Chapter 37: real world part-4

Chapter 37: real world part-4

But the ark cannot be accessed in the fantasy world and only the personal storage space is accessible in the fantasy world.

Under the guidance of some people that came to introduce the situation most of the newcomers went to one edge of the square where there is a stage erected.

On the stage there are a few people that are explaining the things that Mohini already know.

Well the explanation omitted many of the important parts and is of not much use to most of the newcomers.

The people that are doing the introduction have introduced themselves saying that they are from the holy empire.

Another two groups of people with a different attire were also present that introduced themselves saying that they are from oriental and free countries.

The three groups of people can be distinguished easily.

It is said that this time it was the turn of the holy empire to receive the newcomers.

There is an exception here.

In the newcomers there are also people from the real world that were selected as players.

They already know most of the details so they were omitted from selection and went directly towards their respective country.

After their explanation they told the new players that there will be an assessment in the next few days.

Based on the results of the assessment they will be offered contracts from either their country or from some power or from a clan or from a group.

Mohini know that there are many small groups that are good at manipulation and creating slave players.

Yes, there is also this setting called the slave contract or slave magic or slave inscriptions that is used on the players.

Once a player was trapped in this it is absolutely impossible to come out of it easily.

This is also the reason why Mohini hid Mary as soon as she came out of summary space.

In the groups of recruitment people there are people with special techniques that will be able to see some of the details of players.

It is mostly about the health points and magic points of the players.....

Well people cannot discover Mohini even though they fucked her a few days ago.

Even the big black man hakim might not be able to discover her.

Mohini did not use the age reduction pill that she has stored in her personal storage.

But she put on some simple disguise where she used bandages to tie her tits tightly and even her ass and thighs.

This way she changed her figure a little and put some special makeup and changed her hair style.

Her dress is also different making it hard for people to discover her real identity.

Mohini is not stupid and only bitched around back on earth.

She has learnt many things and can be considered a high class assassin.

Her knowledge in medicine, cooking, finance, literature, fashion...…..has crossed the understanding of many famous people.

That is the reason why she was able to maintain such a strong power back on earth and help many people.

Well she has sucked on the dicks of many famous people to get their guidance in all these fields reaching her current level.

She did all of this with pure dedication and enjoyment.....


It is mostly about the health points, stamina points, magic points and some of the aspects of the players.

Based on these points they will understand the capabilities of the player.

With that they will make the preliminary assessment.

Other than that they will also get the reports from the players that were from natives that were selected as the players to get some information about the outstanding players.

Finally there will be some special testing using some exercises and tests to record the details to make final decisions on the players.

All the players with potential will be offered benefits from those powers and gets that chance to enter them easily.

The players that did not get the benefits have to pay their own chaos points to get the entry permit into a country to live.

New players can live in the beginner's island for 1 month.

After that they will be forcibly sent into the ocean channels outside the island.

They can either go to the land of one of the countries using the entry permit or through illegal means to survive.

They can also go to the safe islands that are on the other side of those countries to live there as long as they wanted.

It is prohibited to attack or fight on the safe islands.

Even if a nuclear bomb is detonated on the safe island it will become invalid simply.

But players can still die on the safe island because there will not be any food or water resources on then safe island.

The business set up on the safe island was done by the permission of the system and it is first pay and then gets the product.

It is only possible to trade if both the parties have accepted the trade.

Forcible behavior is not possible on the safe island.


Mohini found the information that she previously wanted to know.

It is possible to steal from the players but only the items present inside the storage space of the player.

The things like chaos points, stats, and skill points…..cannot be stolen with thief skill.

Also the details related to amount of points a person has cannot be known to other people even with special probing skills.

The military rank and civilian rank can be displayed at the will of the player and naturally cannot be shown out.

Some high level players will be able to see the stats of other player that were already assigned but not the unassigned stat points.

Mohini sighed knowing she was safe for the time being.

Since she did not improve her military rank it is not possible to check her current military rank being different by other players.


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