Chapter 168: plan to kill the sensory type hunter

Chapter 168: plan to kill the sensory type hunter

The people that use magic bullets and guns are trying their best to damage the eyes and other weak points of the chaos monster.

The rare grade chaos monsters have 100 stat points in one or more stat which can be called as the pinnacle in the tier one for any average hunter or player.

The reason why they said that 200 stat points being the upper limit of this world is because of the observation of the monster beasts above rare grade.

Epic grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 120 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Legendary grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 150 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Mythical grade monster beasts are estimated to have up to 200 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Many hunters and players die usually facing these high grade chaos monsters.

This is especially so for the mythical grade chaos monsters that appears at least 10 times a year.

They have to be taken care off so as to not to let the resource or ruins islands that houses the mythical grade chaos monster drift all the way to the safe island.

Once the safe island was lost to the chaos monster it will directly invade the main land causing the national crisis for all the countries.

Since everything was successfully completed Mohini silently joined the group with a flustered look.

The reason being she was chased by a wild boar basic grade that has around 15 stat points in one or more specific stats.

Mohini fought it around the area with the noticing of some people that turned a blind eye to that.

It is not like these people don't want to help Mohini.

It is quite common for the hunters to improve while fighting rather than being a green house plant.

None of the hunters would help another unless they are in a group fight or the miserable hunter asks for help on their own initiative.

This is also one of the silent rules on the real world.

If another hunter really comes to help without being asked by the already fighting hunter then it means that the one that came to help has bad intentions.

Even though they came here as a group, they are still not a group unless they are assigned by the leader Jara or the vise leader.

So they can only turn blind eye towards Mohini.

Mohini acted as if she used all of her strength to fight the wild boar and kill it.

Then she rushed to help other people facing the rhinoceros.

But she did not intervene.

She only stood on the side to watch the fight.

Unless she was commanded by the leader she would not move to help.

Those people liked her enthusiasm and happy for the little support that Mohini can give them.

Mohini moved around the sensory type hunter wanting to kill sneakily.

But she cannot as the situation is complicated.

This sensory type hunter is at the very back of the group.

He is a sniper with a sniping gun on his hands trying to shoot the rhinoceros's eyes while other people distract it.

Killing him right now is not possible.

Well she can poison him using a needle or use some poisonous snake chaos monster to bite him.

This will not attract any attention towards her and can safely escape.

But what are the benefits from that.

The crisis that should happen was already averted so is there a point in killing this sensory hunter.

But then again Mohini remembered the bad ending she had and the reason for all this is that ungrateful man.

Even after he was saved by Mohini this man has back stabbed her.

This kind of person is better off dead than to become another obstacle in the future.

Soon there will be a crisis that this man would face.

One of his bullets would hit the eye of the rhinoceros and its rage would be concentrated on him.

Right at that time Mohini should save him based on the original future.

If Mohini did not then this man will die or severely injured.

Mohini has decided not to save him.

If he did not die and was severely injured then Mohini is going to kill him using poison.

Mohini has already prepared the poisonous plant leaf.

Her hands are wearing, use and throw palm gloves.

All she has to do is to rub this poisonous leaf at the spot of injury and dispose of the leaf.


Mohini has set up all of that in order and waited for the good show.

Soon the bullet of the sensory hunter hit eye of the chaos monster and it immediately charged at him with full rage.

Many defensive type hunters tried to block or divert its path but none of them were able to completely stop it.

The sensory type hunter was hit by the rhinoceros.

Well it is not a complete hit as he was able to avoid the direct hit by a narrow margin.

But still the force that touched him sent him flying.

He broke through a few trees and fell down.

The other hunters and players immediately took charge to attack the beast fiercely.

This stopped the further attack of the monster.

Some of the non combat hunters immediately went to help the sensory type hunter.

Mohini also went there looking at the man covered in bruises she has smiled inside but did not show any change.

When they want to carry him back to the ship, Mohini went to help.

Right when the other people are busy cleaning off the leaves and other foliage stock to his body because of blood Mohini rubbed poison covered leaf right near an artery.

This poison is powerful and after 3 hours it will directly dissolve into blood of the dead person.

Unless there is a poison specialist right on the spot…..


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