Let me show you what a True Heroic Spirit is like

(Author's Note: Damn, I didn't have a good sleep yesterday. Anyway, once I return to my other fics after this, which one would you like to see? Poseidon? Mushoku? MHA? or Cultivation?

Or would you want the revival of my Marvel fic, or Attack on Titan continuation?

Please do answer, as I am having mixed thoughts)


3rd Pov

Waver fainted after the brief counter with Hephastion. He was brought by Gray and Claues to the compartment to rest. Gray looked at him worriedly, Claues gave her a reassuring smile and said," Don't worry about it much, he will be fine", she nodded and relaxed hearing that. " Well I guess he is a failure in dying as well", Olga who was sleeping on the nearby bed said as she stood up.

Then they had a small talk meanwhile in the Locomotive room, the conductor glanced in the front with disbelief, he quickly sounded the horn, making Leandra standing near him ask," Sir Rodin is something the matter?", he nodded and replied," There is an anomaly in the train's path ahead, it might be hard to believe but someone meddled with train's track, and now the train is heading to the Child of Einnashe".

She gasped hearing that and quickly asked him," Can you slow the train down?", he shook his head and replied," The output won't go down", in the end, there was a single thing for him to do. He quickly used brakes, creating a shock that shook all the apartments and the train started slowing down but in the end, it still entered the Child of Einnashe.

Olga, Claues, and Gray who had their chat stopped by a sudden shock, regained their balance after the train stopped and heard the announcement from the Rodin," Attention, we have an announcement to make, we regret to inform you all that this train has entered in the child of Einnashe".

"What the hell?", Olga cursed completely dissatisfied with the train conductor. She glanced outside to see it snowing heavily," Where are we?", asked Gray confused, Olga sighed and explained to her how Child of Einnashe is an offspring of the Forest of Einnashe one of the twenty-seven mythical Dead Apostles. Meanwhile, some mages came outside with the intent to burn a part of the forest so they can help the train zeppelin return back, but in the end, they were killed by the living forest.


3rd Pov

"Let the auction begin!", said Leandra in a loud voice, the excitement of the people couldn't be hidden. The last day was hectic as hell, firstly the train entered the child of Einnashe, then the group of Korabo, newly arrived Melvin the self-proclaimed best friend of Waver, Yvette, and Gray teamed together to free the train. In the end, Gray encountered Hephastion again and had to stall for time against her, which resulted in her separation of her from the group.

Not to mention once the train got freed, she was unable to board, but somehow she showed up hours later. Then Adashino proved that Korabo was behind Trisha's murder, how he committed the murder with the use of his Mystic eyes, when he tried to prove his innocence the deputy chairman of the Train Zeppelin arrived, a superior dead apostle with the capability to extract Mystic eyes.

In the end, she extracted Korabo's mystic eyes as he promised her, and in the end, he was proven guilty and the case ended, or so everyone thought, Waver who was extremely suspicious of Neo had new suspicious about a person other than Neo, and in order to prove Korabo is innocent he had planned for this moment.

He glanced at Neo, and the woman was extremely similar to Saber sitting on his lap, like always she was wearing a mask that hide her face, in fact, he had doubts whether the mysterious wife of Neo was Saber, after all, Hephastion was a servant appeared before the beginning of Holy Grail War so that was a very big possibility.

But that created other problems, not to mention his mind was refusing to accept that the King of Knights can sit on someone's lap like that. He knew Saber from the previous Holy Grail War, so he knew her personality quite well. Still, he decided to leave that for later on and focused on the auction and his plan.

The auction began, and mystic eyes started being auctioned one after another, there were two people buying the Mystic eyes pretty hard, it was none other than Yvette, whose family magecraft was related to the creation of artificial mystic eyes, which made them have quite a wealth, so she went pretty hard on this auction as always, since the Mystic eyes meant more to her family than others, and she had been given a pretty big budget from her family for this year's auction as well.

The other was surprisingly Neo, who brought a few mystic eyes at quite a hefty eyes, though, unlike Yvette's cheerful expression, his face looked as if bored, glancing at the valuable pieces of organic pearls he retained an unamused expression. The others didn't know about it, but Neo was buying Mystic eyes to give to Medea so she can do her experiments, and even if that wasn't the case, he was simply buying them to collect as it didn't even put a dent to his pocket, using Hundreds of Millions of Dollars was nothing to him.

He had cheats called First True Magic and Alaya, so money would be the last thing he would have to worry about after his mastery over First True Magic had improved significantly. He can simply create trillions of Gold, and silver with his EX+ Ranked Mana. Finally, it was time for the last item to be auctioned," Now, comes the last item of today's auction, the Jewel class Mystic Eyes of Transcience".

He glanced at the Mystic eyes of Korabo with amused eyes," The bid stars at thirty million dollars", Leandra said and the betting started.

"40 Million!"

"50 Million!"

"90 Million!"


"130 Million", said Adashino earning a shocked face of Yvette," Are you joking with me?", she asked, Adashino smiled and replied," I am not the type of Joke", she gritted her teeth and quickly raised the bid," 160 Million!", another bid sounded," 190 Million", gasps could be heard as they glanced at Melvin, "230 Million", said Yvette with a smile as if sure no one was going to bid again.

"240 Million", said Adashino crushing her dreams to oblivion, "250 Million!!", shouted Yvette," 280 Million", again said Adashino stunning the pink-haired Lolita," 285 Million!", suddenly Waver said raising his hands, it stunned everyone, " I said 285 Million!", he said looking calm, but his hands were slightly shaking. Leandra smiled and was about to finalize the deal when Neo said," Auctioneer, can we get a break? Things are getting too heated".

Everyone glanced at him confused, he hadn't participated in the bid yet, Leandra nodded not refusing her currently second-best buyer, and agreed to his request. Waver and Melvin sighed in relief. After that, all of them went to their compartments, and Melvin quickly rented some of his valuable possession securing 200 Million Dollars extra for the auction.


"The auction now restarts", Leandra said as the bidding restarted," 290 Million", said Weaver,"410 Million", said Yvette silencing everyone, Adashino glanced at her and gave up," Is anyone wanna go higher?", asked Leandra, Waver's hands trembled as he said,"420 Million!", Yvette quickly raise the bid as well, and in the end the bid reached an astonishing 530 million dollars. Suddenly Waver's purse glowed lightly and he said," Wait a second!".

" We won't allow another break", said Leandra, he said," I want to say something about Miss Trisha's death", Adashino stood up from her chair and asked," What is this? Are you dissatisfied with my deduction?", he replied," Your deduction itself was very accurate but there was a problem with your logic", she said putting her hand on her lips," Oh, then let's hear what the Great detective has to say".

He quickly called out Claues who came with Trisha's head, then started explaining to them the clues, and in the end, he said," That will make him the culprit", everyone became stunned glancing at Claues whose body was surrounded by a ring of purple fog," Professor!", he said with disbelief.

" Well, he really looks like me", said Claues coming from behind with Rennis, everyone glanced at him in disbelief," What does this mean?!", asked Gray, " Isn't that obvious, he is a fake", replied the Claues who had just come now, the fake Claues started laughing and then his disguise wore off revealing a man with long red hair.

" Impressive, I thought my disguise was perfect", he said with an amused smile, not worried at all, Waver replied," It's you who used Korabo's Mystic eyes to kill Trisha and the person who made this train go in the child of Einnashe, Doctor heartless the man who said his heart to be stolen by fairies, someone like you should have no problem to steal something from my vault, isn't that correct."

He smiled and replied," Indeed, everything you said is correct, I am the culprit behind the stealing of your relic, and behind the death of Trisha, and I am also who dragged this train within the child of Einnashe", Waver continued," Your name is doctor heartless, you also committed the murder seven years ago using Korabo's mystic eyes, you also created the fake pseudo-holy grail to summon that fake servant".

He started clapping," Haha, to think you would figure out this much, well sorry but it's time I leave now", Waver hearing him narrowed his eyes and said," Adashino!", she quickly tightened the grip around his body with her artificial snake, but in the end it was futile, Doctor heartless quickly used his command spell to summon Hephastion who freed him from Adashino's grasp and threw her meters away.

" Adashino!", Waver glanced at her worried, then Gray quickly summoned ADD, as he transformed into a Scythe. A wave of mana rushed out of Hephastion, surprising everyone," What the heck is she?", muttered Olga in disbelief as the amount of Mana she possessed was something she had never seen in a mage, even the vice-headmaster of Clock Tower whom she had met once. Gray muttered," She is a servant", she gripped her scythe tighter.

" She is Iskandar's shadow", he said surprising everyone again," But brother that doesn't makes any sense! Didn't you tell me that Iskandar was a red-headed giant, who was over two meters?", Reines asked him, he nodded and said," Indeed, but in the legends, he had black hair, his height was short, and he passed heteromorphic eyes, like her, Faker is a reflection, she is one who protected Iskandar, she forged his identity, gender, everything".

" Yes, you are right, I am not Hephastion, that's just a name I took for convenience, instead I am his reflection", she said getting in a battle posture, Doctor heartless suddenly said," I know, that you two misses are very eager to settle your score, but I wouldn't like to destroy these beautiful mystic eyes, so conductor, can you open the pandemonium?".

Rodin nodded, and the roof of the train opened, Doctor heartless with Hephastion got quickly on the top of the train, and Waver and Gray followed them, soon a clash between the two begin, while Doctor Heartless chanted a spell, causing a black portal to appear in the sky, Waver gasped and shouted in disbelief," It can't be!", he glanced at the monstrosity coming out of the portal, it had a big mouth in the middle, and had hundreds of wood tentacles.

He smirked and replied," Yes, I have unleashed the Child of Einnashe!", countless wooden tentacles spawned out of the ground, Rodin quickly hit the brakes and the train quickly stopped in its track. Thousands of wooden tentacles spawned and covered the area around the train entrapping it, Waver gritted his teeth glancing at the figure in the sky.

Meanwhile, Hephastion managed to land a hit on Gray throwing her tens of meters away, as she crashed on one wooden tentacle. " Gray!", Waver shouted, Doctor heartless said with a confident smile," You lose, Lord El Melloi II". Suddenly someone else's claps sounded on the roof, Waver looked back to see Neo.

" That was certainly amusing, you got rid of the boredom and made this trip worthwhile", he said, as he walked forward being followed by his wife, they glanced at him surprised,' What he wants to do?', waver thought as he glanced at the man, who was quite mysterious and was involved in the Holy Grail War in one way or another, but after determining he isn't the one whole stole his relic, he decided to give up on finding out his identity for now.

" Well, your Faker is certainly impressive, even summoning that Child of Einnashe is a good trick", he said, then glancing at the monstrosity hanging in the sky, he said," Still, your servant is nothing compared to a True servant, Let me show you what a true heroic spirit is like". Their eyes widened hearing that, even others who heard it from inside were surprised.

A torrent of Mana gushed out of Artoria, as she dropped her mask, shocking Waver," I-It can't be", he muttered looking at his nightmare, Artoria's dress quickly changed as she was now claded in black armor, with red stripes, her armor had clothed sleeves reaching her palm. She held a black sword with golden stripes.

"King of Knights!", said Waver, as his face paled remembering his near-death accident. Even the doctor heartless was greatly surprised by such events. Suddenly a huge amount of Mana radiated from her, it was felt through the distance of one Kilometer as Mana as pure as Ether clumps from the Age of Gods ran through her veins.

" This is unexpected, but well I still have a servant", Doctor heartless said as if reassuring himself, he was completely surprised by Mana oozing out of King of Knights," Artoria dear, can you just obliterate that ugly tree? It is ruining the beauty before my eyes", asked Neo gently, she nodded and replied," As you command, My King".

The next moment her sword started glowing purplish, she held up her sword and said," Excalibur!!!!", a powerful beam of red light shot from her sword hit the monstrosity hanging in the sky through the portal. In even less than one-tenth of a second, it got obliterated the moment the beam touched it.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: It would have taken a few more chapters if I covered the contents of the Train Zeppelin, but it will be a waste as most of it would be a copy of the original, so after summarizing the important points, I quickly went to the grand finale.

By the way here is the photo of our Lovely Knight and Faker-->

P.S.: Give me Power Stoness!!!)