Chapter 193: Revy acted lady like

Chapter 193: Revy acted lady like

Well with the drama going on in front of her, Mohini did not bothered to speak and sat to the side watching the show.


When Benny spoke about the appearance of something on the radar asking Revy to take a look, Mohini directly answered the question.

"It is a low altitude assault gun ship, Benny"


Both Benny and Dutch were shocked at the same time.

Dutch immediately got into action and moved the ship quickly.

Mohini did not go out right now and braced herself still watching the drama.

It is not like anything would change in this kind of situation with her intervention any way.

Also Mohini was not as luck as the plot characters so she don't know if she would live the shooting from a gunship.

So she stayed silent as the plot move on letting them reach the closed up area of the back waters.

Rock became paranoid again and then received a punch in the face to clear his mind.

Mohini was still silent waiting for the right time to add in the words to rock's plan.

Mohini don't want to change the plot, so in order to contribute Mohini has to use her advantage of knowledge she has on getting the attention of others.

Well Mohini has the idea of shooting the infra red homing missiles but she was sure that with the bullets she will not be able to blast them off in the air.

So her other choice is to go with the plan that rock is going to suggest.

So when rock wanted to suggest the plan Mohini actively supported it and told Dutch and Revy to listen once as it would not cost them anything right now.

When rock spoke the pieces of words related to sunken ship, speed of the boat, those old torpedoes...…

"Oh…. It is like that….

It really is a chicken race.

Good plan rock…"

Mohini said patting on the shoulder of rock.

"What is the good plan?

I did not understand anything."

Revy said and Dutch has question marks on his head too.

Breaking rock's words Mohini explained what rock wanted to explain.

Finally she let rock add the words saying that the other party is a gunman…

With that Mohini successfully shared a part of contribution from rock.

Well if this is not possible Mohini wanted to use her nuclear bullets here.

But she restrained herself as there are many places that can be used when life is really threatened.

Right now it is still good and she doesn't want to waste the nuclear bullets on these gunman morons.


Soon after the epic scene of a gunship being hit by a torpedo appeared in front of Mohini.

Well she was unable to see anything like that in the anime.

But still the rush is as great as having an orgasm.

When the small boat fell back down into the waters there is a big turbulence and everyone were hit by the impact.

Even though Mohini was able to avoid any big injuries her lucky pervert title hit the spot again right then.

Revy flew towards her in reverse directly with her face hitting her crotch and her ass smacked Mohini face.

It is fortunate that she did not have balls and dick.

So she was fine with the impact and nothing major happened.

But her faced did not escape and was directly smacked by Revy's ass.

Naturally Revy uses the words "Kiss my ass" when she want to use profanity but this time she literally kissed her ass.

Well her touch and everything is poisonous to woman and the more sensitive place that she came into contact with the more aroused the women would be.

Because of her perverted skills that would make the woman aroused and seduced towards her with every contact.

Even though the art of seduction is still at the starting stage it is easy with such a close and intimate contact.

So the impact is also high on Revy.


This made Revy moan.

But no one knows if it is the moan because of her pain or because of the contact with Mohini.

Well they parted and Revy acted strangely lady like for a moment before returning back to her usual self.

She is a tough nut to crack.

Well her life experience is like that and she build a strong wall in her heart against most people and love.

One has to break it slowly or with hard first at a single strike.

Well it might be possible if it is rock that wanted to break Revy's wall with her words.

For Mohini it is a little hard task.


With that done they moved towards the port where balalaika should be waiting for them.

Well Mohini looked relatively better than other people.

This is related to her charm which is abnormally high for the people of this fantasy world level.

She is a beauty with good curves, skin and charismatic appearance.

Her voice is magnetic and the scent from her can arouse others to rush their blood.

So she is a charming woman that does not look like a pretty girl but like a strong woman.

Dutch handed over the disk to balalaika that looked over at the two new faces in the group namely rock and Mohini.

Well Mohini wanted to speak but balalaika is in official business and she cannot speak to her now.

So she silently waited for the opportunity.

The plot continued and for the first time rock showed his back bone and spoke to his superiors.

Mohini patted on his shoulder and said.

"Good boy you acted with backbone this time…"

At that time balalaika appeared leaving in the car and spoke to rock and then turned her head to speak with Mohini.

"I heard that you wanted to speak about something to me and you are a magician or something.

Come with us we can speak back at the hotel peacefully after this matter is settled....."


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