Chapter 198: another bet with Revy

Chapter 198: another bet with Revy

But he did not understand why Mohini became angry where rock asked about the past of Revy.

Well it did not last long as they received a message from Benny saying that there are other boats in the vicinity.

Mohini knows that the battle is going to start.

Unlike in the original plot there are more people on the boats and they are not acting stupid.

Mohini knows that things are different so she immediately took out her specially made gun and modified it to long range.

"Dutch, do you want me to act…?"

Mohini asked while Revy and Dutch are conversing.

"Do as you please Mohini."

Mohini looked at Revy and said.

"Revy this is your rampage prediction.

Do you like it?"

Revy's appearance changed to cold and said with a cold smile.

"You really did predict accurately so be quite and let me go on a rampage."

"Then Revy do you want to make a bet again with me.

Who will kill more of this scum…"

Mohini asked playfully.

Revy did not respond for a moment.

She has not fulfilled her previous bet now there is a new one.

If she wins then she can call them even directly.

If not then she will have to do two things that Mohini asked her to do.

Also she could not escape or refuse because Mohini would spank her.

She finally accepted the bet gritting her teeth and her cold face that was there before is gone.

That is right she forgot about her past because of the pestering of Mohini.

Mohini did it on purpose as she don't want Revy to do things half heartedly or distracted because of her past in this unpredictable battle with players involved.

As soon as she accepted the bet Mohini started the countdown.




As soon as she said one Revy started with her grenade launcher on the ship nearby.

Mohini really doesn't want to play with the bullets that fly without eyes.

But this time she has to come out of her safety shell.

So her gun started to shoot.

The boats that are close to her were hit with her hand gun while the boats father away were hit by the self made gun than can change its range based on her arrangements.

Revy put on her head phones playing a song to get into the mood and moved from ship to ship to kill.

But when she reached the ship she only gets to kill one or two men that are hiding.

This is because the bullets from Mohini seem to have eye of their own and hit them in their heads accurately.

No bullet that was shot by Mohini was wasted.

For every bullet there is someone that died.

"Dutch, after we are done with these people take me to those boats so that I can salvage some guns and bullets.

We can sell them or use them later and make up for some of our losses."

"Well that is a good suggestion.

We will go with that."

Dutch nodded his head and accepted Mohini's suggestion.

Revy did not know this as she removed her communication device and replaced it with headphones with a song.

But she was a little disappointed that Mohini killed most of the people this time too.

Also she did not move from the spot that she stood and shoot from there on a shaky ship towards those shaky targets.

The most important thing is that all of them are head shots.

As long as there is a person with his head visible on the boat opposite to them then Mohini's bullet will find their ways into their heads on their own.

Revy was irritated and asked Mohini.

"You said that I can go on a rampage.

But why did you intervene in the middle and took away my thunder."

She is not only angry about unable to vent out her anger by going on a rampage but also about the loss of the bet again.

Mohini smiled and said.

"Well I said that you have a chance to go on a rampage and not the other way around.

Since you lost the bet you have to two things I want you to do now.

Well we will talk about that after going back.

Now help me salvage the things.

If things go well we might get a bonus.

Don't you want to drink more with the bonus?

So come and help…"

Mohini has successfully coxed Revy into with the bonus and booze.

Dutch was very happy with the development because he would have to take care of Revy if Mohini did not do what she did right now.

After salvaging people got so much ammunition that they can at least get 10 grand from that.

Mohini collected all the dropped boxes from both players and plot characters.

Unfortunately most of them are low level boxes.

Mohini first stored them all inside the personal storage.

She did not fear that there is a player with strong background in this group.

This is because if the background is strong then that player would not come here with some riffraff like this.

After collecting the things the group returned.

While on the move Mohini noticed new faces in the people and her insight that was improved gave her some unusual understanding.

Mohini was able to find that the players have arrived to Roanapur.

Soon there is a chance that someone might come to join the lagoon company using every possible opportunity that they might find.

Balalaika called at that moment.

Mohini on the side picked up the call in place or rock.

"Hey balalaika how are things on that side."

"Things are quite good and the medicinal cream that you gave me made wonders.

Take some time off and come and have a chat with me, when you are free.

Put Dutch on the line Mohini there is something he should listen…."

Mohini gave the phone to Dutch...…


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