Chapter 94: Rei and Mohini separated from the group

Chapter 94: Rei and Mohini separated from the group

Now Shido would make a move to claim the leadership.

Mohini checked again to see if those women in the back are blackened by Shido or not.

But to her disappointment they were not.

In order for her plan to succeed Mohini has to take some drastic measures.

Mohini's orders to Saeko and others is that first Mohini would get down with Rei and later when Shido says the specific words they will leave the bus at that time.

They know that Mohini has a plan so they accepted it.

Soon after Shido made his move but Kyoko being a teacher was silent and did not refute the words of Shido.

This gave Shido a boost of confidence.

But right at that moment Rei argued about Shido being the leader.

She was about to get off the bus.

Shizuka is already expecting this and stopped the bus.

Rei got off the bus and Mohini gave signal to Saeko and others to keep the woman in her group safe.

Takashi wanted to get off the bus to follow Rei.

But Mohini was a step too fast as she got off the bus and said to Takashi.

"I will bring her back safely you take care of the people here.

Don't worry."

Takashi doesn't know what to say and believed in Mohini.

It was his biggest mistake to hesitate.


Mohini has already moved towards Rei and the accident happened with a big blast.

Shizuka and Saeko already know from the explanation that Mohini gave them before bringing Kyoko.

Kyoko was obedient enough to not to question as she already understand what Mohini is going to do.

So she followed her plan led by Saeko and Shizuka.

She was sure that Mohini would explain to her later.

Also her favorability towards Mohini has increased to 50 points already because everything that Mohini said is true.

Their world has become a living hell and it is no longer suitable to live here.

On the contrary Mohini is risking it so much to save them and this moved her heart.

Mohini then shouted the same words that are in the story like meet at east police station tomorrow at 6 PM.

The words of Mohini are the trigger to her plan to get the main heroine Rei.

Even if Takashi wanted to come to Rei right now he could not because of the zombies and all the fire around.

So the words from Mohini were actually received by Takashi instead of Saeko.

Well it is not a problem.


The protagonist batch moved and the eyes of Rei became a little cold because Takashi did not come out to her.

But she cannot do anything.

The fire is spreading.

Even for Mohini it was very high temperature.

Mohini pulled Rei toward the higher ground wanting to move away from the fire.

Right then a biker dude zombie appeared and pounced on Mohini.

Mohini pulled out a cheap quality sword from her inventory and plunged it straight into its brain from the gap under the helmet.

Blood was about to splash but Mohini pushed him to the side.

As soon as he was on the side Rei took out a concrete slab to hit the head of the biker zombie.

There is a bike to the side which was noticed by Mohini.

The smile on Mohini was quite good.

But before moving on Mohini consoled Rei with her sweet words and a good tight hug,

With that Rei calmed down and her favorability towards a strong woman like Mohini has increased directly to 40 points.

Mohini did not press on right now as to much of anything would cause adverse effects and negative effects.

Mohini don't want that to happen.

Mohini pulled up the bike and got on but Rei was able to see that Mohini is not wearing anything under her skirt.

This shocked her.

Mohini smiled and said.

"When you are not wearing anything down there you will have high amount of concentration when shooting.

How do you think that I can shoot so many zombies so accurately?"

Right at that time Rei suddenly got a doubt.

Where did Mohini keep her guns and where did she pull out that metal sword just now.

She was so doubtful and asked out of curiosity.

Mohini smiled knowing that she has got an opportunity and said.

"It is not that I don't want to tell you but I cannot tell you unless you really trust me.

After 7 days I will leave from this place permanently and I am going to take Saeko, Shizuka and Kyoko with me.

They have trusted me enough to know my secret.

Also I can only take the people that trusted me with me when I am leaving here.

My place is not facing apocalypse but it is still a dangerous place….."

Mohini said some words while driving the bike with Rei hugging behind her.

Rei listened but she was confused.

She understood that Mohini has some mystery and secret.

In order to know her she has to trust Mohini completely.

That is what Mohini said.

Right at that moment looking at the surrounding area filled with corpses and blood are everywhere with dread in her heart.

Her heart has strange feelings.

Subconsciously she thought of how Mohini single handedly killed many zombies in the surrounding area of the school saving most of them.

Also the time when she hugged Saya consoling her messed mind after killing a zombie and just now when she was hugged by Mohini consoling her of the current situation has made her feel a strange sense of belonging and security.

Right that lowest moment she trusted Mohini.

As soon as she trusted Mohini, she has a blue light screen appeared in front of her eyes shocking her.

On the light screen the same question of trust appeared.

"Mohini, did you see that light screen with a question saying that if I trust you with my life…..."


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