Chapter 169: crisis solved

Chapter 169: crisis solved

This poison is powerful and after 3 hours it will directly dissolve into blood of the dead person.

Unless there is a poison specialist right on the spot, they cannot say that this person was poisoned.

After smearing the poison, Mohini acted normal and placed the gloves and leaf inside her personal storage.

More people came to carry the person back to the ship for treatment.

Mohini was sure that this person would die in half an hour so she went to the other task of collecting the genetic essence of the rare grade chaos monster.

She will not take all of the genetic essence only 60 percent of the amount will be extracted.

If she took everything then this might cause her some problems such as suspicion.

Since she was on duty to take care of the processing work of the dead beast Mohini was happy.

After fighting for another 2 hours they finally killed the chaos monster by piercing its eyes all the way to the brain.

Then called Mohini to process the body of the chaos monster right there so that they don't have to carry it back to the ship.

There are some people to guard the area while Mohini does the process.

She started with a soft spot to cut the body of the beast step by step.

But before that she has already extracted the genetic essence using her extraction skill and stored it back silently.

With the processing done those people carried the skin of the rhinoceros and meat of the beast separately.

The bones and inner parts were also collected in separate containers.

They will extract the genetic essence from all of the body including intestines and other parts using special machines on the ship.

The skin and bone will not be used for extraction process as they are used to make armor and weapons.

While processing Mohini found a crystal bead on the same size of an adult fist.

This is the spirit bead and there is a chance of getting the spirit of the chaos monster from this bead.

The spirit obtained from the spirit bead can be a weapon spirit or armor spirit or a pet spirit that can be used as a mount or something else.

If it is a weapon or armor spirit then they can be attached to weapons or armor made out of its skin.

Also the requirement of the spirit integrated into the player of the same level as the genetic essence that they filled to 100 percent for becoming a tier 2 hunter is a necessity.

The spirit that was integrated into the soul of the player or hunter will follow him or her throughout their life.

It is like a foundation for a player and also for their combat effectiveness.

A player or hunter can integrated a spirit in to their soul only after they broke through the 60 stat point's bottle neck.

Mohini handed over the spirit bead to the one monitoring her and continued with the process.

After she is done with the processing Mohini was told to come back to the ship.

She still has to do some preparatory work to support the cook to make food.

By the time Mohini came back she heard the news that the sensory hunter died because of the heavy injuries.

They directly buried his body on the island right in front of Mohini.

They will spend few more days on this island to collect more resources.

They did not have any means to store the dead body as the cold storage will be filled with monster meat.

The leading player or the leader of this trip Jara the son of king of arms faction don't care about the death of the subordinates.

His target is to improve his strength and improve his profits.

Also this sensory hunter has joined in the last expedition of Resource Island.

He is not from their king of arms faction instead he is from the magic research faction.

That is the reason why he has high sensory perception.


With that Mohini already got her crisis averted.

She first went to help the cook of the ship with her work.

After she was done with that Mohini went back to her room to rest.

She did not have any interest in exploring this island.

Based on her memories except for the vitality pool and the rare ranked chaos monster there is nothing on this island.

So she did not bother to do anything.

Instead she chatted with the girls while telling them some things important and practiced her techniques.

After a while she studied the new details from simulation and made some plans.


Time passed by another week.

Mohini was able to reach 100 stat points in some of the stats.

At the same time she was able to fill some more genetic essence and consumed them.

She along with the people of the king of arms faction returned back to the safe island.

Mohini mostly took the chaos points as payment which made the people of king of arms faction like Mohini.

Also her night services were the best for Jara and he really wanted to spend a little more time with her.

But he is not blinded by lust.

He has his own things to do and there are other women to take care of.

Well any way they can invite Mohini back again for their hunt.

They want her to become their cook for the future hunts as well.

Mohini agreed.

She has already simulated and found that these people would give her more genetic essence.

There is also a chance of obtaining some special resources that she needed for upgrading the ark island.

Mohini still has to go out of this place and enter her ark island at least once to activate some things.

It is mandatory.

So after leaving the people of the king of arms faction Mohini came to a dockyard that can be rented...…


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