This Fifth Holy Grail War

(Author's Note: I am totally exhausted, mentally and physically)


3rd Pov

School life is something Neo missed a lot, indeed he hated the school and even wanted to burn it down quite a few times, No one can deny that this place had a special place in his heart and he had a hate-love relationship with this place, thus when given the chance he chooses the cliche way, and decided to join the Highschool in Fuyuki City, not only to feel nostalgia but also to let Artoria who was interested in school life to experience as well.

As for why she enrolled as his sister?*Ahem* Somethings better be left unanswered. Now Artoria who wished to experience school life, was beside Neo in the class who was surrounded by a group of students, who were asking about him. Neo was an exceptionally handsome person and Artoria was quite beautiful as well, thus this much attention was expected of him.

He did not refrain from talking with this group of teenagers who were smitten by them, though one boy was uninterested for most of the part. ' As expected of a protagonist, cliche as always ', Neo thought seeing Shirou going to the club room to eat with his blue-haired Anti-Woman friend. ' Well, not that matters to me, if he was a woman instead then maybe *cough* *cough* ', he thought.

" So, Neo can you tell us about your sister?", asked a boy who tried using him to talk with the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Neo smiled and ruffled the hair of Artoria much to the displeasure of other boys and the jealousy of the girls. Then he said in a cold voice," You see my sister is not much of a talking type, but you can try to if you want to be Excalibrated ".

Although the boy didn't understand the meaning of 'Excalibrated ', he understood the underlying meaning, and seeing his cold eyes Saber quickly gave an apology and left the place, followed by the other boys, finally Only girls were left,' Good, this is better ', thought Neo as he wanted to be surrounded by opposite gender instead of some boys who tried to ogle his waifu.

' Good job, Artoria ', he said to her, and Artoria gave a small nod and blushed while enjoying his pat, finally, Neo spent the rest of his time talking with girls, he can't say that he doesn't dislike being the center of attention as long as it is in moderation.


Two weeks passed by, and the Fifth Holy Grail War was on nigh, Despite the incident on the first day Artoria did enjoy school life for the next two weeks, and made some friends as well. As for Neo, he trained, banged his waifu, and then lived the school life and repeated the cycle for the last two weeks.

It might seem boring but exploring the wonders of the Universal laws and the depth of his own Magic, having sex with the most beautiful women, and being the excellent student in the school was quite pleasing to him. He did garner the attention of light Tsundere Rin Toshaka and Jealous Shinji Mage wannabe.

Currently, it was nighttime and he was watching the battle between Archer and Lancer from the top of the school terrace, beside him, Scathach and Artoria were watching it with interest and suddenly Scathach said," What a bad disciple he can't even tell that his master is watching him not from far away ", her voice contained annoyance and then giving a kiss on Neo's cheek she said," Wait a minute my love, let me teach this disciple of mine a bit ".

Neo just nodded, while Cu Chulainn shuddered suddenly and almost got stabbed by the Archer's dragger," What happened? Getting scared?", said Archer in a mocking tone, and Cu Chulainn clicked his tongue and said," Just felt something unpleasant, and now just wait for me to shred you into pieces bastard", suddenly a new voice intervened in their chat," Oh? My presence is unpleasant? ".

Rin and Archer got alerted, and Archer quickly went back towards Rin to defend her and run away with her if needed. Meanwhile, on Cu Chulainn's face, there was disbelief as he recognized the voice, even if he thought that it might be an illusion or work of someone else, perhaps Assassin as the third person was definitely a Heroic Spirit, but when he saw it was her Master in her tight clothes, his confident face broke.

" Ma-Master! Why are you he-", he was unable to speak as she pierced his cheek with her Gae Bolg Alternative, he quickly made some distance and got back, the situation became tense and Scathach said," Your reaction had gotten a lot slower, or it might be because you aren't exactly my disciple".

He became confused for a moment by her words, but then realized what it meant, Technically he was indeed her disciple, but his actual master was supposed to be in the Land of the Shadows and not in front of him. Still, technically she was still his master, the same sadistic Master who almost killed him one time, Even now it gives him a shudder just thinking about it.

" Master It is so nice to meet you-", he tried to diffuse the situation but how could words that were spoken as if he was a third-rate character could affect Scathach who was out for her disciple's blood? She again attacked him at a rapid speed making him defend himself. Most of their parameters were the same, except endurance and luck and obviously Scathach's were greater.

Of course that wasn't the only difference, Scathach could use all of her abilities including runes at her full power, while Cu Chulainn could only use the power of runes equal to an Modern First Class Magus which was nothing compared to her, not to mention Scathach was very close to the concept of Divine Spirit and Cu Chulainn was a Demi-god, thus even his existence was lower the Queen of the Land of the Shadows.

Thus a raging battle occurred between them with Scathach the stronger one, Meanwhile, Rin and Archer remained on defense and Rin said," Archer wait for a chance and then attack them", She could see how foolishly the two servants in front of her where ignoring them and fighting each other and understood that it provided a great opportunity for them.

But Archer was different, his experience told him that defeating Scathach would be no easy task. She was a war veteran and even as she bullied the blue-haired bastard in front of him, there were no gaps for him to attack her, compared to Cu Chulainn who had dozens of gaps in fighting style and an expression of fear plastered on his face.

" Rin let's retreat for now", said Archer after understanding their situation, meanwhile Rin clicked her tongue in annoyance," What's the problem?! Weren't you saying you are a very powerful servant? Now when we are getting such a good opportunity you are being coward?!", she said, and he sighed glancing at the immature girl.

Meanwhile, Shirou who had heard the unknown voices ran towards the place to see the four,' What are they doing?! ', he thought confused only for red eyes to fall on him, It was Scathach who looked at him nonchalantly of her disciple just a few meters away, Cu Chulainn seeing the opportunity made some distance between them.

Yes, he didn't attack knowing well his Master wouldn't be affected by such a lame trick, and instead breathed in relief. Meanwhile, Scathach's weirdness garnered the affection of the tsundere duo who followed her vision and found Shirou standing there frozen in fear. " Shirou!", Rin shouted surprised by his presence, meanwhile Scathach blasted a small rune of fire at him that fell just before him and cracked the ground.

" Ah? Ah!!!", he came out of his stupor and then screaming in fear started running away, Scathach then said," Well, now that he has gone we should resume ", Cu Chulainn who had a smile on his face said," Master, you see I would really like to continue our fight but my Master is calling me back, don't worry I will kill that boy later on as well", and his figure teleported away.

" What a disappointing disciple", said Scathach and then teleported back to the rooftop, Meanwhile Rin and Archer had already retreated and were following after Shirou Emiya. " So how it was?", asked Neo with a slightly bored expression, She said," Useless, he still has yet to heal from his trauma, and is unable to fight back properly. I doubt he will prove to be any amusement or threat to us".

" Hmm, you are right, Artoria should we meet your other self in this world?", he said, she glanced at him with her yellow eyes and said with a smile emerging on her face," Indeed, I would like to see how my other self in this world is like, is she still like the naive and foolish old me? How strong would be she? ".

He remained silent not wanting to expose the truth about being her nerfed self of this world being summoned in this battle. ' Well it's not bad, since they are approaching him ', he thought as he looked at the distance and then his vision magnified countless times, revealing the figure of Illya slowly approaching Emiya's residence being followed by Heracles in his Spirit form.

' Not to mention Rin and Archer Emiya will be there as way, though Cu Chulainn will stay away from us for a while to not meet his master again until he has a plan ', he thought and then smiled," The game is going to get interesting, it's time we go at the place of the battlefield, so will you follow us Scathach?".

" Well, since you have asked then no, I would rather let my disciple heal from the trauma and then die as a true warrior than watch Artoria absolutely destroy everyone", she said bluntly, and Neo just shrugged while thinking,' Is killing her disciples her hobby or what? ', of course, Scathach was enraged by Cu Chulainn's lousy display of power and it hurt her pride to think that person was his best disciple once.

Thus unless she could kill him in a fitting way, her teacher's ego wouldn't calm down. Thus she left back for their stronghold or so the heroic spirits would like to say, and he and Artoria came to the outside of Emiya Residence to see a wonderful scene. Half of the Emiya Residence had crumbled down and the other half was on the verge of collapsing.

Three servants were fighting each other, it was none other than Heracles, Archer Emiya, and Artoria. Though Artoria and Archer were working together to fend off the Heracles and even then it was proving a great trouble for them to take on against the Son of Zeus. Illya was having the laughter of her lifetime," Smash them like some insect berserker!", she said cheering the bundle of muscles.

Meanwhile, Shirou has an extreme urge to get into a fight and stop Artoria from fighting for him and save her. His Savior complex was as strong as ever and if for not Rin who had his hand grabbed by force he would have definitely gone into his self-sacrifice mode. Meanwhile, Archer dodging a few of Heracles' attacks, tried to stab him with his draggers though they only managed to cut through the skin and bit off his flesh.

Heracles was enraged by this and swung his sword-axe with full force on Artoria who was hit by the attack and then thrown away like a rag and crashed through the wall and splurted out blood, she struggled to stand up but could not gather the power to do so, it was apparent that Heracles' attack had broken her spine.

Rin meanwhile was trying to make a plan and attack the master of Berserker in her mind. " Rin! She is hurt I need to go!", shouted Emiya seeing Artoria being hurt for him, meanwhile Rin shouted in anger," Shutup! Do you want to die?! She is a servant! She will be fine but if you were to hit by his attack you will die!!".

' I guess it's time to intervene ', he thought peeking at the disappointed expression of Artoria, and then said," Artoria go", She nodded and charged into the battlefield, suddenly The battle stopped as servants sensed the presence of a new heroic spirit in the area. " How could it be!", said Rin shocked seeing the new servant, Although her attire and complexion were different she was a xerox copy of Saber, no she was Saber unknown to their knowledge.

" Huh? Another Saber? Is that some Noble Phantasm of hers?", muttered Illya getting a bit wary but it was overshadowed by the sense of overconfidence," Heracles! Don't play anymore! Kill them!", she said. The next moment Archer who had made some distance between them and was trying to shoot an arrow, was punched by the Heracles who seemed to blitz in front of him.

"FUckk!!", he said as he felt his internal organs shatter. Then the Heracles charged at the Artoria who smirked and summoned her sword, as he swung his Sword-Axe dilating the pupils of everyone present as they could already see what the outcome would be. "Overdramatic", said Neo as he walked in announcing his presence, and glanced at Artoria who had stopped the attack of Heracles gently by grabbing his weapon.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: I am going through a stage where I need to embrace the difficulties of life, and I have been mentally and physically exhausted. It has been difficult for me to get even in the mood to write for the last two weeks even if I was to get free time. Hopefully I will get used to it with time, and my fire will return as I shift in my new hard and busy lifestyle.

P.S.: Check my wattpad account for the two new ideas that I have released, namely I am Elven King! All Heroines are mine, my first original and Gilgamesh in the Omniverse another fic. Its @akroszero, probably.)