Chapter 186: Ginji trusts Mohini with Yukio

Chapter 186: Ginji trusts Mohini with Yukio

Even though it might be strange to trust a girl this should be better than sending Yukio to her death.

He knows about the recent skirmishes between the yakuza gangs.

So sending Yukio with Mohini is much better than letting her stay in this mess.

If in the future if Yukio finds her true love then he can help her blocking Mohini or even offering himself to Mohini for saving Yukio.

Mohini has already calculated this before coming here.

All this time, he doesn't even know the name of Mohini.

He briefly asked Mohini about her name and background before agreeing to the duel.

Mohini simply stated her name and her background as an orphan, a mercenary and now a business woman with a company in Europe.

"Well the profile is good.

There is financial support and the background is rough that knows the ins and outs of the world.

This is perfect to protect Yukio."

Ginji thought.

If the strength of Mohini is also good then there is no problem leaving Yukio to Mohini.

He nodded his head and led Mohini to the back yard of the house.

There he gave a practice sword to Mohini to have a duel.

Mohini specifically mentioned that the duel should be fair and Ginji should not hold back on her.

Ginji nodded his head in approval and they started the duel.

Ginji is using a long sword made of wood while Mohini was given a normal wooden sword of her choice.

Immediately after that they started the fight with the blow of the air.

As a man from Japan Ginji has his sword style related to the samurai style.

For samurai style their highest power always lies in their sword drawing techniques.

Mohini already has a counter to this move prepared when she practiced many styles of the way of the sword to make her own style.

When the sword draw was used by Ginji, Mohini moved her sword in a tricky angle simply diverting the force of the sword draw.

It is more like Hawkeye in one piece diverting the bullets.

The movements are smooth and gentle, but at the same time they are firm and precise.

These are the movements of Mohini when fighting against a Japanese style sword art of Ginji.

After few minutes it felt like Mohini teaching Ginji rather than a duel.

Mohini was standing on the same spot from the start to the end without moving an inch or flinching to the side.

There is not even an indentation of her legs formed on the loose soil because of the force exerted by Ginji's sword on Mohini.

Within a few minutes Ginji understood the difference between Mohini and him and admitted defeat.

Mohini felt like an old monster living in a young body.

Looking at Mohini's slender but sexy body Ginji don't know from where all that strength came from.

When Mohini is done with the fight she told some things to Ginji and instructed him to protect Yukio no matter what happens.

At the same time Mohini turned into Vicky right in front of Ginji shocking him to the point that he thought that Mohini is a Yokai.

But Mohini told him that this was all related to her secrets that can only be said to the people that truly trusted her.

So he did not have the right to know about this.

Well she also told him to spread his name to Yukio so that she would not forget her.

Mohini mentioned that she has met Yukio in the appearance of Vicky before coming to him.

Ginji thought that Mohini is going to pursue Yukio by staying here.

But Mohini told him that she has to leave as there are many other things to take care off.

Mohini bid farewell to him and left after drinking tea.

Well her lucky pervert title activated making Ginji fall on her causing them to share a kiss.

Many perverted skills of Mohini took action and Ginji became intoxicated for a moment.

Mohini did cooperate moving Ginji's hands towards her tits and crotch.

She wants to let him make sure that she is a woman right now.

Mohini has a ship to catch so that she can step into the main plot.

She quickly came to the port area and went through the back channels to gain the illegal immigration thing on the ship that rock is going to board that night.

They are travelling towards the small country to the north.

It will set sail that night and the pirates would come to get them in the morning next day.

The journey time is around few days between the countries.

Because it was a ship and has to go to the big port it will take longer.

Rock will board this ship tomorrow morning when it will set sail.

Mohini want to sleep in the ship for the night.

Well the captain of the ship is very much interested in the young sexy appearance of Mohini.

She looked 18 years old with hot curves that can move any man's heart.

After paying some good amount of cash and some sweet favors, Mohini was happily sleeping naked in the ship.

The captain is hugging her tightly beside her.

She has been constantly on work for the past 7 days and today she will rest for the night peacefully.

After this strong exercise she was able to relieve most of the stress and directly fell into sleep.

Based on some senses men would not kill women most of the times unless that person has some mental issues.

So no one disturbed Mohini in her sleep.

Well she did check on one thing that is if there is any other player that was able to make their way here.

Unfortunately none of the beginner level players were good enough to make their way to this ship.

Tomorrow an hour before the start of the plot the veteran players will officially join in the game...…..


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