Chapter 185: a bet with Ginji 

Chapter 185: a bet with Ginji

The principal was excluded and food was arranged to Vicky through his means in the guest room provided by Vicky.

In the room under the request from Vicky only he and Yukio were present.

At first principal was also there but when Vicky spoke about his philosophical thoughts his mind short circuited.

So he left quickly, not wanting to embarrass himself.

Yukio acted politely with Vicky.

After the principal left the words of Vicky also changed to the dark side of the world.

Even though she always runs away from the dark side of the world her true nature is not that.

She was stubborn like a wild bull and cannot see the full picture of anything.

She is not a leader material instead if she was arranged as a fighter then she should be good.

As for hating the underworld, it might not be true as she tried to protect the very people that she should have hated.

Those people are the ones that formed the underworld doing all kinds of atrocities.

So in the final conclusion she is a frightened lost but stubborn lamb that needs to be guided.

Also she is so fearful that she fell in love with a man that is very much older than her.

It was her feeling of having support to save her from all this confusion and dark world.


The words of Vicky directed towards her pointing at the very place where she don't want to understand.

Even the example that Vicky gave her that indicated her future has made her realize some things.

Finally Vicky said…

"Miss Yukio, because of too much indulgence in the psychology, I was able to predict some things.

The story I said about you is the same as my prediction.

But it might not happen as well.

Right now I am going to the city that holds the dark side of the world to improve my psychological quality and this prediction ability.

It is called Roanapur.

If in the future if you ever felt like you are in trouble and wants some help, then contact me…

This is my number…."

Vicky gave her the contact information just like he gave to Roberta before.

Her favorability has reached 20 points after Vicky explained some things to her.

She still needs to understand the words of Vicky to gain a full enlightenment.

Vicky was sure that if she completely understands it her favorability would reach 40 points.

Everything was designed by Mohini to pull Yukio completely towards her.

After leaving here Mohini did not go anywhere but went to meet with Ginji.

Mohini wants to see the level of sword skills that this man possesses.

Mohini is going to make a bet with him to get him away from Yukio.

If they are together they will definitely die.

Instead if she can take him under her then she might be able to save them both and get two capable people on her team.

With that Mohini went to a place near a shrine.

There is an old wooden house here.

This is where Ginji is living.

Mohini directly entered the place and went straight to the house to knock on the door.

After some time Ginji came from behind the house wearing a sweaty shirt.

He seems to be practicing on the back yard of the house.

He looked at Mohini and asked him about her purpose of visiting him.

Mohini did not go around the head and directly went to the point.

"Mister Ginji, I want to challenge you to a duel.

I also want to make a bet with you."

Mohini did not use Vicky's appearance here as she wants Ginji to become a part of her harem just like Hirano.

Ginji don't know how to respond to a person that came to his door for duel.

But he did not jump in instead he directly rejected Mohini proposal for a duel.

He already has someone to protect.

So he was not stupid enough to entangle with other things and troubled things.

Mohini knows that she has to use her wild card here.

So she directly brought up the topic.

"Mister Ginji, I love Yukio.

Being a person that guards her safety you should at least test me before letting her fall into my hands right."

Girls love is not that famous throughout the world but here at this time there are still some words.

Since it is a dark world it is not difficult for girls love to prevail.

As soon as Mohini spoke the expression on the face of Ginji changed.

Mohini knows that she has touched the right nerve to twitch Ginji.

Mohini continued speaking.

"I know that you want her to live peacefully.

Do you think it is easy to get a peaceful life being the only daughter of the yakuza family?

But I can give her peaceful life that you wanted to give her.

Well at least I will not let her die unless I die before her.

Being her body guard you are the big man that would be best qualified to test my abilities to protect her.

So I came to you to have a duel.

If I win I want you to become my subordinate when Yukio becomes my woman and help me a little with her stubborn heart to save her from doing something stupid.

That is the thing I wanted to bet with you.

You can tell me your stakes….."

As Mohini explained Ginji's frown receded to thoughtfulness.

Unlike many young people out there Mohini is very clear about the things.

She has even done all the background checks before coming to Ginji.

He really wants Yukio to have a peaceful life and he knows that there is no such thing as true peace without enough strength to support it.

So he has decided to give Mohini a chance.

Even though it might be strange to trust a girl this should be better than sending Yukio to her death...…..


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