Chapter 127: Fake account and Reality clone

Chapter 127: Fake account and Reality clone

These are exclusive to the fantasy store and are impossible to buy outside.

Well hacking other people's fake account can become her personal account until the other party finds out about that.

Also there seems to be grades in the fake accounts.

The grades did not give security but they can improve the storage limit of chaos points.

Also with the current corporal rank Mohini can only buy one fake account.

For every 2 rank ups in military and civilian rank they can buy another fake account which will be decided by the system with some conditions.


In the mean time she is not idle other than training as usual she created her first fake account directly.

The fake account limit can be upgrade by paying chaos points up to 10 grades just like all the other divisions.

Each grade has its limit from 1000 chaos points to unlimited as reaching the last grade.

Mohini took the unique grade account that can store up to 1 billion chaos points.

It costed her around 100 thousand chaos points.

Well it is a small price for what she wanted to do.

During these days she bought some parts for magic cipher and upgraded her normal phone to have the features of the magic cipher.

With her understanding of runes and magic software from irregular at magic high school fantasy world she wrote some complicated hacking software and protection software.

During this time she wanted to make some small purchases through the fake account with less than 1000 chaos points.

There is a problem she noticed that is the purchased items requires a delivery address and anyone can find the address of the person that made the purchase.

That is the reason why only powerful people use the fake accounts as they have proxies to take the tasks as the delivery boys.

Because of the background and strength of the strong people, the delivery boys would not be messed with.

But Mohini did not have a background or support so she cannot do these things right now.

While she is thinking and researching he found a spell from an old fantasy world called the "reality clone"

Players cannot use magic and spells related to the life fantasy worlds unless she enters them and learns there.

Like they cannot use ninjitsu from Naruto world until they entered that world and learnt the refining of chakra there.

Unlike players hunters can learn them after awakening their fantasy system after the age of 18 and use those techniques and spells if they are taught by a player.

But they can never have the same proficiency as that of the player that learnt in the fantasy world.

This restriction does not apply to some of the spells from small fantasy worlds mostly movies.

There was a movie world called jagadeka veeruni katha.

(Jagadeka veeruni katha movie from India year 1961)

In that there will be a king that married to the daughters of god of fire Agni, king of gods and lightning Indra, and the king of serpents Nagaraja on his conquest and adventures.

Well he cannot be with the three women at the same time so the daughter of Indra tells him a spell to split his man body into reality clones.

The split reality clones are all real and are controlled by the single mind and soul.

This way he can be with all of his women at the same time.

When a reality clone splits then the main stat points related to vitality, intelligence and stamina would be split in decided proportions.

That means if Mohini produced a reality clone with her stats vitality (26), stamina (22) and intelligence (24).

She has to spend a minimum amount of 10 stat points in each of these stats to create a reality clone until she gains the proficiency of the spell to higher level.

The reality clone will have stat points of vitality (10), stamina (10) and intelligence (10) and her original stat points related to these stats are reduced to vitality (16), stamina (12) and intelligence (14).

If the reality clone dies then the stat points that were split to it will also be gone forever.

If the main body wants to remove this reality clone then she has to be in contact with the reality clone then the stat points would return back.

If not the then it is impossible to cancel the clone.

But the reality clone can also work and improve her stats but only a percentage of the progress can be taken back to the main body.

The reality clone can use the personal storage space but cannot use the ark and the knowledge gathered by the reality clone will be completely comes back to the mind of the real body.

Well reality clone did not have any distance restrictions from the main body.

The only bad thing about the reality clone is that if it dies then all the stats it split form the main body will be gone too.

There is a few more restriction like Mohini should be able to do multi tasking of doing at least 2 things at a time to split one reality clone from her...

This is entirely different from Naruto's shadow clone technique.

Mohini wanted to use her reality clone to get the things she wanted and use it as a delivery boy.

But the price she has to pay is that the possible death of the clone.

Along with that 30 stat points will be lost.

That is the price that she has to pay for secrecy.

Well there are many benefits too, like the real time information collected by the clone.

Mohini wanted to try but buying the spell would drain half of her finances.

This spell would cost her 500 thousand chaos points from the system.

This spell is not available in the outside world market.

May be it should be lying in the treasury of some old monster of a player or a hunter....


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