Chapter 181: earn money to bring people back

Chapter 181: earn money to bring people back

The funny thing is that the favorability of Abraham towards Mohini has reached over 60 points.

This is not love but he is admiring Mohini being his master.

In a way it is the beginning version of loyalty.

Well Mohini did not have any thoughts of bringing this man back to the real world for the time being.


Mohini is not going to stay here instead she is going to South America.

She is going to meet with the Lovelace family and make some initial connections.

She has already spoken Abraham about this and they are going to invest in Lovelace family from the shadows.

But they will not interfere with anything in the future.

Mohini is going to propose to take Roberta from the Lovelace family in the name of love at first sight.

Well Mohini is not going to show her women's face here instead she will take the appearance of Vicky.

Mohini was sure that this world is still far from having girls love openly.

Well it is not the full effort instead it will be her first contact with Roberta before the official plot.

Mohini will act as Vicky.

Vicky is the small time business man that came here to invest in their sugarcane plantations for wine making here.

He is not here for the lanthanides.

This is the plot and disguise that Mohini has thought of, for approaching Roberta and Lovelace family.

Well before going there she rested.

The rest is a different thing.

She let Abraham fuck her to satisfy her.

Abraham used his dick to the very last drop of cum to serve Mohini and to satisfy her.

Mohini was really satisfied.

Also the work of authenticating the treasure of the pirate flint's treasure and other things related to selling were handed over to Abraham.

Mohini already mentioned the bottom price as 10 million dollars which would be the starting price of the auction.

With 10 million dollars converted into chaos points, Mohini can gain 100 thousand chaos points.

For the current world setting becoming a billionaire is very hard.

Before leaving this world Mohini wanted to make at least 100 billion dollars to gain 1 billion chaos points.

That is her target for this world in chaos points, along with the special magical items and other materials that she wanted to collect.

Since she knows what materials are lacking in the real world she is going to collect them in quantities that she can take back.

There is another person that wanted to find in this world.

It is Veena from the king of scientific research faction.

Before entering the fantasy world Mohini has already contacted her and spoke to her about many things.

From the memories of simulation Mohini found that this woman has strong love interest in Mohini.

Mohini has already tested her loyalty in his simulations and confirmed that she is very loyal to her.

So Mohini wanted to directly pull Veena into her group.

Mohini also tested her before in the high school of the dead fantasy world.

Well she wants to know if there is any change after returning to the real world or something like that.

Since the simulations said that she is loyal and Mohini also liked this woman called Veena.

She has decided to completely take Veena as a trusted partner.

But finding her is a hard thing if she did not have the memory from her simulation.

She will be a part of CIA and comes to Roanapur as the helper of sister Eda along with another person called Rico.

The only person that Mohini feels sad is that she cannot get the younger version of Sister Yolanda from the rip off church.

She is a super beauty that was shown in her younger version in the plot line and also a strong woman with many skills.

Well even without that Mohini want to pull Yolanda into her group.

It is just because of her strong personality and her deterring power to live in Roanapur and even doing the weapons business under the noses of those big bosses.

If she cannot make her young again and take her as a lover, she would at least take back her older version to get a foot hold in the free country.

She is the best candidate to gain a foot hold in the free country in the future.

Well she did not have to fear about turning her young.

She has already prepared everything.

Also she herself has used an age reduction pill and knows how things would work.

Originally Mohini did not notice her at first.

It was actually noticed by his girls when they are checking the anime and the comic version of the story.

They suggested to Mohini to try and bring back Yolanda.

Saeko wanted Mohini to bring back Yukio Washimine from the yakuza family of Japan.

She felt that Yukio Washimine has the potential to learn the way of the sword.

They also suggested bringing back the armed personal and strong characters like Ginji Matsuzaki and the people behind Balalaika.

These people can become Mohini's personal guards on her ark ship and her ark island.

She can spend few million chaos points to get a strong support like them.

She did the same in the simulation too.

She already has a list of people that she needs to bring back and the people that might back stab her.

The billion chaos points that she wants to earn form this world are all to gain back what she is going to spend on them and going to spend in this world.

As for the other players and some veterans, Mohini don't really care as they all are just small fries.

If they met Mohini by chance then they will pay her a very big price of things or with their lives.

The journey is quite long and takes over 14 hours for Mohini to reach there.

It is the same for the Caribbean islands too...….


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