Chapter 183: simulating to know the future

Chapter 183: simulating to know the future

No matter what the Columbian mafia did Abraham was ordered to not interfere in this matter.

Mohini still have 2 days for the official plot to start.

Mohini has already chosen her entry point and joining the black lagoon.

For that she has to travel to Japan right now.

The flight time takes an entire day that is 21 hours of time.

So she really did not have any time right now.

She immediately got a flight to Japan.

Her target is the ship the protagonist of the story Rock is going to take and have the accident to fell into the hands of black lagoon pirates.

Since it is a long journey Mohini has enough time to rest and also check her plan.

Mohini wanted to try a simulation in the fantasy world to check her situation.

She immediately activated the simulation system.


Player do you want to spend 1000 chaos points to simulate in the fantasy world.





With a nod the simulation started.


Fantasy world: black lagoon

Fantasy world simulation starts...."

"First month,

Player was successfully able to join the lagoon pirates.

Made contact with many people in the Roanapur.

Impression on some woman is improved….."

"Second month,

Player took leave to go to Europe because of the information related to secret society obtained by Abraham.

Contacted by Roberta and found the start of the conquering of Columbian mafia started.

You know that a good show will happen so you specifically delayed the arrival till you stopped the two chicks Roberta and Revy from fighting.


"Third month,

Met with master Chang and went on a mission related to some documents.


.....bla bla bla.....

After that the simulation ended with Mohini leaving the fantasy world.

From the simulation she got some choices to choose from.


Please choose one of the following options.

Option 1: important memories during the simulation. (2,000 chaos points)

Option 2: training technique experience and spell experience gained during the simulation. (400 chaos points)

Option 3: skills and skill experience obtained during the simulation. (500 chaos points)

Option 4: blood lines obtained during the simulation. (0 chaos points)

Option 5: improved stats related to intelligence, sense and charm. (0 chaos points)

Option 6: improved stats related to vitality and agility. (0 chaos points)

Option 7: improved stats related to strength and stamina. (0 chaos points)


Mohini was shocked to find that she did not improve any stats during her time in the fantasy world.

She was here for at least more than 2 years.

So why is there no improvement in her stat points?

Immediately the answer came to her mind from the description of the simulation.

Yes she can improve her power in the fantasy world but not everything can be taken out of this fantasy world.

At the end of the fantasy world her completion rate and other things will be calculated by the system and then a percentage of her improvement can be taken.

Also in fantasy world with normal settings like black lagoon she cannot use simulation to strengthen herself.

But in worlds like Naruto, hunter x hunter, dragon ball z, fairy tail...… Mohini will be able to use the simulation to improve the power she can gain in that world.

Those are life simulation worlds.

At that time all of her stats will change to the corresponding energy or power values of that world.

At the end of the fantasy world the system will calculate her obtainable stats through special factors.

There Mohini can choose what she wanted to get.

That is the same for the blood lines.

That is the difference between simulating in the fantasy world and real world.

Since black lagoon is a normal world she cannot get any of the later options related to stats or blood lines.


Well she is not disappointed as she also cannot get the memories from the black lagoon world in the simulations of the real world.

All of her plans were formed based on the assumptions from the noted important points of her memories.

So she decisive chooses the memories from the simulation while leaning back on the flight seat.

She did not felt head ache like last time.

Her mental strength has improved after her stats rose by a good level.

Immediately the memories appeared in her mind as she analyzed them slowly understanding the details clearly.

There is happiness on her face some time and there is a frown some times.

Finally she muttered.

"So I lost the old nun Yolanda even after turning her into a young beauty.

I made the bad choice there.

As for saving Gretel made balalaika angry.

Too much time is lost there...….

So that is the problem with the secret society…..

Good treasures I should get them....

This knowledge is very valuable in both real world and the fantasy world…..

So many secrets...."

The more she learnt about the information that more she thought of about the situations.

There are good things and there are bad things in the memories.

Mohini has to find solutions for those bad things quickly so that she can get all the good things to the highest possible limit.

What do a person that completely depends on her own abilities and preparations need unlike the scumbag protagonists that are favored by great luck.

With just a walk they will get everything they wanted.

But for a person like Mohini, she has to prepare everything by herself.

For that to progress smoothly she needs information.

Information is the key to all of her victory.

As long has the information is received is accurate she can do anything.

So the simulation skill is the best possible skill that Mohini could have.


While analyzing the situations, Mohini rested peacefully thinking of solutions to the problems.

If she was doubtful she would use the simulation again and get the solutions.

Also she got the information related to the secret society and their records...….


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