Chapter 60: hunting the tiger king

author's words: Since it is new year there is an extra chapter today


Chapter 60: hunting the tiger king

The dress will show their cleavages with a low cut shirt and cover their arms till their wrists and did not cover their lower tits and belly area completely showing out for Mohini to feast.

Then the skirt is quite short that was only thigh length long showing off their bubbly butt and a slight breeze can show their panties.

There is no bra for them to wear as it did not fit for the dress.

Then there are thigh length socks that stopped right by the skirt leaving a slight gap showing the marble white skin of their thighs.

Then there are big boots with high heels.

Mohini gave them some laced panties to wear leaving them with beet red faces because of embarrassment.

They looked like certified sluts in these clothes making them want to hide but there is not where else to hide.

Mohini wanted them to be her sluts but not force them instead they will be trained slowly to become into her sluts.

Well they got some good lips kisses from Mohini making them so shy that they wanted to go back into the ark island.

Mohini still has the final quest from the mayor which is a hidden quest.

The original final quest from the mayor is actually to hunt the tiger in the forest.

But Mohini's final quest is a little different.

The mayor wanted Mohini to find the cave of the tiger king and get her the tiger king's cub alive.

For other players it should be only to hunt a tiger but the hidden quest from the mayor is so difficult.

The strength of the tiger king is more than twice of a normal tiger.

Mohini let Titia and Mary enter the ark island to rest as Mohini moved towards toward the tiger king's cave.

Mohini has already prepared a special sleeping medicine for the tiger king and injected it into the body of a fat sheep.

The sheep is still alive and it will take some time before it will succumb to the sleeping medicine.

Other than sleeping medicine Mohini also added a special meat scent and cat nip to attract the tiger king easily.

Mohini left this fat sheep for the tiger king to take as bait.

With that Mohini happily nodded her head and hid on the top of a tall tree with good view of the area.

With this height the tiger king cannot attack Mohini even if know that Mohini is there.

Well it is hard to find Mohini because she rubbed a special scent on her body that gives of the smell of dried leaves instead of her body odor.

So Mohini is literally invisible with the smell of dried leaves.

She waited patiently for an hour noticing the movements of bushes around the fat sheep.

The sleep is still healthy and did not lose its mobility yet.

The sleeping medicine will act after 2 hours of time from the time she injected the sleeping medicine.

This was enough time for the tiger king to take the bait.

Mohini did not fear that another tiger would hunt down the sheep because this is the area of the tiger king and no other tiger would dare to hunt in this area.

With that in mind Mohini has everything calculated to the lowest detail to hunt the tiger king with least risk.

Suddenly a huge tiger that looked almost like a bull appeared out of the bushes, clutched the neck of the fat sheep and escaped from the area quickly.

The tigers are very cunning by nature and being a tiger king it can sense that the sheep is just bait.

So, even realizing that this is a trap, it still took the bait and left as quickly as it appeared.

Mohini is not worried about losing the tiger king.

No matter what the tiger king would return to its cave and share the fat sheep with its cub.

So Mohini has to move to the next location which is the cave of the tiger king and wait.

There are tall trees around the area but several meters around the cave of the tiger king are rocky and barren.

Mohini don't know the reason for this but she doesn't care as her target is different.

Mohini did not climb down the tree immediately as she doesn't know if the tiger king is still waiting for the person that set the trap.

She waited for another half an hour and climbed down the tree with her camouflage dress.

Then she moved slowly towards the cave of the tiger king.

She did not enter that place directly, but climbed on the top of a lush tree with many leaves that can cover her at the edge of the tree line from the barren area of the cave of the tiger king.

She saw the trail of fresh blood entering the cave along with the smell of blood.

Mohini did not rush and waited patiently.

She doesn't know how much the sleeping medicine will affect the tiger.

She waited for another hour listening to the sounds of the tiger king eating the flesh and sounds of the tiger cub's movements.

When the sounds stopped for sometime Mohini stepped down and moved towards the cave like a gentle cat.

She lit a small cracker and threw it into the cave.

But it will also emit sleeping gave again.

This has two purposes.

First is to see if the tiger lost its consciousness or not.

Second if it is still awake then it will lose consciousness with the strong sleeping gas that can put even an elephant to sleep in 2 seconds.

Mohini put on the gas mask and entered the cave 5 minutes later, after confirming that there are no movements from inside the cave.

She threw some flash sticks inside the cave for light and moved with a bright torch on hand acting a spot light.

Inside the cave the tiger is in deep sleep...…..


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