Chapter 197: hand stuck in Revy’s tank top

Chapter 197: hand stuck in Revy's tank top

Revy don't want to sit beside Mohini because for some reason she always ends up on the lap of Mohini in an embarrassing situation.

Well she did not mind that girly stuff but she don't want too much contact with Mohini that she rejects love because of her past trauma.

But still she ended up right beside Mohini because rock was late.

In the mean time Dutch introduced the job while Mohini got a notification related to the new task from the group that she joined.

The task is to save the people from the group from being killed and kill the opposite gang.

As for the rewards letting the 4 plot like characters alive with more than 80 percent health, Mohini will get 1000 chaos points each, which is around 4000 chaos points.

Then destroying the ship or killing all the people on a ship of the opposite gang would give him 10,000 chaos points each ship.

That is all there is no free skill points or free stat points rewards for these tasks.

Most probably this was a small time side quest.

Since it has given the quest of saving the lives of the plot like characters it means that they will face life threats today.

This also means that there will be other players in the show today.

Mohini analyzed all that.

Well she already knows about all that and where the threats are.

So she is already ready.

Even though she has memories the sense of time is a little scrambled so she don't know what day what would happen.

So she doesn't know today this event would happen but based on some signs she can find the start of the event.

Revy started to quarrel with rock about her aloha shirt that she brought to him before and rock argued back.

Well the driving of Benny is really weird and car was bumped again leaving Revy on the lap of Mohini.

Even though there is rock right beside her she will always ends up on the lap of Mohini for some reason.

"Revy, I don't know why but you always end up on my lap no matter what.

See on this seat there is also rock right beside me.

So why are you always ending up on my lap no matter which side I sit every time?"

Normally no one notices this small thing but when Mohini mentions it out loud it was really weird as Revy really ends up on her lap every time.

Even Revy was confused because she doesn't know.

"Since it will happen anyway,

Revy, why don't you sit on my lap from the start instead of falling like that?

Isn't it better to sit from the start than to fall with a bump?

Revy did not notice another thing that is because Mohini did not like the smell of the cigarette smoke she is trying to open the window just now.

So when Revy fell on her lap Mohini hand accidentally went straight into her black tank top and her tits are in Mohini hands.

Mohini has to accept this fact,

Even though Revy is a tough nut her tits are very soft and shapely.

When Mohini moved her hand Revy's face turned red which is more feminine and something that should not appear on Revy.

But it did appear this time and she struggled to pull Mohini arm out.

But because of the odd sitting when she fell, it was hard to remove Mohini hand which is being massaged between her tits.

If it was Mohini's special dick in place of her hand then Mohini was sure to be in heaven from all the pleasure.

But still she was in heaven from all the pleasure.

It is like her hand is having a tit job given by the tits of Revy.

She is not only moving her body but also her ass.

Her struggle is more like a lap dance than a struggle to get free from Mohini.

This aroused Mohini again with the rubbing of her rough jeans shorts against her pussy and clit made her have a small orgasm.

Well what she is wearing is a thin fabric that barely covered her body.

Finally after sometime Mohini calmed Revy down and pulled out her hand from inside Revy's tank top.

Throughout the entire plot there is not even once where the face of Revy blushed.

But right now Mohini was able to witness this scene.

Well her annoying face is far more beautiful than the blushing face.

Revy moved to the side to sit on the seat.

No one spoke about this mattes are the car was completely silent.

Well the people in the car had a hard on because of the girls play that happened right in front of them.

Especially rock was even more silent.

Previously when Revy dropped on Mohini's lap her legs moved uncontrollably giving rock a kick on his face.

The shoe print is still on his face and he stayed silent not wanting to light the fuse of Revy whose face is red.

They don't know if she is blushing or angry.

Well they soon arrived at the docks and they got on the ship.

The atmosphere eased after they started moving on the waters.

Revy over came her embarrassment and became normal.

She started to teach how to tie knots.

Mohini did not require any teaching as she can do all of that.

Also Revy did not want to see Mohini right now as she still remembers that happened just now.

Revy asked rock about his past.

Right at that moment rock asked about Revy's past that made her remembers something that she doesn't want to remember.

Mohini has a slight murderous intent buried in her eyes making rock have chill down his spine.

Rock can understand that he asked something that he should not have asked.

But he did not understand why Mohini became angry where rock asked about the past of Revy...…..


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