Chapter 95: Rei trusted Mohini and chose to follow

Chapter 95: Rei trusted Mohini and chose to follow

"Mohini, did you see that light screen with a question saying that if I trust you with my life."

Mohini immediately stopped to the side.

She was expecting this but not so fast.

May be the apocalypse has the greatest effect on the woman.

There are no zombies nearby and the place is silent.

Right at that moment a fighter jet passed by them.

Mohini was silent with a serious face for a moment and looked around to see if there are any zombies that came out by hearing the sound.

After confirming that there is no one around Mohini got off the bike and Rei also got down.

She doesn't know what Mohini was so serious but she can understand that it is something serious.

Mohini looked into her eyes and said.

"The choice you see here is about my secret.

The appearance of the question of trust means that you have trusted me.

If you select yes then I can share my secret with you and take you with me to my place from this zombie world.

If you select no then I will not be able to tell you anything about my secret or take you with me when I leave.

I can only protect you as long as I am here.

That is 7 days of time including today.

A word of warning before, you make your choice.

My place is far more dangerous and your life will be bound to me.

If I die you will die along with me.

But I can promise you that as long as I live I will protect you...…."

Mohini said the warning and waited for Rei to make her choice.

Mohini did not stop there as she forgot to tell her about one more thing.

"Also I want to show you something."

Mohini lifted her skirt showing off her pussy.

But then a dick slowly grew out and then grew back completely vanishing.

"I am a woman but that does not mean that I cannot take care of you in all kinds of ways.

Taking people out of this place to my place would cost me something that I cannot explain right now.

All I can tell is that it is money of my place and a little hard to earn.

So I can only take decisive people that trusted me.

If they did not trust me I cannot take them.

Shizuka wanted me to take her friend Rika and she said that she will convince her...."

Mohini gave a clear explanation of all the things that she can explain without any problem from the system.

Rei listened and then looked around.

Everywhere there are corpses and blood.

She was sure that the civilization will reset again and things would move to a different direction.

But she was not sure if she will be able to live long enough to see the changed world.

She was in a dilemma on what to choose.

She also wants her parents to go with her if she wants to leave here.

As for Takashi, her feelings for him became fractured again as he did not come out when she left.

She doesn't know that Mohini told Takashi to save the other woman in her place.

Even if Takashi tells her this and asks her Mohini can still answer to this question.

Takashi can fight but not to her level.

In the group there is Saeko and Takashi.

With the help of both of them the group can be safe.

But Mohini is needed with Rei because there are many zombies outside and Mohini can take care of them.

So she cannot blame Mohini for that.

Mohini can save Rei's mother but for her father she don't know.

Even in the story it was not mentioned.

So Mohini don't know what to do...…

Rei finally made her choice.

She selected yes but asked Mohini if she could save her parents.

As soon as she pressed yes option Mohini was happy that she can reveal some things to Rei.

So she told Rei about some things about real world and then told her that she can save her mother but for her father she doesn't know where he is.

If she was able to find him in the next 7 days and they trusted Mohini then she can take them.

If not she is helpless.

Rei was silent for a moment and she understand what Mohini meant.

Also Mohini told her about the chaos points.

Killing one zombie will give her 1 point and taking a person from this world will take her more than 10 thousand points based on the simulation results.

With that explanation Rei understand the difficulties of Mohini.

She was prepared for this and has steeled her heart for anything that might happen.

Till now there are 4 people that came to Mohini's group completely.

After that they got on the bike and Mohini told her to hold her tight.

Mohini while driving narrated her life story to Rei while they are travelling through the deserted streets.

Soon they spotted the police car and Mohini stopped there to get the gun there.

Mohini already has guns with unlimited ammunition but still she wanted more to arm her women in the future just in case.

Mohini showed her the gun that she got from the dead police officer and explained how to use that.

Mohini also warned her that this is the apocalypse world and has to be vigilant all the time.

She also warned not to trust other people and show compassion to them so as to not to get bitten by them in return for her kindness.

Rei was brave enough to search the other police officer to get some extra bullets.

Mohini was happy.

Mohini gave the gun to Rei to keep herself safe just in case.

Right then they went to a petrol bunk to fill up the fuel.

No cash and Mohini went into get some from cash register.....


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