Chapter 72: I want you to become my bitch

Chapter 72: I want you to become my bitch

She has a screaming busty body that has the perfect mature charm.

She is wearing an office suit with a short skirt.

The only thing missing is a pair of glasses for her to look complete.

Mohini was astounded by their combination of appearance but her external appearance is as calm as a lake without ripples.

Mohini got their names well she already know the name of the queen which is Cylia and the name of the busty secretary is Jenny.

Mohini has already signed the main contract with Cylia.

This is not a high level contract but a tier 1 epic grade contract.

They were also shocked by the level of contract that system decided for Mohini to sign a contract with them.

The contract itself has costed them 80 thousand chaos points.

Well the contract is for 5 years and there are rules and rights included.

Mohini has already received the payment so she directly signed the contract.

Then Jenny told Joe to wait outside so that they can speak to Mohini separately.

They want to make sure that Joe did not do anything to her while bringing her here.

Well he did something to the previous recruits too and that woman has actually accused Joe.

Joe was punished but after 6 months when that woman went to hunt monsters she suddenly vanished.

They can speculate that Joe did something to her but there is no evidence and they cannot do anything.

Sometime later jenny met the same woman that became a medicine addict bitch in some port area being played by those thugs.

From then on jenny wanted to support the women and protect them carefully.

So after Joe left she turned on the silencing formation making the place has sound proofing so that no one can eavesdrop on their conversation.

Right when the formation is activated Mohini relaxed a little looking at the two women in front of her.

There is a hint of lust in her eyes but she covered it and waited for jenny to speak.

"Did that bastard Joe do anything to you during your journey here?"

Mohini was not surprised by this question and looked at the two women in front of her with a hint of mockery.

"Yes, he did many things.

But what can you do to protect me even if I complain to you.

You cannot even protect yourself and is surviving because of your strong admirers.

You are telling me that you would protect me.

Isn't it same as when the previous women became a play thing for street beggars…."

The eyes of jenny and Cylia widened by the sudden sarcastic comment from Mohini and they cannot refute because everything that Mohini said is actually true.

They are angry and wanted to speak something but Mohini beat them to that and spoke.

"I am a bitch which I admit proudly.

But you are just caged birds that did not have freedom at all.

Even though I am a bitch I can still save you from the big political struggle that is looming around you.

Well my service is not for free.

The price is you become my women.

Well even though I am a bitch I would not let others take you if you don't want to.

But you will be my bitches and my bitches alone."

Mohini did not show any respect for the strong and spoke so frankly that the two women jenny and Cylia were dumbfounded.

Mohini gave them time to digest the information that is too shocking to digest for both of the women.

When they came back to their senses jenny with her fiery tempers started speak.

"What did you say?"

Jenny was shivering with anger and almost wanted to attack and kill Mohini.

But she was stopped by Cylia who has much better mind of controlling her emotions than jenny.

Mohini still replied without any fear.

"I said you are caged birds and you cannot save any women as you cannot even save yourself.

I am not going to repeat the entire thing again as I am too lazy for that.

All I say is if you become my women then I will save you and give you enough background power to really do what you wanted to do with those bastards like Joe....."

This time jenny spoke still shaking with anger.

"So you are saying that you a new player have enough strength to protect us."

She is not like some proud protagonists that show their fangs to the woman without looking at their current standing.

If you want a woman of high standing then prove her that, you are worthy of her.

Only then you can take her completely in mind, body and soul.

Anyone can love beautiful woman but gaining them completely can only be done by few outstanding men.

That is the reason why many love couples died without living a happy life.

Mohini replied without changing her bitch smile.

"Based on my estimate your admirers or the people that are trying to gain your favor should be on the same level of other kings or their sons or even the emperor or their sons.

May be they might be from other races like the Elven race.

Compared to them I am not even a pebble in front of them who are like mountains.

But even being a pebble can make those mountains not to make a move on you for some time.

Well say 5 years that is the contract time you gave me right.

Before the end of that time there is a possibility that I would reach the same level as you are or even higher.

In these 5 years I can make sure that those people would not make a move to get you but only try to gain your attention.

After that I can make you mine that is if you really trust me enough to become my bitches and you don't have any negative elements that I dislike....."


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