Chapter 146: get to work with two at the same time

Chapter 146: get to work with two at the same time


Pervert quest: fuck the titanic crew

Description: fuck at least 20 members of crew of titanic.

Rewards: intimate connection with the crew will give you command over the crew of titanic.

Your words will have authority to command the crew when necessary over other people.

Penalty: the crew members would be fascinated by you and be sluggish in completing your commands.


She went straight to her room to think of a solution to solve the quests.

Immediately an idea popped out in her mind.

The reality clone,

She can divide a reality clone and dress it up as a noble man while she is a noble woman.

She can buy a gender switching skill for that and implement it directly.

They can state that they are twins.

Well she can fuck herself but she might not get much pleasure as she will only feel like masturbating.

The mind and soul in both the main body and the clone is the same so she might not be able to differentiate.

So she would not do that.

She bought the gender switching skill.

Immediately she split the reality clone and switched its gender to a man.

After dressing up they have decided on the fake names for the fantasy world.

The man is called Vicky while the lady is called Mona.

They dressed up in the gothic clothes of the noble men and looked like a pair of dolls that were just out of the packaging.

When they came aboard the deck they saw the heroine that was boarding the boat and there are many people rushing to the ship.

The heroine is really beautiful far more beautiful than that of in the movie.

Mohini has some thoughts of getting her.

At the same time many people on the deck are looking at Vicky and Mona pair that came there.

They are really beautiful and those people cannot divert their attention from this pain of beauties.

Their temperament and elegance were top of the class like they are a pair of royal level nobles.

Just their temperament is enough to show their status.

The thing here is the heroine Rose is equally beautiful in comparison to them.

Well since she is not in love with anyone Mohini can try and get her.

She can save jack and even let him fuck her, but that doesn't mean that she would let her fall into the hands of the hero.

Also she saw that Rose has some good managerial skills and charisma.

She previously thought that Rose is a sheltered princess and did not take her into consideration of bringing her out of the fantasy world.

But now Mohini changed her thoughts because of two things first Rose is a beauty with great skills like a queen and second she is a free spirit that Mohini liked.

Mohini don't have time for that and she doesn't want mess with those mindless nobles right now.

She doesn't have to make a new plan.

She just has to follow the plan of jack that got the heroine.

Don't underestimate the hero and heroines of the story.

They have their own protagonist aura protecting them and moving them close towards each other.

So the task will be divided into two sides where Vicky will take care of the heroine and her needs while his twin Mona would play the role of the bitch.

Also there are other people that should be eying for the heroine.

Even if they cannot get her to be with them they are willing to force themselves on to her.

Since Mohini has no other thing to do before the titanic started to sink she would move around to find out the where the other players are while playing her hand on the heroine.

During this time she will try and complete the pervert quest gaining control over the crew of the titanic while the other players are still loitering around.

This way she can build more good things than bad.

Mohini was good looking but she did not have anyone eying her right now.

Because of the high charm people are actually friendly towards Mohini.

Vicky (Mohini's reality clone) moved around the ship looking at the pros and cons of the titanic ship.

He went to get the location of the radio room and the important facilities.

Mona has greeted the captain John smith and formally acquainted with him along with seducing him.

He is an old man with good experience.

Pulling his leg is a hard thing and pulling his dick out is even harder.

But Mohini can try that without much problem with her planning and skills.

Along with that Mohini made a formal outline of the entire ship.

Also she found the locations of the heroine and the hero jack that just got on the ship in a hurry.

Fortunately Mohini was an artist too.

Vicky first went back to their room and bough a set of drawing materials and chart book.

He then started to draw the images of some beauties back on earths that are acquainted with her including the image of Mona.

If she wants to mimic the path of jack to get Rose then she has to have the things to show.

Well she is not from low class but she can act as native in any class.

If she changed her dress to the low class people and went to the lower floors then she can directly mingle into those people without any problem at all like a beautiful bar waitress.

As for the make version that is Vicky would also mix with them easily with her experience with those men she can easily mingle like a man too.

So it is not a problem to take the heroine around for a quick ride.

Also she can take care of any kind of people attacking her and the heroine.

The first target should be to get the heroine at the night that day.....


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