Chapter 69: hybrid technology with magic

Chapter 69: hybrid technology with magic

But there is different approach like implanting small things of making him meet her in regular intervals so that she can influence him more till her skill level increases.

She will not be in danger for the time being because of her control on Joe.

After 2 days they arrived at a port that looked quite modern.

There are many gadgets of the advanced technology that appears in the modern science fiction movies.

But the funny thing is that this is not a pure science fiction setting instead it is a hybrid between the science fiction setting and the magic technology setting.

Storage of magic is a hard and costly process, so they use magic gathering formations to gather magic energy which is a low graded version of chaos energy.

Then they would convert the energy into electricity and store it for the usage of the science fiction gadgets.

The refrigerators, heaters, vehicles...….all of them use the similar process with small scale to high scale magic formation circles.

Also the usage of low grade chaos monsters for transportation and some other special purposes is not prohibited in rural areas.

But in the cities only special high class chaos monster spirits are used as mounts for high level people.

Mohini saw all of this but she did not show any astounded expression

Mohini was able to buy some clothes there but her preferences are still the lewd ones for Joe to enjoy.

What attracted her attention is only the technology.

Joe nodded happily looking at the calm expression of Mohini.

Soon after both of them boarded a special car that did not have wheels but hovered few feet about the ground.

They did not continue their journey that day as Joe was horny again looking at the new appearance of Mohini.

Mohini already got her information but she wanted to get more information from Joe also the secrets of those nobles.

She did not just want the information but directly want to control Joe.

But her current skill level or stat points would not support that.

So she can only play small things for the time being.

She is still a play thing in the hands of Joe right now.

That day they spend the night at a hotel where Joe fucked her as he pleased and recorded it all again.

Also he has many lewd ideas on Mohini.

But he will not put them into play now.

He will wait till she completed her compulsory military training for 6 months before making her a bitch of those hunters from big families to gain resources and other things.

Mohini was not stupid as she can understand all these things from the expression on the face of Joe.

The good thing is that Joe loves to fuck her which is the thought that she implanted in him to make him trust her to give out information.

If she did not influence him constantly then these implanted thoughts will just wash away.

The current planted thoughts will fade away after 3 months with the current foundation.

In the morning next day they started their journey.

They board a hovering car again moved at high speed towards a building that looked like a railway station.

There all the groups of people that are going to the faction capital.

Both Joe and Mohini boarded a low class compartment of the magnetic train.

Except on the water outside the safe land the transportation was very advanced.

It will only take them, 6 hours to travel to the faction head quarters after they start at the station.

The distance is not small but thousands of kilometers.

That is how advanced the technology here is.

From there they have to travel deep into the faction area to reach the faction capital.

Mohini will be taken to the capital to register there under the king of nature faction and there will be a little contract and pledge.

Then she will be given a badge and identity card.

With that she can register at merchant's guild and adventurer's guild.

There is no prohibition on these two organizations from joining as a member of king of nature faction.

Only after that can Mohini be really a player with credible citizenship.

With that done Mohini will be send to work under a sergeant till her military rank improves or for the 6 months training period.

The military merit can be used to improve the rank of a player or a hunter and the rank given by the system is equal to the rank given by the country.

If a player reaches a higher military rank then the country or faction will raise that person's rank too.

Then the player or hunter will be assigned to a new post.

There will be improvement in salary too.

With the raise in the military rank there will be other tasks like protection or hunting some criminals or guarding the trade routes....

If the civilian rank is improved to a social status level then there will be tasks related to that too.

But for the time being that is until she entered the fantasy world Mohini don't want to improve any of these civilian or military ranks.

This is because the special system in the central areas of the faction and the country was connected to the fantasy system.

If she increases her military or civilian rank it will be updated there.

That will cause big problems as she cannot tell from where she got so much military and civilian merit points from.

This will cause problems and suspicions.

Mohini don't want this.

But when she enters the fantasy world then she can simply push the gains to the fantasy world.


The journey was peaceful and Mohini was not idle all that time.

In the journey she put on a shot skirt and short that can turn transparent when it came into contact with small amount of moisture

She is not sitting on the seat but on the lap of Joe...….


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