Chapter 182: Mohini became Vicky to get Roberta

Chapter 182: Mohini became Vicky to get Roberta

The journey is quite long and takes over 14 hours for Mohini to reach there.

It is the same for the Caribbean islands too.

But fortunately the flight time from England to Caribbean islands is 10 hours.

That is why it took her an entire 3 days of time for all of that.

On the morning of the fourth day Mohini arrived at South America where Lovelace family is currently staying.

Mohini came here to meet with Diego Lovelace and also meet with Roberta and Garcia.

Mohini changed her image to Vicky before meeting with Diego.

Vicky's visit was very welcoming and she spoke to them about the materials that wanted to buy and some of the formal things.

Well the cartel that was already there harassing the Lovelace family in the past few days tried to make a move on Vicky.

But they were unable to get him and their men turned into vegetative state.

So they are cautious of Vicky.

When Vicky came Roberta has welcomed him and notified Diego.

Vicky spoke to Diego about his cooperation and other things and finally mentioned his liking to Roberta and if he is willing to marry her off to him.

Well Roberta rejected it directly and Diego don't want to force her.

But Vicky wanted to speak to her privately for a moment which was allowed.

Well every man wants to have a chance to propose to the lady they loved.

So Diego insisted that Roberta to listen to what Vicky have to say.

After Diego left and Vicky made sure that Garcia was not in the vicinity before he spoke.

"Miss Roberta or should I call you Rosarita Cisneros or should I call you The Bloodhound,"

As soon as these words came out her fists tightened and wanted to attack Vicky right then and there.

But she still held back.

"I know about your past, but I still love you and want you to be a part of my harem.

I know that right now you are very loyal to the Lovelace family and will go any lengths to protect them.

I know about the minerals that were found in the land belongs to Lovelace family and their quarrel with the mafia.

But your strength might not be enough in this matter dealing with the entire mafia.

I will not force you to make any choice as I don't like forcing women.

If the mafia were to do something to Garcia…."

As soon as the name of Garcia was mentioned Roberta threw her stone like fist towards Vicky's face.

Vicky leisurely caught them with a single hand like he is catching a chicken or a fist thrown by a little kid.

Her strength should have reached over 70 stat points by Mohini's analysis.

The strongest should have even reached 90 stat points or even more.

She was astounded by the quick reaction and strength of Vicky.

She threw another fist and even a leg but they were all caught by Vicky easily.

Right now she was literally handing in the air with only one leg on the ground in an embarrassing position.

She was struggling to break free from his hands as Vicky continued speaking.

Vicky did not reveal her original female appearance of Mohini right now.

This is because it would be self defeating.

Mohini wanted to drag things and reveal the truth about it when Roberta has finally fallen in love with her.

"I am not here to threaten you with the life of a kid.

If I want to take you, then there is no one in this world that can stop me.

As I said before I love you and I came here just for you and not to do business with the Lovelace family.

I know you need time to think.

You have all the time in the world.

There are some secrets I cannot tell you right now.

Something like this…."

Vicky let her go as she did not attack him again but looked at him cautiously when Vicky took out a big gun out of thin air.

This shocked her so much that she was dazed a little.

Vicky then hid the weapon back like magic and then said to her.

"I am from a different place from you and came here on some missions.

I have to gain a foot hold in Roanapur in a few days.

You know it is the city of thugs and criminals.

If something seriously happen and you did not know where to find then contact me.

I don't know how long will I stay in the Roanapur.

If you change your mind one day then don't shy away.

Don't tell me you love that little kid Garcia.

He is still a kid and you are a big woman.

(So you should choose a big woman like me.)

Well that is all I have to say to you right now.

I can only say my secrets to you if you really trust me.

Also one more thing if you saw me doing something you did not expect then doesn't jump into conclusions directly.

I am doing it to protect something precious to you.

This is my prediction of your future.

Okay bye then…"

Vicky gave her his contact information for his special phone.

Vicky then greeted Diego again and left.

After leaving there, Vicky first transformed back into Mohini.

Then she put on some sexy dress showing off her body to every man around the area.

She then contacted Abraham to arrange for the business deal that she spoke off to Diego Lovelace.

As for the profit and loss from this business with Diego Lovelace is not important at all.

Other than that Mohini spoke to Abraham saying that she don't have to make any move or negotiation with the mafia here.

It is only a business deal and nothing more for the time being.

No matter what the Columbian mafia did Abraham was ordered to not interfere in this matter...….


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