Chapter 68: secret revealed

Chapter 68: secret revealed

The captain is strong and around tier 4, while Joe is around tier 3.

He is quite strong that Mohini cannot do any damage to.

But that does not mean that their mental strength is strong with continuous lust attacks from her.

The time moved on as her pussy was filled with cum again.

The captain went on for 3 rounds before stopping even though his dick is still erect.

While fucking her they still chatted and Mohini understood that this ship is carrying goods.

The goods are actually servants that are kidnapped rather than taking them by free will.

Mohini felt disgust towards Joe and this captain.

She doesn't like being forced.

She has to find a good opportunity to get this Joe into her hands to find the secrets about the queen and the bitch he is talking about.

After going back to the room Joe pulled down his pants and told Mohini to give him a blow job.

Mohini has no choice but to give him one.

Also he insulted her being a slut that would spread legs to every man that she sees.

"Well it is real through"

Mohini thought but did not speak out loud or refute his claims.

She tried her best to induce the thoughts that she wanted him to have.

Fortunately she did the same with the captain too gaining more experience to her skill.

Not only leveling up but increase in the experience will also improve the capabilities of the skill.

The more she tries the faster she can reach her goal.

There is also her other skill called manipulative tongue that she is using to make him have fun and also to speak to him.

Yep she slowly started to speak to him as if to accept the reality.

Joe felt good about the bitch that is cooperative with him and thought that because of her age she is more open minded than she was before.

But he doesn't know that Mohini has changed her thoughts to make him fall in love with her completely by sharing his secrets.

It was all done by Mohini using her skills.

She used her lust points to improve her skills functions.

Like the insight skill can give out some information but she bought the other skills related to that like observe, inspect…..then the number of abilities of the skill increases.

It is like upgrading a skill from a small branch to main line course.

With that the skill level will not improve and it will become harder to improve but the benefits that she can get are even more.

For the next two days Mohini acted like a real bitch and completely took control of Joe.

He is a tier 3 hunter but so what he did not have much of stat points in intelligence or sense.

Most of his stat points are in his agility and stamina.

He wanted to go long in the bed it might seem and his major is agility.

So he is just a third rate hunter that has lived long enough to get the current position using advantage over other women.

Well Mohini got the gist of it as she completely made him fall in love with her.

So, for the time being, she can do more manipulations.

She also found some interesting that is the information that she should get.

First is that the king of nature faction is ruled by a half elf called Cylia and the bitch that he called before is jenny the secretary of Cylia.

It seems that there are rumors that both jenny and Cylia are under the watch of many young masters of powerful factions.

They wanted to get the faction of nature under their control by marrying these two beauties not because this faction is the most peaceful place.

Instead this place has many resources that they can get including the contract papers and this place is the best secret place for all kinds of dark side businesses.

No one would doubt this place because of its reputation and not one will care unless it was related to nature.

Servants, medicines, illegal things all of them can be stored and distributed to other places from this faction domain.

Because of this the two women were being watched carefully and they are under the protection of many.

As for jenny she doesn't like the nature of Joe taking advantage of the women

She wanted to stop him but she did not have the power just like Cylia.

They are both figure heads and nothing more than that.

So they can order others and be protected but they can only watch while other does as they please.

Well if they did not have background of nobles like Joe had they can still take care of some things.

But for people like Joe they can only sigh and do nothing.


Mohini got the information that she wanted and she was fortunate that the mind of Joe is not at its peak and was in some deep pressure related to one of his recent actions.

Along with the continuous pushes she was able to make it and gain what she wanted.

Now she changed her goal to making Joe into her servant.

For that she has to work extra hard because after signing the agreement with the queen of the nature faction she will be sent to a training facility.

She has to stay there until she reaches the required level and after that she will be training in hunting chaos monsters.

So meeting Joe will be hard and if she stops meeting him then the achievement of thought implantation will be gone.

Joe is a strong person and her tricks will not work for long without her constant influence of though inception skill.

But there is different approach like implanting small things of making him meet her in regular intervals so that she can influence him more till her skill level increases....


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