Chapter 145: titanic pervert quest

Chapter 145: titanic pervert quest

Mohini did not have any interest in the heroine Rose and would gladly let the heroine go with the hero jack.

Her target is the blue diamond instead.

It is said that the blue diamond necklace is actually an artifact and can get that either by killing both the protagonists or by saving them and letting them live together.

The blue diamond is called The Heart of the Ocean has some special buffs when equipped.

Based on the existing information the stats related to intelligence, strength and charm will have 1 to 10 percent raise to them.

The change in the percentage depends on special reasons that cannot be explained.


Well it is a lie to say that as she has her own plans for everyone.

There is also this cuckold patch active right now and she was sure that she will receive special quests.

Many things were analyzed and main points were made so that there is no problem in the titanic.


Fantasy world: titanic

Please enter the portal."

Mohini stepped into the portal and came to the white room like he previously did.

The options appeared in front of her.

She has to choose the difficulty of this world.

Well she still chose Very hard mode: 100 percent difficulty

Mohini don't want to invite the kraken in the titanic movie.

For every small percentage that she moves over 100 there will be a chance to invite the kraken or other super natural disaster.

Well even if other people did not choose this if the winning percentage of Mohini increases the system automatically increases the difficulty for others along with her.

Even though she is called the strongest assassin innocent bitch she is not strong enough to face the kraken or its dick right now.

After that she chose the first class ticket by spending 10 thousand chaos points.

As for the appearance she is currently from a noble background just like all the people from the first class of the titanic.

She will disguise herself for as a rich woman with the clothes and props that she bought from the system.


She went through the selection and finally entered the fantasy world of titanic.

She was inside a room with a transparent screen covering the door and windows of the room.

The fantasy world did not start yet and most probably some people are still looking through the options.


Fantasy world: titanic

Number of players: 60

Time of the story: April 15, 1912

The ship was about to set sail in half an hour

Location: Southampton, England."


Quest: survive

Description: survive the disaster of titanic

Rewards: 3000 chaos points and 1 free stat point



Do you want to participate in the optional quest?




Hint: optional quest has penalty for not reaching the minimum requirement choose carefully.


Mohini looked at the details and know that this is the quest related to kill or save.

She directly chose 'Yes' option.


Choice selected successfully…"


Optional quest: kill or save

Description: you have to choose a side to either kill the survivors or save the people that are going to die.

Restrictions: magic, firearms or any other things that are brought from the real world are not usable.

Based on the side the specified quest and restrictions are given to the player



Kill side of the rewards:

Every person that should survive that was killed would give 100 chaos points


Kill at least 10 percent or 71 people of the people that should survive as an individual or kill at least 50 percent or 350 people of the people that should survive as a team member.

The rewards are distributed based on the contribution of the player.

Killing a person that would die based on the plot would not give any benefits and penalize 10 chaos points for each...…

Save side of the rewards:

Every person that should be dead that was saved by you would give 1000 chaos points.


Save at least 10 percent or 150 people of the people that should die as an individual or kill at least 50 percent or 750 people of the people that should die as a team member.

The rewards are distributed based on the contribution of the player.....

Please choose a side of the optional quest.





Mohini directly chose the save side as she believes that she has enough power to save people.

With that the choice is confirmed and her surroundings are still in the transparent field.

Mohini did not wait for the transparent barrier to break as she has to make some changes to her appearance so that she would not be discovered by the players.

For that she has changed her name as Mona which she rarely uses.

Then changed her appearance a little so that the people of this world would recognize her but the players cannot.

By the time she was done with her disguise the barrier is gone and the fantasy world started.

Mohini left the room and wanted to go to the top of the deck to look at the majestic view of the titanic.

Her current background is that she is a military officer under the crown.

Other than that she is also a rich woman from a noble family from England.

She is going to New York about her family business dealings.


Right then she received a quest from the perverted fantasy system.


Pervert quest: cuckold left and right

Description: player has to cuckold hero, heroine and villain of the fantasy world.

Rewards: multi tasking skill can perform perfectly when player divides a single reality clone.

Penalty: chance of unfortunate incidents happening suddenly increased by 1 percent.


Mohini took in a sharp breath looking at the quest as she doesn't know what to do.


Pervert quest: fuck the titanic crew

Description: fuck at least 20 members of crew of titanic...….."


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