Chapter 35: real world part-2

Chapter 35: real world part-2

The testing and bringing people happens once every year.

This place is called the beginners square where the qualified humans from the sanctuary after completing their test appear here.

The place they are right now is a small circular island which is surrounded by 3 huge land masses that are crescent shaped forming a big crescent around the beginner's island.

These three islands were divided by huge water ways connecting them to the ocean of chaos.

These three huge land masses are occupied by three nations which is also human division.

First is the holy empire that is specifically inclined towards light, righteousness, healing…..

But this is also the country with most darkness and stubbornness that can even torture and kill the people they portray as hectic for their own benefits.

The people believe in their gods of light, they have aristocratic mentality and order of the country.


Second is the oriental empire that has follows strict traditions and many methods that are closure to the nature with strong people and stable society.

The darkness is still there in the form of power struggle within the families, as the country is maintained by a council of kings.

An emperor is elected by the council of kings;

Kings are elected by heads of powerful family clusters.

Family clusters are formed by groups of various families...….

So everyone in this country is interrelated with strict hierarchy.

Dark politics is a very common thing that can happen from the grass root level to improve the strength of an individual and the family behind them.


Third is the country of free people where anything is possible that includes both good and bad.

This is the country where people that don't want to be under the systems of holy empire or the oriental live.

Well that includes fugitives and criminals that come from everywhere.

This place is controlled by gangs like the mafia back on earth.

There are many mafia bosses that are scattered like sand in the country forming a free people guild which contains gangs and clans of various powers.

Individually the people of the free country are far stronger than any other clan or power of holy empire or oriental country.

But if the collective power of oriental country or holy empire acted then any small power of free country cannot resist.

Well this will not happen because holy empire and oriental country had their own small powers in free country that acts as spies and also some of the dark side of things there.

So free people country is like a lawless zone unless one had a strong backer for support.


For the beginners it is best to choose the holy empire or the oriental country rather than the free country for their development.

Only after a certain level of development can a person enter the free country and have some stable life.

Well the misfits and cannon fodder will always go to the free country to die because of their stupidity.

The three big islands including the beginner's island is collectively called as Cluster Island.

Adjacent to the human cluster island there are other cluster islands that have other species on them as their own cluster islands.

The area they occupied is small in the outer ring are called the tier 1 ring.

No one knows how the structure of the real world is like.

The amount of exploration is also not very high.

The highest they reached from the records is up to the edge of the seventh ring after that everything is a mystery.

It is said that there are people that reached the 10 ring but it was just a legend.

The three big islands cover the beginner's island like a cup and their backs are exposed towards the direction of second ring.

The ring is an illusionary thing without a special force that deters the explorers and chaos monsters it is hard to determine the existence of this partition of the ocean.

The real world is like a vast ocean and which is divided into 10 concentric rings.

For every ring closure to the centre the width increases which the size of the ring decreases.

There are some safe islands where one can enter the fantasy world scattered on these 10 concentric rings.

There are many small island clusters were there with beginner's platforms that can bring people from the sanctuaries only on outer edge of the first ring.

Well there are people living in the real world too.

They are called native people and the people that live in sanctuaries were the descendents of these native people.

It is said that there are powerful people in the past that reached the tenth ring and obtained the power to create those sanctuaries to save the people from some ultimate crisis.

The records of that are gone a long time ago and no one knows what happened in the past.


The 10 rings are also had their own importance.

Well only a portion of these 10 rings is explored and there are many dangers in the ocean.

Most of the ancient records were destroyed because of some reason and the records of the current world structure are the only things that are left.

Even they are very vague.

In the vast ocean there are many islands of various sizes that appear out of thin air.

Some are on the water, some are floating in the air and some of them are even under water.

The environment of those islands also varies and is filled with corresponding monsters which are collectively called as chaos monsters.

These monsters are hunted for genetic essence, their spirit and any drop items.

Just like the fantasy world the real world also has a system.

The chaos monsters, islands and all things…have broadly divided along with the rings.

Inside the ring 1 all of the monsters, islands and things are all tier 1.

There are other classifications for monsters, islands…..


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