered the bar heard the conversation a bit.

"Servants don't even have the memories of the previous times they were summoned huh? I have been well aware of this fact for a long time", he said in a tone of sadness," But sir! If there is someone you are devoted to then wanting them to remember you is only natural right?!", Gray asked him saddened by the situation of her Professor.

"Yes you are right, I would be lying if I was to say that I didn't care about whether he remembered me or not... But even despite that I want to see him again, there is something I want to confirm, something to settle and finish so that I can put the last decade behind me", he replied in a determined tone then he continued," Yes, I am fixated on something so petty, just the feeling of being remembered and getting to enjoy each other's memories... Such happiness is beyond me after all it's too good to be true, I can't hope to repay it in my lifetime".

Gray wanted to say something but no words came out, the train had stopped a while ago so others can take a breath of the fresh hair. Suddenly a scream sounded in the compartment alerting them both, he quickly glanced at Gray and said," Gray!", he only called out her name, but she understood that he wanted to follow her to the origin of the scream, she nodded and replied," Right".

The next moment both of them made a run for the room from which the scream came out, the moment he opened the door, he got stunned, as Olga Marie sat beside the lying body of the Trisha whose head had been separated from her body, a pool of blood surrounded her beheaded neck. " What the", he said gazing at the dead body.

" I was just gone out for a moment, to get fresh air, and when I returned I saw that- Tr-Trisha!", Olga said as tears appeared in her eyes, she couldn't continue her sentence due to shock and grief, soon other four people came in the apartment as well. They were none other than Caules, pink-haired Lolita Yvette, the black-skinned priest Karabo, Adashino the dark purple-haired girl, and Neo.

Everyone seemed shocked by the scene of Trisha's beheaded body lying on the floor except Neo who had a calm look, his eyes glanced at Claues with interest before he shifted his focus." Trish-a It is a joke right?! Please! Wake up and scold me like you usually do!!", she shouted after which she started crying grieving over her attendant's untimely death.

" Quickly contact the conductor!", Waver said only to hear a sudden voice," There is no need for that, we are here", said Leandra, the main auctioneer, and then glancing at Trisha's dead body she continued," This is definitely a depressing turn of events", Olga Marie raised her head and looked at her and Rodin, the train conductor standing beside her with anger.

" Did you two do this?!!", she asked with unconcealed anger, then her eyes shifted to the black-skinned priest, and she shouted," No!! It is definitely you!! Isn't it right Korabo! You Holy Church people are mage killers!!!", he sighed and said," I am not the one behind this, but well I will perform the autopsy after all I am used to seeing such corpses", he moved out walking towards the dead Trisha.

" You bastard!! Don't touch her!!", Olga shouted as she summoned a dark ball made up of magical energy on her palm with the intent to shoot it at the priest, suddenly a barrier appeared before her as it neutralized the spell, the priest who was ready to defend himself glanced at the one who helped him.

Neo came out and said," Your anger is justified Miss, but you should understand the situation and calm yourself", he glanced at her and she shouted," Who the fuck are you?!! How dare you help that bastard?!!", she manifested another spell with the intent to attack but it failed as a barrier appeared before him and negated it. This show of Magecraft or so everyone assumed clearly surprised everyone as by the looks of the barrier which easily negated an attack from the first-rate magus was at least three verses long.

Not to mention Neo did it without a chant showing his excellence in Magecraft, Waver who was quite suspicious of Neo looked at him with wary, and a thought came to his mind,' He is definitely dangerous ', to be honest chances of being Neo the one who stole the Iskandar's relic became very high after his display of magecraft.

Olga seeing her spell failed for the second knew it was helpless to attack him, and glancing at them with anger said," Fine!! I will calm myself!", still she was barely holding herself back from making another attempt to kill Karoba. " Thanks Miss", he said then glanced at Leandra and asked," Now can I know Miss Leandra how under your noses a passenger died?".

She frowned and replied," Every mage is responsible for his own safety, Sir, this isn't the responsibility of the staff", Neo narrowed his eyes and said," I can't say I am exactly impressed with the service and staff of this train, there are cases of such murders every year in this train, and yet you took no steps to stop it?".

His words even infuriated Olga who well aware was of how things operated," Yes! Tell me! Why didn't you do something?!", she asked her with anger, Rodin stepped forward and replied," This is the last warning Sir, and Madam, as Miss Leandra has said, it isn't our responsibility for the passenger's safety, thus better keep this blame to yourself, otherwise we will be forced to exclude you out of this trip".

Everyone gasped hearing that, it was a clear threat! Neo turned his head away and glanced at an infuriated Olga who was about to lash at Leandra and Rodin, he used his Magic to make her fall unconscious as she fell unconscious before everyone eyes. Then he said," Well then I will be going, since such a case had happened, I would rather stay with my wife", he glanced at the Priest who said," Thank you, Sir Neo for helping me", he nodded and left.

Next, the Preist performed an autopsy on Trisha's dead body assisted by Adashino, Caules meanwhile took the unconscious Olga to another room. After which a discussion began in the room among the present who tried to find the culprit. Karoba revealed himself to be in possession of the Mystic Eyes of Precognition, eyes that could see the past.

Things went heated but in the end, no culprit was found, after that Waver had a talk with Olga who had regained her consciousness and was much more calm. After promising her to find the culprit and having a talk with Adashino he came to Train's last compartment, and walked outside the door to the exposed part of the train along with Gray.

"It's the time the thief mentioned to meet me in the letter", he said glancing at the letter Caules gave him in the morning after finding it, the letter was sent by an unknown person and it was from the thief. After that, he explained to Gray how the train was akin to an underworld and it would be difficult to escape outside or enter in without an invitation and then he went into deep thought.

Suddenly the weather became cloudy as black clouds covered the skin, and wisps of red thunder started coming from above, then it struck the Roof, " Sir, it's above there!", she said, and he nodded, both of them quickly got on the top of the roof to see a woman standing wearing clothes clearly belonging to an older era and she had heteromorphic eyes.

" Now it's funny, should I mock you for coming despite knowing it was a trap, or should I mock you for your foolish bravery", she said, Gray asked in a serious tone," Are you the thief that broke into Sir's office and stole his relic?!", the woman replied," Yes", Gray shouted," Then give it back-", suddenly Waver quickly came in front of her and stopped her surprising the white-haired girl.

" Gray", he said as sweat oozed out of his forehead, he glanced at the woman standing in front of him in utter disbelief," She is a servant", he said sure of the nature of the being in front of him. Gray's eyes widened upon hearing his words. After that, the woman continued talking while mocking him and then revealed how she is Hephastion the most loyal confidant of the Iskandar.

After that they had a small clash, in which Gray was forced to use ADD and unseal the Lymbrogiad, to fight against the woman, she was surprised that a person this strong existed in this era, and in the end, she summoned a chariot similar to Iskandar's before leaving and warning him that she will kill him as he does not deserve to be his confidant.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I have to fast-pace some things, as the content is too large and if I don't explain it then it will create doubts, anyway give this greedy one power stones.

P.S.: Can you guess which woman from this timeline will be added in the harem?)