The King of Knights

(Author's Note: I am still saddened by powerstones, that's the most horrendous result I ever had got. Anyway, I have exams next week, so it might not be possible for me to upload a new chapter, thankfully exam is only a single week long, and since I will be free on Saturday, at most it should take five days.

By the way, any idea on how to make this fic popular? Should I change its name or do something else?)


3rd Pov

Gray glanced at the figure dumbfounded, the one on top of the train was none other than the King of Knights herself, a legendary figure who held Excalibur and Rhonogomyniad, two divine constructs of the highest level. Not to mention Avalon, the strongest defense artifact capable of defending from Anti-World Noble Phantasms, Divinities, and True Magics.

Ever since her face started morphing into Artoria's, she had gotten some parts of her memories as well. Even despite all that, she hated her face the most which was a copy of Artoria's, and even Waver who didn't like Saber's face, told her to wear a hood, to prevent himself from seeing her face every time, and she obliged agreeing with him.

Now, that legendary figure was standing before her, and her mind was a mess. Her eyes glanced at how the King of Knights, holding her sword tightly swung it towards the Child of Einnashe and released Excalibur, which unlike her memories released a red beam of light, that vaporized one of the strongest things in less than a second.

" Ar-toria", a name escaped from her mouth, as she stood gobsmacked." This!! This feeling!!!", said ADD as he trembled in her palms. To be honest, he was created by Morgan Le Fay to keep the Miracle of Rhongomyniad from fading after the end of the age of the Fairies, and she made him based on the personality of Sir Kay, the Knight who liked the Artoria the least of all the Round Table.

Morgan was extremely contradicting in making him, as he is the seal of the weapon of Artoria, to return to her once she is resurrected but his personality makes him like her the least. In fact, if the untransformed King of Knights was in front of him, such a reaction wouldn't have come out of him, as he was made to instinctively dislike Artoria.

But the one before him was the rightful heir of Britain unlike the original, she was who gained the Primeval Energy of Britain just like Morgan, so her control over him was more than one would accept, as Morgan used the Primeval Energy of Britain while creating him, it would be right to say that she can now have absolute commander over him, due to the weapon he is sealing is rightfully Artoria's and his creation involved Primeval Essence of Britain.

Meanwhile Doctor Heartless looked at her stupefied, he couldn't believe that a single attack from the servant standing in front of him was enough to destroy the Child of Einnashe, even if it was just an offspring of the real deal, it still was at least half strong as the original was. Waver Velvet was not in a better position than him, as he was reminded of the horror of the girl standing before him, her visage was as strong as ever, and he gave off a Kingly aura, but this time it was more of a tyrant than a kind-hearted king.

Doctor Heartless aka Kurou, quickly made a judgment within his mind and used his command spell decisively," I order you with my command spell, Faker! Kill that person!", he ordered to her. Hephaestion feeling empowered by the spell summoned her chariot and quickly dashed towards Neo breaking the sound barrier, Kurou had made a quick and efficient judgment to let his servant focus on killing the master instead of the servant as quickly as possible.

From the words of Waver Velvet, the person standing before him was the legendary king of knights no worse than King of Conquerors and it can be said she is the more famous out of the two. Thus, he knew the chances of his servant winning against her even in an unfair fight were extremely slim. In fact, his quick decision and order were really impressive, alas he was against someone stronger than the King of Knights, and Artoria wasn't going to stand like a fool when her king is being attacked.

Using every bit of strength she could muster up in her legs with A rank agility, she aimed at the chariot flying towards her Lord, and with a condensed shot of Excalibur she divided it into two with the intent to kill her, unfortunately for her, Hephaestion narrowly escaped her death, and jumping out of her destroyed chariot, she charged at Neo and used her mystic eyes to stun him.

An octagram appeared in Neo's eyes just before Hephaestion slashed with her short swords at him, he dodged the lethal attacks with ease stunning the Fake Iskandar, who redoubled her effort slashing him with more accuracy and agility, still it proved to be of no use as Neo dodged her attacks with ease again.

Her eyes glanced at Neo's eyes, which had an octagram, it took her no time to understand that it was the effect of his Mystic eyes, clicking her tongue she decided to create distance between them and escape with her master, as winning against them was extremely difficult for them. Neo was immune to her mystic eyes, which was a big surprise for her, and he was able to dodge her attacks, telling her that he wasn't an easy opponent either.

She and Kurou had the same thought in their mind, and that was to escape

Unfortunately for her, the Yandere Knight of Neo was not idle and had already arrived behind her, and without giving her a chance to escape she plunged her sword into Hephaestion's heart.


The sound of flesh being sliced sounded, as Saber using her strength moved the plunged sword upwards dividing Hephaestion into two. It was clean and seemed almost effortless and it showed the prowess of the King of Knights, who if not for Hephaestion's chariot would have killed with relative ease. Her body quickly started vanishing as it turned into golden particles.

Kurou was stunned by the outcome and quickly started chanting a spell to create a portal and escape quickly, but his spell failed terribly much to his surprise, he glanced at his enemies, to see King of Knights had appeared before him, and swung her sword slashing through his neck, beheading him and spilling his blood all over the roof.

It was over, the enemies that gave so much problem to Waver and Gray were killed in less than a minute. The shocked Lord El Melloi II still lay on the rooftop, trembling as his nightmares surfaced. He was again shocked by the display of power from Artoria's Excalibur, it was definitely more than the sealed Rhongomyniad that Gray can use.

He gulped down his saliva looking warily at Neo and Artoria, who walked towards him, and then stopping in front of him, she lowered her head and asked with a blush on her face," My King, was that satisfactory?", Waver was unable to see her blushing, and was in shock being unable to predict her facial expression from her behind. Still to see the King of Knights acting like this was surprising, still what happened next changed his worldview.

Neo smiled and patted Artoria's head as if she was a puppy, and said," Indeed it was a satisfactory performance, good girl", she lowered her head as her face became redder with a blush that covered to her tips of ears. She felt happy with his praise and enjoyed his caressing merrily. Gray who had already got on top of the roof, and was able to see the facial expressions of Artoria, was too surprised and shocked greatly.

A blush appeared on her face as well, seeing Artoria acting so girlish compared to her memories of her. Claues, Rennis, and Korabo on the other hand who had come out a while before to help them, were too shocked by the presence of the King of Knights and her unusual behavior. Waver stood up and glancing at Neo, asked " Who are you?", he looked at Neo warily.

Since Neo had Artoria with her, it meant he was one of the seven masters of the True Holy Grail War, which was going to be held soon. This increased his danger level significantly, and as he held control over the King of Knights, it can be said his next actions can decide the life and death of everyone present here.

" Who I am you ask? I am Neo, husband of Artoria", he said as a matter of fact. His reply stunned everyone since his words implied that he was the husband of a heroic spirit, one that was the King of Knights. Neo under their vision, approached Artoria and hugged her waist. She quickly unsummoned her armor to make it more comfortable for him to hug her.

His one hand was over her waist and the other was over her back as he hugged Artoria, who snuggled on his chest. There was no reluctance in her eyes as she inhaled Neo's scent. Since her face was covered no one saw her doing it, not even Gray. Sweat dripped from Waver's forehead as he looked at Neo, who was hugging Artoria.

A question plagued his mind, and he asked," Is she really King of knights?", Neo glanced at him as if looking at a fool, while his eyes still retained the octagram. Artoria suddenly broke her hug parting with Neo's warmth with reluctance, then she turned towards Waver and summoning her sword, she placed it on the roof, with her hand on the top of the hilt.

" Let me introduce myself, I am Saber class servant, and incarnation of the King of Knights, King Arthur!", she declared giving everyone another shock. Gray stepped forward and said," Yes, she is right, even if the color of her armor has been changed, even if her tone of skin has changed and her eyes aren't green, she is no fake, but real King Arthur".

She glanced at her, opening her hood, revealing her face which looked an exact copy of Artoria's but with different hair color and eyes. " I see, you are the vessel made for me to reincarnate", Artoria said in a cold voice causing Gray to shiver, not only her but others as well can feel as shiver in the spin, hearing that cold voice, which gave them visage of a ruthless King.

Gray nodded, and then glancing at her with a resolute face, she said," There are somethings, I want to ask from you and confirm", Artoria replied," I have no time to give an answer to a fake, who was made based on my old self", her words gave a lot of clues, especially on how she referred Gray being made on her old self, referring that the current Artoria is the future version of the King of Knights Waver had met in the fourth Holy Grail War, or so everyone guessed completely oblivious to the truth.

" Now, Waver Velvet, the Lord of the Modern Magecraft, how about we have a nice chat, like mature people, while sitting on a chair, sipping some tea?", he asked him, Waver nodded with wariness in his eyes, things were too uncertain and dangerous for him, thus he had no chance but to oblige to Neo's request, after all, he had no confidence that Gray despite possessing Rhognomyniad will be able to defeat its real owner, not when her Master has powerful and Mysterious abilities.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Can I get some reviews to increase this fic's rating, that would be certainly helpful in attracting new readers. Also, there was a guy by the name DaoistHDqMh, who after giving a bad review started spamming it in my Marvel fic. Okay, I get it he hated Mc's personality and him killing the Avengers, he had already given a review and despite it being bad and biased, I didn't delete it.

But this guy crossed the limit and spammed it, I mean what the fuck dude? What did I ever do to him for him to spam like that? After your suggestions, I deleted his spammed comments including the original one and now I have decided, if there is a case against like that I will delete the comments without blinking my eyes. I don't care to delete it if you have given a bad review stating your reasons for that.

I mean I might obviously dislike if your highlighting ignorable mistakes like a criticizer for no apparent reason, but if your comment has a point, I won't delete it, but if you were to just spew hate and spam, then I will delete them without exception.

Also, I request you to write your reasons for liking this fic and how it improved when giving a review otherwise there will be a random guy giving a bad review, saying he wants to maintain balance as all the reviews are works of bots. Anyway, Akros, Peace out.

P.S.: Can you just give an F for Kalied Prisma Illya being a lolicon anime?)