(Author's Note: I am uploading after a month, Last week it would seem that I had a mental burn out, so to escape that I decided to watch my stored anime. If I have to say, my current situation doesn't allow me to watch anime thankfully I had some in store, and it was none other than Fate Kaleid Prisma Illya, season 1, 2, 3, 4 & a movie.

There is something I want to say about the anime, firstly it has too much loli fanservice, I mean who the fuck will get turned out by seeing a naked loli?!! They are even kissing each other!!! Ughhh- Thankfully, the heavenly thigs of Toshaka, and some milf boobas saved the day, Lastly, the season 4 fights and movie fights were quite good though it was cringe somewhat. Also, my fate knowledge had further widened! We also have another possible world to explore!)


3rd Pov

Neo returned to the house he had bought in Fuyuki City by teleporting himself and Artoria there. As soon as they appeared, they were greeted by the scene of Medea and Scathach playing chess, while Elsa was watching Television. Suddenly sensing them Medea stood up and walked towards him,"~ Welcome back dear~", she said as hugged him. She was completely in her wife mode.

" Welcome back, My horny disciple", said Scathach with a simple greeting, though a slight hint of lust was visible in her eyes. Elsa too came towards him and performed a maidly bow," Welcome back Master, should I arrange a bath for you?", she said with a smile and licked her lips slightly showing her intentions.

Neo knew she was in the mood for some kinky stuff and played along with her, soon he experienced heaven for the next two hours, and after that, he made love to his wife Medea, then disciplined his horny teacher who lusted his own disciple, and finally filled Artoria's tummy with his seeds. In the end, he was quite exhausted.

' Well, why do I have such lusty wives? ', he thought, but then discarded such thoughts as he didn't mind their lust a bit, he was quite a lusty person himself. ' Anyway, I have created quite a variable in this world, that makes me wonder, just how much chaos it will cause, and just how many Gacha points I will get? ', he thought with an excited smile.

Say, he acquired a single gacha point every day, and the other way to acquire gacha points was to change the destined sets of events in a world, In a way he is an outsider to every world so his every action will change their events which will earn him Gacha points. He can take any path for it, become a savior or a destroyer, kill someone, or save someone as long as it causes change in the ' Plot' defined by the Gacha system he will earn points.

In front of his wives, he put up a reason that he helped others because he wanted to, and despite how irrational that would seem, they respected his decisions as they were quite the same. But his main reason for helping others is to change the plot and gain Gacha points by them. For example, he had given Iskandar to this world's Waver Velvet.

He is a very important person in the main scheme of events, Heck in another world like Fate Strange Fake, all of his disciples in El Melloi's class are masters to two servants, even his actions caused quite an effect in the Fake Holy Grail War. In this world, once the time of his new adventures comes, Iskandar's existence will quite deviate from the 'Plot' and lead to many new sets of events.

Of course, he will be getting Gacha points for them, but the system will only give him based on some complex calculation, or if the change had already happened. Thus he hadn't gotten Gacha points yet, but in the future, he will surely get Gacha points. Not to mention he is also testing on what kind of deviation he will get Gacha points and how much time it will take.

Is helping Kiritsugu and his family enough? Or does it need something big like a heroic spirits involvement? Whatever the result might be it doesn't change the fact he will be getting bonus Gacha points in the future. ' Well I should now involve myself in the event of Unlimited Blade Works, and after that I will get combined Gacha points from that event and El Melloi's event ', he thought.

He can raise simple requests to his system, like giving combined points of different events after a set time or taking the stored Gacha points in advance. Of course, he could ask barely anything else from his system, and since it had Q&A system he was fine with this.

Anyway, he had settled down in Fuyuki City to wait for the Fifth Holy Grail War to start. For other mages all over the world, it is but a small ritual held in the island country of the Far East. But Neo himself knew what Holy Grail and Holy Grail War meant and their importance to the entire world. If Holy Grail Were to be released it would drown the entire if not the most humanity within its evil mud.

Not to mention the power of Heroic Spirits which no one human or only a handful of mages depending on timeline can compete with, not to mention the overpowered servants like King of Heroes, King of Knights, King of Magecraft, Chains of Heaven, Raging Destroyer which were in a league of their own.

Although only two of them will be present in this timeline, which are a weakened King of Knights and arrogant Gilgamesh who would never use his full powers unless he found his opponent to be worthy. It did make Neo a bit excited. Still, a thought lingered in the corner of his mind,' Who will be the caster? Medea or someone else? '.


Neo Pov

I glanced at the wide city with attention. Even during the nighttime, the city was as majestic as ever, I could see the red-coloured bridge at a distance which was also a special building of this city, at least in anime. Beside me Medea floated while covered in her robes, her eyes glancing at the city searching for the caster.

" Master, she is there, I can feel her ", she said, I nodded and then both of us teleported there. I looked at the new environment we were in, a place full of forest cover. On the right of the us there was a wide staircase leading to the Shinto temple situated at the top of the Hill. Just a few meters away from us, lay the injured body of a woman, she was covered in robes looking exactly the same as Medea beside me.

She was none other than the Caster summoned in the Holy Grail War, suddenly her eyes turned towards us. " I see, so it was you", she said with a weakness in her voice, clearly indicating how her life was slipping away. I walked towards her, with Medea following me, then she glanced at other self with pity," I see, you killed your master", she said.

Medea lying in front of us became silent and then mustering up the entire strength she had left she stood up, Medea got wary seeing her alter self moving, and got ready with a spell, meanwhile the injured Medea put her hand on my cheek, her robe fell down revealing her cute yet sad face, she then said," I never thought you won't believe in yourself, especially seeing my current state".

Medea replied in a stern voice," Injured or not, I know myself well know it better than anyone that to achieve my goals I won't even care about the feelings of a innocent child much less ' other me ' ", Medea chuckled hearing her, and then looked at me she said," It is indeed true, but I just wanted to look it carefully, the solace you had found in this cruel world".

Her body started shimmering with golden lights as her body started disappearing," You are so lucky, only if it was me-", she said as she completely disappeared. The place became silent, Medea grabbed my shoulder and asked," Dear? ", I looked at her with a smile and said," Don't worry I am fine Medea, other version of you isn't enough to affect me, after all, she isn't you in the end".

Her face turned red hearing that, while I glanced at the place she had disappeared, the words I had said to Medea were without an lie, but this encounter did bother me a bit, after all, it was undeniable that the woman who was just standing before me was Medea, her looks, her personality was extremely similar to my one.

'That's why I hate time-related bullshits, Thankfully it's just an alternate self of Medea like Marvel universe or DC universe and not her past or future self ', I thought with a bit of joy. After all I couldn't imagine my life being anything but chaos with time-related stuff. Finally content with the meeting I said to Medea," Let's leave".

She nodded, and we went back to our residence, and after that naturally, we made love with each other to strengthen our bond. Once, our session was over, I lay on the bed with Medea whose head was on top of my chest, as she slept peacefully with a content look on her face. I caressed her hair gently and played with her elf-like ears. Then I sighed and thought,' Holy Grail War is on nigh, well while I am in this timeline and too early on top of that why not I do that?'.


3rd Pov

In a classroom full of teenagers, one can see a red-haired boy looking out of the window with a face that showed how he was a bit tired from the overwork. The classroom was full of chatter from the students as the news that two new transfer students were coming to their school had already been revealed to them.

They were quite enthusiastic about the new students as the boys were hoping at least one of them to be an extremely beautiful girl and the girls were hoping to be a handsome boy. Unknown to them the wishes of both the parties were going to be fulfilled, As the door opened and a handsome black-haired boy walked in, he had a strikingly handsome face and black eyes, one could see a bit of red hair mixed among his black hair.

The moment he turned towards the group of students as if an wind had passed, almost everyone was stunned, it wasn't just girls who were entranced by his pleasing smile but also boys, as everyone could feel just joy looking at him, as if they were meeting someone very important.

He introduced himself," My name is Neo El Dlsardius, and beside me is my sister Artoria El Dlsardius", As his words reached everyone's ears and they glanced at the girl, they again were stunned although it was not as strong as earlier, still the scene of an extremely beautiful girl stunned them, she also had a stranger Aura around her which wanted them to stay from her.

" Nice to meet you all ", said Artoria, as she looked at the students in front of her with no interest. Neo glanced at the teacher and said," Ma'am?", his voice woke up her from her trance and she said," *Ahem* So kids, they are our new transfer students coming from foreign I hope that you can help them to settle in and behave good with them, though if you don't behave good then I have a solution for it as well", she laughed and everyone felt a bit nervous seeing the predatory look of Taiga.

Soon, both of them sat at a seat near the window just in front of Shirou, who still remained unaffected for the most part but whenever he looked at Artoria a weird feeling flared up inside him as he knew her, yet nothing came to his mind. Soon the class began, and everyone decided to wait for the tiffin break to talk with them.

It was because they got a weird feeling and were too dazzled by them, thus they wanted some time to prepare before talking with them, and the break period was the perfect time to do so. Neo smiled while looking at the familiar atmosphere,' This brings up memories, some pleasant and unpleasant ones, well I guess Artoria should enjoy these two weeks as well and learn about school life ', he thought.

' Hmm, it is still two weeks before the war begins, and as long as I don't intervene with Matous they will hopefully summon her, so I can get her ', he thought, although he can Alaya to summon whatever heroic spirit whenever needed but to win their hearts is not easy, and if there is a situation where his chances increases then why leave it?

' Still, with me here, Fate Unlimited Blade Works is no longer an appropriate name for this worldline, rather that Old man should name it Fate Unlimited Waifu Works ', he joked in his mind.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Finally the plot begins, also I am again suggesting you to check my Wattpad profile to get some surprises.

P.S.: DO you know that there is a Doraemon reference in Fate, which involves Gilgamesh?)