Chapter 36: real world part-3

Chapter 36: real world part-3

There are other classifications for monsters, islands…..

Islands are divided into resource islands, safe islands, ruins islands…..

Safe islands are where the players or explorers can enter and stay safe.

On these safe islands all attacks are invalid.

This means monsters cannot attack players and players cannot attack each other.

But that is not the case on the oceans.

On this safe island it is possible to enter the fantasy worlds where the system notifies them about entry.


Next the resource islands has resources required to improve the ark can be bought in the fantasy system.

Along with the resources there will be chaos monsters on those islands.

These chaos monsters are the main source for getting the genetic essence for the players to improve their strength.

These resource islands will always move towards the safe islands and the monsters on these resource islands will attack the safe islands to eliminate non chaos beings or to be precise normal sentience beings.

The resources islands present in the first ring are all tier 1 and if it is in the second ring it is a tier 2 resource island.

These resource islands are further graded into 10 categories based on the potential of the resources obtainable on that specific resource island.

They are random, basic, ordinary, common, uncommon, unique, rare, epic, legendary, and mythical.

Higher the potential of the material is higher the usage and need for the material to produce powerful pills or artifacts or other things.

Well the potential of the island cannot be explained unless players went and explored the resource island.


Ruin Island is the islands that have the remnants of the past civilization.

There is a chance of finding secret scrolls, skill books, stored wealth, artifacts...

But they rarely appear in the lower level rings.

Also there will be powerful monsters and traps in places like that that are very dangerous to explore.

But because of the allure of those powerful things many people would swarm on the ruins islands to try out their luck.


Those islands will move towards the safe islands but before they got near the safe islands players will intercept them, for resources and other things.

The players cannot just travel in the ocean using the normal boats and they need arks of the players to travel.

The ark is a special artifact that players that wants to move to higher rings should have.

The initial level players might not have their own arks but if they want to move to the higher rings the ark is a must.

Also some of the details of the ark are related to civilian merit points which are important for the development in the fantasy system.


The ark is a special artifact and only players can have it.

They can buy it from the fantasy system store for 10,000 chaos points.

Don't compare it with the chaos points Mohini has 10,000 chaos points is a very high number.

Some of the players might not be able to make 5000 chaos points in a single fantasy world.

For this reason players work, hunt and sell some things to gain more chaos points.


The ark is like a home to players.

It has 2 forms mainly first is the boat form and the second is the island form.

Once an arc is bought by the player it will become a small version of a rowing raft.

It is portable and easy to carry in their small storage space.

After placing it in the water it can be turned into the two types.

First is a raft with the size of one square meter.

Then the second is the island that is around 10 square meters.

Turning from boat version to island version requires time and also costs chaos points every time.

Here players can store their things safely but they cannot be taken out easily like they did with their storage spaces.

This place is like a room where they live while the storage space is like their pocket that is by the side of the hand.

In the island mode people can live inside.

All the subordinate of a player can live here without any problem even if the thing is turned into a portable size to carry with the player.


Mohini has already explained all of this to Mary before coming out of the summary space.

In the summary space, it is considered that she is not formally became a person of the real world.

So she cannot buy the ark.

Right after stepping out of that place into the big square Mohini used the system store to buy the ark and sent Mary inside it.

She doesn't want other people to know that she has brought in a person from the testing movie.

It will cause a lot of suspicion for the people outside that belong to the big families and powers.

Mohini don't want to reveals any of her cards to the people outside.

So she looked normal.

"Mary, it is okay inside the ark?"

Mohini asked through her thoughts.

Mary replied that she is safe.

Mohini can communicate with the people inside the ark.

Mohini simply stored the portable ark in her hands into the storage space and mixed in with the big group of people following to the opening side of the square.

The three sides of the square are closed with fencing and walls and there is only one exit for Mohini to move out of here.

Behind her is a big portal that is at the centre of the square from where many people are coming out.

There are not many though.

But the number is in hundreds of them.

Players can send in and bring out their subordinates from the ark at will.

Similarly the materials can be stored inside the ark.

But the ark cannot be accessed in the fantasy world and only the personal storage space is accessible in the fantasy world...…..


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