Chapter 71: specialty of nature faction is contract paper

Chapter 71: specialty of nature faction is contract paper

It seems like no one knows who Joe is among the people around her.

The show continued more and more as the surrounding people played with Mohini's body.

But they did not do anything more as Joe did not let them.

He doesn't mind making Mohini show off her skin but he doesn't want these lowly people to play with Mohini's body.

He has discovered that Mohini's body was very attractive and has more potential as a high class bitch.

They finally reached the faction capital and the head quarters building looked like a large living tree that was burrowed into a building.

Well Joe cannot take her with cum filled up in her pussy and disheveled clothes so she took her to a hotel to wash up.

While cleaning her body Mohini looked at her gained lust points which are around 89 lust points in total.

If it is converted into chaos points then it is equal to 8,900 chaos points...

Joe led Mohini to the headquarters of the faction to meet with their king.

Mohini has already known about their current king.

Well to be more precise she is the queen.

Heads of all factions are called kings even if they are men or women.

The name of the Cylia,

She is not a complete human but a half elf.

The king of nature faction has deep ties with a faction on the side of elves.

She is the daughter of the previous king of the nature faction and her mother is a nature elf princess from the nature Elven kingdom of Elven cluster island.

The people of the oriental faction are open to all the other races and trade with them extensively.

The main traded thing between the nature Elven kingdom of the Elven cluster island and the king of nature faction are special leaves from the paper tree.

High grade contract paper is made for these kinds of high grade trees that are specialty of natural elves.

As for the special ink required for writing on contract paper is imported from the dark forest elves.

The pen that can use this special ink is a bird feather of high level bird beasts from the beast cluster islands.

There are some other special fittings required to make a contract reach the higher levels.

For example if a person wanted to make a contract just like Mohini did in the Treasure Island fantasy world, she requires to bring out the contract form of the corresponding tier and grade of contract form.

If she entered the fantasy world in ring one then the contract form should be of tier 1 and grade varies from various factors.

The grade of the contract is dependent on the status of the other party and amount of chaos points.

The success rate of the contract also varies based on the grades.

If a rare grade contract paper is recommended by the system to make the contract then the success rate is 100 percent.

If the grade is decreased that is if a common grade contract is used in the rare contract place then the chance of success decreases.

This is the reason why not many people use contracts in the fantasy world.

Similarly various high level characters require high level contracts along with the basic check of trust from the fantasy system.

If the contract fails then,

The spent chaos points on contract will not be returned along with the income that should come from the contract.

Unfortunately the amount of raw materials that requires making high tier and high grade contracts are scarce and the demand is very high.

So the cost of the contracts is also very high.

For example tier 1 rare grade contract would cost around 7 thousand chaos points.

This tier 1 rare grade contract can be used to form a contract of business with a small scale lord or a boss to gain a net amount of 70 thousand chaos points.


Mohini was very sad about this because without high level contracts he will lose at least 10 percent of the gained profit.

Also she usually does big contract which will cause her to buy a high level contract in the future.

For that the amount of chaos points required is astronomical.

Sadly, Mohini did not have that many chaos points.

Fortunately there is a chance for her in this matter.

Usually these kinds of high level contracts are not sold in the public outside.

Instead they will be sold in the store of the fantasy system in auction basis where people can buy them inside the fantasy world with their available chaos points.

This way it is not a problem for them to find the adequate tier and grade of contract.

If the contract is sold by the affiliate power like the king of nature faction for Mohini then the cost can have concessions but if it was from other power then the cost increases even more.

If they can buy that then it is okay.

If they cannot buy that then all they can do is cry.

Well usually most players would form groups in the same tier or ring.

They can fill in more chaos points when necessary.


After waiting for a while in a guest room of majestic wooden building Joe took Mohini into an office at the top floor.

There are two women in that office.

One is the queen of the nature faction and the other is her secretary.

The queen of nature faction looked like a woman around the age of 20 with emerald green hair and jade like eyes.

She has pointy ears and wearing a white one piece that gave her the appearance of a goddess.

Her body did not have the mature charm but the charm of an innocent young Elven girl.

The secretary beside her has a black hair and healthy wheat colored skin.

She has a screaming busty body that has the perfect mature charm...….


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