Chapter 59: ark island and ark ship are successfully upgraded to tier-1

author's words: Since it is new year there is an extra chapter today


Chapter 59: ark island and ark ship are successfully upgraded to tier-1

Then she sneaked back to the hidden cave.

While eating lunch Mohini thought that if she moved like this she might leave some clues.

There are many kinds of people out there and there is a chance of being discovered.

Even if was cautious, being a human can always leaves flaws and Mohini don't want to do that.

She has to find an alternative.

Well she did want to cook outdoor but this will attract some people's attention too.

But there will be fewer flaws.

Since she is from the king of nature faction she can simply cover it up saying that she is enjoying the nature.

After some deliberation Mohini thought of some things and made a decision.

She already has cooking skill she can improve that too by cooking the ingredients here.

Mohini always believes that cooking skill can improve the effects of the food by a large margin as long as her cooking skill improves.

Mohini wanted to take the ingredients from the king of nature faction to cook for herself.

Mohini wanted to do this for the next 5 days.

Mohini is going to give the excuse of finding some hidden quest or something to them.

Well there is such hidden quest that requires for the players to stay in the forest.

It is about hunting a wild tiger that is causing trouble for the beginner's town.

Mohini is going to complete it before and get the proof of kill to the beginner's town mayor to get the hidden quest.

This is all part of her plan.

The proof of kill also needs her pussy and asshole along with jiggling her tits and butt cheeks to get some good hidden quest from the lustful mayor of the town.

It is just that she is going to implement it a little early.

Based on Mohini's estimate all the quest of the beginner's town will be completed within the next 10 days if everything went perfectly.

If there are any flaws or unexpected problems then the time might get extended by 5 more days at most.

With that all calculated in her mind Mohini started to work immediately.

The people at the king of nature faction did not find it unreasonable as they always have things like that.

But most of the time those people would ask the staff to prepare the parceled food for them for their quest to the forest valley.

Mohini is actually the exception as she wanted the ingredients.

When the representative enquired Mohini told him that she possesses the cooking skill from the previous fantasy world and wanted to improve it.

So Mohini got what she wanted.

With that Mohini started to get busy for the next 13 days completing many quests and tasks.

The materials were extracted successfully and Mohini deployed the ark in the big pond so that Titia can work on that.

Unexpectedly she found the source of water spring under the pound and she was able to extract it successfully.

In the real world there are things like seed of water spring which is used in the ark island to form a source of water.

Mohini fortunately got a high quality one with the efforts of Titia.

When the ark building and processing are complete to reach tier 1, Mohini cannot fit that in the big pond.

This is because the size of the ark island is 180 cubic meters while the size of the ark ship is 20 cubic meters.

Well it looked like a row boat with small sails.

It can contain 8 people easily.

Naturally it should be only half of that or even less in most cases because of the low level materials used.

But Mohini used the highest level of materials which resulted in the doubling improvement of the space and other things.

As for the island it has changed completely.

There is a wooden house and some fortification, a small garden along with a pond with the source of water spring.......

Mohini can see the virtual image of that through her mind.

Titia went inside with Katherine to work on the island with the materials they got.

As the materials are added to the ark they magically integrated into it and became bigger and bigger to the current size.

Mohini know that it is magical and did not question it using the logic.

There is a restriction here that Mohini knows.

For upgrading an ark from tier 0 to tier 1 it definitely need someone that possess builder skills for ark island and shipwreck skill for ark ship.

Without these skills it is impossible to integrate the materials to upgrade the ark.

Naturally people would either buy a servant with these skills or ask help from their backers by spending their chaos points for their services.

There is another important thing.

If the skill level of the builder or the shipwreck is low then too many materials are wasted with low quality work.

Fortunately Titia is a professional and dedicated worker in her fields.

Mohini don't have to fear that she would lose much even in the future.

Well there is still some loss of materials but it is under the permissible limit.

The remaining high quality materials were preserved carefully in the wooden house store room.

The architecture and arrangements are top of the class and looked perfect like a dream island.

Mohini called out Titia and gave her a deep hug along with a good kiss on her lips to express her happiness.

Mary on the side pouted because Mohini did not do anything to her after coming out of her fantasy world.

Mohini can easily see her mood and gave her a deep kiss along with some praises to make her blush.

Then Mohini took out a pair of dresses that looked lewd and gave them to both Titia and Mary.

The dress will show their cleavages with a low cut shirt and cover their arms till their wrists and did not cover their lower tits and belly area completely showing out for Mohini to feast.


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