Chapter 128: conditions to reach tier 2

Chapter 128: conditions to reach tier 2

May be it should be lying in the treasury of some old monster of a player or a hunter.

Mohini thought for a moment and decide to buy the spell after a week.

Based on her memories she can increase the money she has on hand by 100 times in shares and stock trading.

That would fill up her fake account.

Mohini has put on the security magic software along with hacking software as many big shots are going to play this week in share market causing big movements.

The king of nature faction is a peaceful place but it is the worst place with many undercurrents.

Since the current king did not have much control over the domain of the nature faction there are many nobles that are having dark businesses all over the place.

But they will not do anything in this domain instead they used this place as a storage and traffic site for their dark businesses.

The pockets of these nobles were usually full and they act under the names of leaders from other factions or races or countries in secret for more benefits.

That is where the dark business is coming from.

The best example is Titia was a servant from the giant's race island cluster.

But she was made into a servant and based on her words she was stored in this king of nature faction.

Because of that Mohini found the secrets of the people that are doing living being trafficking and found that there are many people in this domain.

Mohini don't like this part as some of them are abusive.

Servant trading is normal in this world so she is not against it as many people are dying without any job to do and they sell themselves to live.

But Mohini don't want the abusers in it.


Mohini got the fake account fully secured with her new security software and ready to start.

This was already registered to the merchant guild as fake account but there is not restriction as it was given by the system.

Through the next week Mohini used the fake account to do the trading and at the same time breaking the accounts of some local big people that has low security to their fake accounts.

Also she made sure that her AI is online and transfer the chaos points back to her original account when every the number reaches 900 million chaos points.

At the same time when her money reserves reached a specific level she would upgrade the account to the upper grade.

For now she can only have 1 fake account.

Fortunately or unfortunately her fake account was busted twice during this week but the total loss is less than 10 million chaos points.

But she got some interesting ideas of analyzing the tactics of the other hackers that gave her a good idea of how to improve.

She now has a skill related to magic software for all purpose.

Mohini has already read about this skill and some high level hackers has already maxed this skill.

But Mohini also found some hidden information saying that after reaching the maximum level it can be upgraded into a new skill called arcane magic software skill.

Well it is not easy to upgrade and get the skill to upgrade as it seems to have many conditions.

Mohini don't know the conditions as it was secret information related to the same level as the secrets of the country.

So she cannot get that for now.

Well with the special simulation skill it is easy to obtain with some experimentation when her magic software skill reaches its max.

Currently her focus in completely on improving all of her stats in the training while gaining as many chaos points as possible.

Her current balance has already reached 7 billion chaos points in main account.

She did not stop there and bought the things that she wanted to from the fantasy system at expensive price.

The price in the fantasy system is very expensive.

If an item costs 100 chaos points in the fantasy world then in the real world black market it will only costs around 80 chaos points.

But Mohini still bought from the fantasy system because she did not trust some specific goods in the outside world.

Especially the things related to spells, techniques, knowledge, skill books or chips and some rare things.

In the real world normal market or black market might cheat her with the things that she cannot judge as real deal without looking into them.

If it is just some technology, weapons, monster meat, genetic extract or magic crystals then she can check them using the fantasy system.

She has bought the Reality clone spell and practiced it to produce a reality clone and took it back again.

At first the clone is not perfect and did not have humanly shape.

But after some practice it slowly became more perfect.

In the next week there is going to be a big auction at the capital of oriental faction.

There will be many big shots from other races and human countries attending here.

Mohini has already bought a ticket in normal seats.

The thing that she wanted to buy here is the Sky dream Ice Worm Tian Meng.

Mohini know that there are many places where spirit energy or mental energy is extensively used.

But it was hardest to rise unlike exercising human body.

Also in order to go to the second ring a player has to reach tier 2 state crossing the tier 1 tribulation.

For this there are few conditions.

First the player or hunter should have at least 100 stat points in anyone of the specific stats.

Second is that the player or hunter should fill at least one genetic essence evolution points of a grade completely reaching 100 percent.

Third is that the player or hunter should have one spirit of the same grade as the genetic essence evolution points....….


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