Chapter 126: return back to the real world

Chapter 126: return back to the real world

It costs over 130 thousand chaos points to bring the group of people out of this place to the real world.

Well it is a small price when Mohini thought about it and immediately paid the chaos points.

Then the group of people felt a strange golden glow on their bodies as of their body is becoming real of some sort.

They are no longer just some anime fantasy world characters but real people right now.

With that a portal appeared for them to leave this settlement space and return to the real world.

Mohini directly sent the group of people into the ark island and returned back to the reality.

With her thoughts he spoke to Titia and Mary inside the ark island telling about the new sisters they got just now.

Mohini has already mentioned information about Titia and Mary to the group of people.

Also when they were taken back to reality all of their trust in her has reached a full hundred points of favorability for most of them.

With the love they have for her they will not fight over other women Mohini has.

As for Titia and Mary who are stuck at 95 points of favorability along with some other from the new group Mohini has decided to do something about that.

There is another important thing that happened that is Mohini was able to directly promote to corporal rank and she has to do missions from now on for the king of nature faction.

But before that she has to complete one month compulsory training period that she is going through right now.

This is a necessary step for the all the factions to familiarize the new recruits irrespective of their ranks.

Originally it is impossible to suddenly improve to corporal rank like Mohini did.

So she is the only one.

In the capital of the king of nature faction two women one looked immature (Cylia) and one looked mature (Jenny) but both are hot in their own respects were shocked to read the information on their hands.

It was about Mohini suddenly upgrading her military and civilian ranks by a large margin.

Naturally the new recruits would take a long time for this improvement.

That is at least a year of time to rank up to where Mohini is currently right now.

But Mohini did not take even a month to do the same.

This shocked them very much that their mouths were wide open to fit an egg.

At that moment jenny remembered the challenge that she put up with Mohini and blushed.

Well that was gone with a strong rejection that it was just a fluke of completing some hidden quest in the fantasy world that earned him merit points of military and civilian causing the sudden improvement.

At that time Cylia said to jenny.

"Jenny it seems like you are going to earn yourself a strong master.

May be I might fall into her hands too…."

Jenny doesn't know how to reply to the words of Cylia so she quietly looked at the information in shock.


Mohini on the other hand moved out of her room back to training.

In this one month compulsory training Mohini or any other recruit would not be given any break so they cannot go out.

Mohini has to let her women and Hirano wait till the training is over before doing anything.

The women and Hirano are understanding about her situation and let it be for the time being.

It is a good thing that the type of rank she got is not visible to other people.

That means they cannot tell if she is an official rank holder or unauthorized rank holder unless they tried to use their rank to impose something on her.

Previously when she got time in the fantasy world she would usually play with her woman.

She gave her women massages every day in both morning and evening before taking a good bath.

Also she would cook for them too.

With all the ingredients Mohini made many dishes for the women to eat with their eyes shining.

Even the cold faced Saeko also smiled happily with the food she ate.

Mohini has a special feast as she made some sweets that looked like a small cups.

She placed them on their nipples and slowly bit them making the women moan and leaving the bite marks on their nipples.

In those few days Mohini found that the basic information related to the magic software of irregular at magic high school fantasy world is actually very similar to the current magic software of the real world.

Previously she has to work very hard to crack these things to understand the inner workings but now she thought that the things are much simpler.

Another thing she found after increasing her civilian rank to tribe head and military ranking to corporal is that the new items available in the fantasy store.

These are the fake accounts identities that can be bought from the system.

These are like the black accounts or the fake accounts that are used by the rich back on earth.

Here one can store their chaos points that are earned through back doors.

But not everything is a walk in the park.

These fake accounts are prone to be hacked using magic software.

But as long as the person in charge can put on the strong security then it is possible to guard them.

These things are formed by the strong greedy thoughts of the people of all races to hide their assets in secret.

Now she has confidence that she can strike it rich with a fake account.

This fake account will only open after a person reaches tribe head and corporal ranks in civilian and military side with official status.

For unauthorized side they should jump two more ranks higher to get the fake account section of the fantasy store.

These are exclusive to the fantasy store and are impossible to buy outside...…..


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