Chapter 12: benefits of the blessing patch

author's words:

volume 2: Treasure Island and real world

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Chapter 12: benefits of the blessing patch

The big black man is floating in his thoughts on what to do with the information he got just now.

He came to the real world 2 years ago.

Yes he heard of the person called innocent bitch back on earth.

He shivered a little when he thought that he just called the innocent bitch a bitch directly.

Even though his attributes are higher and he is a senior player, he doesn't want to underestimate the innocent bitch.

This is innocent bitch is the only person that that can make the entire world shiver without even detonating a single bomb or attack.

The punishments, she gave to men and woman that touched her bottom line has spread throughout the world.

Men lost their men hood and became cheap prostitutes while woman were even worse as they were treated as low as sex slaves without any reservations.


Mohini on the other hand woke up again from the unconscious state in a small alley that was surrounded by eighteenth century type buildings in English nations.

She felt that she was isolated from surroundings by an invisible wall as the people are moving without caring for a person unconscious in the middle of the alley.

She moved a step ahead and felt an invisible wall that is separating her from the surrounding environment.

Her attention was diverted by the appearance of the notifications that she just received.

Current fantasy world: Treasure Island

Current location: Cornwall

Year: 1759 A.D.

Current world difficulty: very easy mode (20 percent) (entrance test consideration)

(All damages or attacks will have only 20 percent of the original damage and the difficulty of achieving tasks is only 20 percent of the original level)

Player can change the mode manually to the following levels

Easy mode: 40 percent difficulty

Intermediate mode: 60 percent difficulty

Hard mode: 80 percent difficulty

Very hard mode: 100 percent difficulty

Accidental mode: 120 percent difficulty

Disaster mode: 140 percent difficulty

Catastrophe mode: 160 percent difficulty

Hell mode: 180 percent difficulty

Doomsday mode: 200 percent difficulty

Caution: you can improve the mode of difficulty based on your choice.

All the risks and rewards will fall on your own choice of difficulty.

Please think twice of your own capabilities before adjusting the mode of difficulty.

After choosing the difficulty you will receive your current task.

Your appearance is same as your original appearance and can be changed by spending the chaos points with system options.....



Special patch perverted fantasy system is activating….


Player is detected to have funds for further choices…..

Player can choose the specifications of the character that she wants to take in the fantasy world.

For every change that is made player has to pay with chaos points (Alternative lust points).

If player don't have any chaos points (Alternative lust points) or don't want to make any change then player will enter the world in random character.

The random character is mostly looks alike to the player in both personality and appearance with minimum variation."

Mohini looked through the options one by one.

First of all she did not select the difficulty of the fantasy world option.

She will think about it at the end.

Before that she wanted to see the details of character modification.

There seems to be a limit to that too.

Player can only change the limitations of the appearance with respect to the amount of stat points that they possess.

Also she can choose the social status of the character...…

Directly entering the main characters of the story is not possible originally and there are some special usage limit artifacts that can achieve this.

These kinds of consumable artifacts cost a fortune and are sparsely available.

Instead of that taking over the compactable side character that only appear in name only and not in physical person is possible.

It is also possible to become a new character in the story that originally did not exist in the story.


Bonus perks of the patch of the system.

Player can enter any original character of the story by spending the chaos points that are mentioned.

But player has to fulfill the special quest given to the player in that character.

Unable to fulfill the quest will cause player to have penalty.

Also the character that player entered will not lose their individuality and self.

Player will be like a part of that character's soul and thinking.

Player has to gain her dominance on the decision making of the character over time.

If player was able to complete all the quests given by the perverted fantasy system patch in high evaluation then player will get to take the character out with the player without playing any extra chaos points.

For the fantasy system any player can only enter one time line of a story for one time.

But because of the patch of the perverted fantasy system player can enter the same time line more than once but needed to pay chaos points or lust points that are mentioned by the system.


There are many benefits of the new patch that is the blessing of the will of lust.

At the same time there are also many restrictions.

Well most of them are not a problem.

Then Mohini looked through the options and finally decided on one character.

The current world is Treasure Island and Mohini wanted to find a character that would help her with earning as much of chaos points as possible.

Well she knows what to do.

But in order to do that she has to have a little status to earn it big.

As for status she knows that the Treasure Island story starts at Cornwall.

She immediately took out her phone that stores most of the data she wanted which is off line data.

It is said that around the year 1759 there are over 40 lords in this area.

This area is very rich with copper mines and trade.

All in all this is a rich area.......


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