Chapter 194: meeting with balalaika

Chapter 194: meeting with balalaika

"I heard that you wanted to speak about something to me and you are a magician or something.

Come with us we can speak back at the hotel peacefully after this matter is settled…"

Balalaika said to Mohini.

"No I will come back later.

Also I have taken a liking to this little group and want to join them for now to play some time.

All I want to talk is about a business so we can talk after you are done with that matter.

You can contact me after you are done.

Any way thanks for the offer miss balalaika you look lovely today…."

Mohini spoke in Russian just like she was a native of their country that made balalaika widen her eyes.

She was a little disappointed as Mohini did not want to join them but still she was happy with the cooperation.

She is a capable woman and can understand the meaning behind the words of Mohini so she did not pursue it.

So she replied with a little sad expression which is acting.

"Oh… I thought that you are going to join my group.

That is bad but still fine well will talk about your business later then…

I will contact you later and we can talk Miss Mohini.

Bye then…"

Balalaika left in the car.

Right at that time there is a man and a woman standing on the road facing the lagoon's group.

"Mohini, rock what are you going to do now?"

Dutch asked puffing up smoke from a cigarette.

"Well I wanted to gain a foot hold in this city of sin….

But your group is fun to be around.

I don't know if you accept an extra pair of hands on your pirate ship."

Rock spoke his classic lines about not being a hostage and no place to go from the plot.

Revy took over speaking that they need some extra pairs of hands on their deck to work.

Soon after that both rock and Mohini were accepted into the crew.


Next day they went on to take some goods from a big ship.

Rock tried to warn the ship's crew while Revy is preparing her RPG to hit the ship….

Mohini was sitting behind then looking at the show happily.

Well Revy did asked rock why he did not wear the "aloha" shirt that she got for him.

"Why did Mohini get that good shirt and I got that ugly "aloha" shirt?"

Rock asked with some grievance which Mohini on the back laughed happily.

She did change into a different shirt that suits this oceanic atmosphere that Revy bought her.

She rolled the sleeves and tied the ends of the shirt into a knot leaving her flat belly and belly button for the show.

Also she did not button the shirt revealing her cleavage and a part of nipple patches.

Other than that the shirt is on the right side and is barely holding down her tits from bursting out.

If she moved with rapid action then her tits would be out swinging like the round bells freely in the air.

So she is thoroughly satisfied with the shirt that she got from Revy.

She can only sympathize with rock as his luck is like that.

Revy wanted to annoy him more but he simply put on an excuse saying that he is on the job right now.

The ship's crew refused to stop.

So Revy shot the RPG on the ship.

Quickly they are done with their work and left back to the port before lunch.

Today Mohini is going to go and meet with balalaika to talk to her about the business Mohini came here for.


In the afternoon after lunch she came to a luxurious hotel in Roanapur.

This is where balalaika's mafia group is staying.

When Mohini arrived they did not restrict her much and directly notified balalaika.

She has already received a call from Mohini and she instructed her men to notify her when Mohini arrives.

Mohini was led to an office room where her personal bodyguard Boris was standing guard beside balalaika.

As for the main character balalaika is sitting there gracefully with a smile on her face and her hand supporting her chin.

Mohini arrived there without much fluctuation or fear about their eyes or strong dominating intent.

"Miss Sofiya Pavlovna or should I call you miss balalaika which do you prefer."

Mohini asked while walking towards her.

Balalaika smiled and said.

"Balalaika is fine please have a seat miss Mohini"

Mohini sat and said.

"No formalities are needed miss balalaika you can call me Mohini directly."

Balalaika spoke with a smile.

"Oh then you can call me balalaika too"

Mohini then extended her hand forward and a flower bouquet appeared out of thin air shocking both balalaika and Boris at the same time.

"These flowers are for you balalaika."

Mohini said without any fluctuations.

The reason for the shock is that both balalaika and Boris looked at the empty hand of Mohini and she is not even wearing a full hands shirt to say that she pulled that out of her sleeves.

Also the flower bouquet appeared straight on her extended empty hand which can be called a real magic.

But they are not stupid and can say that this is like the 'ESP' or 'ESPER' ability that was mentioned in some science fiction movies.

Mohini knows that they will think like that so after giving the flower bouquet to balalaika Mohini's hand has a medicinal glass bottle again.

Mohini slowly explained about these details and called Boris over to try it out.

The big scar on the face of Boris vanished as soon as she rubbed the medicinal cream on it shocking balalaika.

"Balalaika I know that you did not believe all the medicine that can clear the scar on your face.

This is also a gift for you but in order to prove its ability I have to use it in front of you…."


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