King of Waifus bullies The Strongest Greek Hero

(Author's Note: It is in the title guys)


3rd Pov

Everyone looked at the scene in shock, Artoria who was not even half of the size of the Heracles had stopped his attack with her single hand, and it looked as if she was stopping a child and not a Heroic Spirit capable of smashing mountains into rubbles. The scene looked both mind-boggling and unbelievable.

In truth both of their Strength Parameters were at the same level, being A+, but there were a bunch of skills Artoria possessed superior to Heracles, not to mention her Endurance which simply reached the forbidden realm of EX Parameter.

In simple words, they weren't at the same level and Artoria could easily Kill Heracles after putting some effort way more quickly than her Alter self in Heaven's Feel world, which had been destroyed now.


Heracles roared putting all of his strength on his arm trying to move Artoria from her place, the ground under Artoria cracked from the sheer force creating a crater of several meters deep and tens of meters wide.

The rubble around them shot away like a cannon bolt leaving the poor masters and servants to fend for their lives. A grin came on Heracles' face as he successfully moved Artoria's hand and her grin loosened on his Sword-Axe. Artoria looked at him calmly and said," Is that all you have?", her words irked the Berserker who quickly broke her grip on his weapon and again swung with his full strength.

*Boom* *Boom*

Heracles was sent flying in the air with a single kick on Artoria, who quickly summoned her Excalibur in her hand, and then jumped towards the flying Heracles breaking the sound barrier as if it was child's play, though her move completely demolished Emiya's residence making two Emiya cry in grief.



Artoria unleashed her Noble Phantasm in the mind air and then swung it towards the Berserker who was trying his best to regain his balance. The next moment he saw a purplish dark beam approaching him, and then vaporizing his entire body claiming four of his lives at once. " Nani?!! He died that easily?!!", said Rin Toshaka completely shocked.

" No!!!! Berserker!", cried Illya seeing Heracles completely vaporizing into ashes, and Artoria fell back on Emiya's Residence demolishing a huge chunk of wall near the gate as well. She looked above to see a skeleton forming out of thin air, and then it got covered with muscles and fell on the ground in front of her, in mere seconds the ugly structure formed into a body, and the Heracles who was revived roared seeing her.

" Let's leave this place Berserker!!", shouted Illya, and surprisingly Heracles even without being used command on him, quickly obeyed her orders and ran towards Illya, and then hugging her gently jumped away from there and started running away. Finally, the place calmed down, and Rin who was hiding with Shirou and Archer came out, Shirou quickly ran towards the injured Saber.

Meanwhile, Rin looked at Neo skeptically with fear visible in her eyes. " Should I follow them and kill them My Liege?", asked Artoria as she knelt before him. " Not needed", replied Neo as he patted her head," You did a good job", she nodded happily while a smile of bliss formed on her lips. Neo then glanced at the injured Altria whom Shirou tried to support and make her stand but was unable to do so because of the weight of her armor.

(Author's Note: I will refer to the same old, UBW Saber as Altria which is her original name, and Neo's waifu Saber, as Artoria, the name that our Saber likes the most due to Neo)

Neo teleported her shock Shirou who got on his guard," It seems you are in bad shape Saber", Neo said, earning the skeptical look of Altria who looked at her other self standing beside him like a loyal Knight. He placed his hand on top of her, and then a beam of light struck her surprising Shirou," What?!", though he was stopped by Artoria who grabbed his neck and held him in the air.

Rin got worried seeing what was happening, meanwhile, Archer Emiya had a shocked expression on his face as he felt the blessing of Alaya on Neo. Normally he couldn't even tell if the person was blessed by a higher being or not, but after working for Alaya for eons, he could not only tell whether someone was blessed but also distinguish the Aura of Alaya, and he realized that Neo had received the blessing from the Counterforce itself.

Just as Rin was about to run towards them, he grabbed her earning her an angry look, and said," Rin it isn't gonna end well if you were to attack him, also there is no need for it, he is healing her", his words calmed her down and then she looked again at them, to find a healed Saber standing before her another self who had Shirou's life in her arms.

" Leave my Master", said Altria as she summoned her sword, Artoria didn't listen to her, she was obviously disappointed by the level of power displayed by her before, knowing well that she could not even utilize her true strength due to the Red-Haired kid in front of her. ' She is no opponent of mine, she is way beneath me ', though Artoria smugly as she realized that her other self could not attract her Master, Neo a bit.

Yes, she did have some insecurities wondering if Neo would take a liking to her other self if she were to be more amazing than her but in the end, she found out that her other self was no match for her, she didn't look as sexy as her and neither was as powerful as her. " Leave her", said Neo and Artoria left her hold on Emiya's neck who fell on the ground on his butt.

" Neo!", cried out Rin, while Altria checked Shirou, Neo looked at the source of voice and said," Nice to meet you Rin", a vein appeared on the latter's head as she heard his words, at first when she found a Heroic Spirit looking very similar to Neo's sister she thought it to be mere coincidence and decided to think about it later on, but now she understood how wrong she was.

" You are a participant as well huh?! Still, how can you have Saber as well?", she questioned him in an angry tone, meanwhile, Neo's face became cold and he said," I wonder if it's my problem to explain everything to a person whom I barely know in a game where I am supposed to be her enemy and my goal should be to kill her", the realization hit upon Rin's face realizing the mistake she had committed, and her face turned pale.

" I would like to apologize on her behalf", said Archer as he came forward and bowed, he also made Rin bow who said," I would like to apologize for my outburst as well!", Neo ignored them and then looked at the destroyed house," Well you are forgiven", his words made both of them relieved, and then Archer looked at the Altered version of Artoria, his guts told him that fighting against her was equal to forfeiting his life.

" Well, we can talk about what just happened and other things, though I need to fix this house before that", said Neo and then used his True Magic to fix the Emiya Residence, under everyone's eyes as if time was being reminded every piece of the house started floating, and got on the place it used to be. In a brief ten seconds, the entire house was fixed and good as new, including its surrounding area.

Rin had her mouth wide open well understanding the level of feat performed by Neo. " He is a True Magician", said Archer seeing the Miracle in front of him, he had quite the crossing with True Magicians during his jobs especially a certain old man thus he was sure of Neo's prowess and his capabilities after seeing the feat performed by him casually. 

Soon all of them went inside the house, to have a chat.


' What's the situation? ', thought Rin as she looked at Neo sitting in front of them, while being hugged by his servant, Saber and they looked as if they were a couple. Altria was blushing slightly seeing the behavior of her other self, it didn't take her much time to realize that her other self was in love with her master, the one between a man and woman.

Meanwhile, Shirou felt slightly sour despite the Altria beside him, and Archer looked as if he had received the greatest shock of his life. " Well, let me introduce myself again, I am Neo El Dlsaridus, a True Magician", Neo briefed about himself and then Artoria introduced herself," I am King of Knights and the wife of Neo", she said coldly and then continued hugging Neo and focusing on his alluring smell.

" What?! You are his wife?!", said Rin surprised, though it wasn't her that was most surprised rather, a certain White-haired bastard, a faker, who stood agape of the miracle performed by someone which he failed to do. Altria was surprised as well, becoming aware of the intimacy shared between her other self and this 'man', still it was weird to think that she would become wife one day! Shouldn't be she his husband?

Suddenly a frown appeared on her face, as she wondered what was wrong with her thought process and soon realized that she had even forgotten the fact she was a woman in the first place and sighed. She again looked at her other self and suddenly her mood changed as she asked her with anger in her voice," What did you sacrifice? Or rather what did you forsake?", her eyes glared at Artoria.

Shirou shuddered to see that a war was about to erupt, knowing well that a battle between two women was bound to be dangerous and he was well aware of that. Rin quietly asked Archer," What does she mean?", fear was evident in her voice, and Archer replied in a low tone," The Artoria in front of us, who is dressed in black and all is an alter, a peculiar situation which occurs when a Heroic Spirit forsakes his ideal or goes against the very thing that defines his life, his myth, Though such situations never occur that easily and the only case of it is happening is when they are tainted by some curse."

Artoria replied," My Kingdom", her words earned the ire of the Altria who smashed her palm on the table breaking it, and said," Why?! How can you do it? Have you lost all your dignity as a Knight?!", her eyes glared at her, she had made a deal with the planet to save her Kingdom and had already failed once, but she was not going to give up.

But it irked her there was another self of her, who had abandoned the most important thing in their life. Their biggest regret and now she is enjoying her life with some man, being so hypocritical and selfish after destroying Britain!!

Neo suddenly hugged her waist and looked at Altria," What she does is none of your worries, it is her life, her choice. So what if she chooses to abandon the Kingdom and people who give her nothing but suffering? It is better if that hypocritical Kingdom ends like that.", his words enraged Altria who gritted her teeth.

' She is rather hot-minded ', thought Neo, well he did expect some intriguing reactions from Altria of this timeline, and can't say he was disappointed in the least. Altria stood up and summoning her sword pointed it toward Artoria and said," Have a Duel with me!", her words made Neo break into laughter," Hahaha, I never thought you would be in such cliches, how did you end up being a muscle woman?"

Meanwhile, Artoria was fuming in embarrassment,' Fuck you visage of my past self, how dare you embarrass me in front of Neo?!!! ', Rin said worriedly," Saber! Calm down, this is neither the time nor the place to fight!", Emiya who had been silent in the background till now trying to master the powers of the greatest assassin of all time, Drax, finally said," Saber! There is no need to be this angry, although I still don't understand why there are two of you quite well, but they saved us didn't they? Thus they are not our enemies! ", he said.

Truly his words were befitting of a protagonist despite lacking the necessary plot armor. He had already trusted Neo and Artoria easily, which was further boosted by the fact that they were his classmates. ' No wonder he got cucked again and again, hurt again and again and trusted Rin wholeheartedly and even didn't hurt Illya despite the fact Rin and Illya are supposed to be his enemies, and another reason he didn't understand Sakura's misery early ', Neo thought analyzing red haired kid's character.

His words managed to calm down Saber who considered his Master's words and upheld her duty as a Knight, she didn't want to tarnish the last bit of what remained good in her like her other self who was perversely inhaling a man's scent in front of her as if she was the greatest disciple of Merlin!

Somehow the night passed quietly without breaking a battle between two King of Knights.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Guys I am wondering if I should change my writing style? I mean it isn't that best and maybe I should bring changes other than constant improvements? What's your opinion about it?)